Kurs i programvare og applikasjoner
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Mer enn 100 treff ( i Skottland ) i Kurs i programvare og applikasjoner

2 dager 7 900 kr
Etter fullført kurs skal du kunne tegne illustrasjoner og logoer, klargjøre illustrasjoner for utkjøring og ha oversikt over programmets bruksområder. [+]
Vil du lære å tegne illustrasjoner og logoer til bruk i alle medier? Illustrator tegner vektorgrafikk som kan forstørres ubegrenset, uten å tape kvalitet og kan derfor brukes overalt. Adobe Illustrator er verktøyet for illustratører og grafiske designere, men også et program for deg som vil lage litt enklere illustrasjoner til internett, Power Point og Word. På kurset lærer du å ta utgangspunkt i enkle basisformer og kombinere dem til kompliserte figurer, slik at det blir det lett for alle å tegne. Hvorfor ta dette kurset: Du får en grundig innføring i programmet Du vil lære konkrete tegne- og designoppgaver Du vil lære å redigere/endre Illustrator-filer du mottar Du vil lære å lage illustrasjoner og logoer Du vil lære å lage grafikk for bruk på internett, lesebrett eller mobil Du vil lære effektive arbeidsmetoder Du får kontroll på tegninger med mange elementer og lag Du vil lære om fargebruk og klargjøring av filer for trykk og nett Dette lærer du: Arbeidsmiljøet i programmet Tegning med tegneverktøyene og ved å kombinere enkle grunnformer Redigering og transformering av objekter Innsetting av tekst og bilder Tekstbearbeiding Lage bannerannonser Bruk av farger og forløpninger Lag og gjennomsiktighet [-]
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Klasserom + nettkurs 1 dag 5 490 kr
Excel controllere/økonomer kurs vinklet fra en Controllers hverdag med fokus på gode metoder for å arbeid med Excel-lister. Påfyllet kurset gir deg, gjør deg i stand... [+]
Excel controllere/økonomer kurs vinklet fra en Controllers hverdag med fokus på gode metoder for å arbeide med Excel-lister. Påfyllet kurset gir deg, gjør deg i stand til å jobbe mer effektivt i Excel. Kursets mange eksempler, viser hva du virkelig kan få til i Excel, enten det er å jobbe med formler / funksjoner, lister eller store Excel-modeller. Kurset er utviklet av controllere, med det for øye at du skal kunne angripe dine Excel-utfordringer på en smart og effektiv måte. Kurset kan også spesialtilpasses og holdes bedriftsinternt i deres eller våre lokaler.   Kursinnhold:     Datautveksling/Klargjøring av data Mulige inndatametoder: Importering av tekstfil, webspørringer, innliming av data fra WWW. Importere data med ulikt dataformat: tekst - eller databaseformat Formatproblemer ifm. dataimport: ”feil” formater, fjerne deler av informasjon i en celle, fjerne duplikater, kjapt finne skrivefeil   Data/Konsolider Konsolider data: hvor data ligger i samme regneark Konsolidering data: hvor dataene skal behandles på tvers av regneark. Konsolidering data: hvor data ligger i ulike arbeidsbøker   Tabeller/Listefunksjonalitet Definisjonen av en tabell: Viktig å huske når tabellen skal behandles videre. Jobbe med en liste: få gode råd angående arbeid med lister Sortere tabellen: kjapt og enkelt med egendefinerte sorteringsnøkler Filter med Autofilter: filtrere ut bare de data du ønsker eller slette tomme rader. Filter med Avansert filter: få råd om i hvilke situasjoner det er smart å bruke avansert filter og hvordan du enklest bruker dette filteret. Beregninger i tabeller og lister Beregninger med flere variabler: Funksjonene Dsummer, Dantall og DGjennomsnitt Organiser og beregne data : Ved hjelp av delsammendrag. Lær hvordan resultatet kan kopieres til et annet sted. Oppslag i en liste: Funksjonene Finn.Kolonne og Finn.Rad Lag rapporter ved hjelp av Pivotteknikk: Opplev hvor enkelt det er å lage rapporter ved hjelp av pivotteknikk!   "Hva hvis"-analyser og optimalisering Sensitivitetsanalyse: Målsøking er en måte å regne ”baklengs” på. Sensitivitetsanalyse: Tabeller med 1 og 2 variabler Optimalisering: Ved hjelp av Problemløseren   Samarbeid med andre Deling av arbeidsbøker: ved ønske om å jobbe samtidig i samme arbeidsbok Sporing av endringer: når du ønsker å plukke opp de endringer andre har gjort     4 gode grunner til å velge KnowledgeGroup 1. Best practice kursinnhold 2. Markedets beste instruktører 3. Små kursgrupper 4. Kvalitets- og startgaranti   [-]
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Bedriftsintern 3 dager 27 000 kr
This course introduces participants to deploying and managing containerized applications on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) and the other services provided by Google Cloud... [+]
Through a combination of presentations, demos, and hands-on labs, participants explore and deploy solution elements, including infrastructure components such as pods, containers, deployments, and services; as well as networks and application services. This course also covers deploying practical solutions including security and access management, resource management, and resource monitoring. Objectives This course teaches participants the following skills: Understand how software containers work Understand the architecture of Kubernetes Understand the architecture of Google Cloud Platform Understand how pod networking works in Kubernetes Engine Create and manage Kubernetes Engine clusters using the GCP Console and gcloud/kubectl commands Launch, roll back and expose jobs in Kubernetes Manage access control using Kubernetes RBAC and Google Cloud IAM Managing pod security policies and network policies Using Secrets and ConfigMaps to isolate security credentials and configuration artifacts Understand GCP choices for managed storage services Monitor applications running in Kubernetes Engine   Course Outline Module 1: Introduction to Google Cloud Platform Use the Google Cloud Platform Console Use Cloud Shell Define cloud computing Identify GCP’s compute services Understand regions and zones Understand the cloud resource hierarchy Administer your GCP resources Module 2: Containers and Kubernetes in GCP Create a container using Cloud Build Store a container in Container Registry Understand the relationship between Kubernetes and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Understand how to choose among GCP compute platforms Module 3: Kubernetes Architecture Understand the architecture of Kubernetes: pods, namespaces Understand the control-plane components of Kubernetes Create container images using Google Cloud Build Store container images in Google Container Registry Create a Kubernetes Engine cluster Module 4: Kubernetes Operations Work with the kubectl command Inspect the cluster and Pods View a Pod’s console output Sign in to a Pod interactivelty Module 5: Deployment, Jobs, and Scaling Create and use Deployments Create and run Jobs and CronJobs Scale clusters manually and automatically Configure Node and Pod affinity Get software into your cluster with Helm charts and Kubernetes Marketplace Module 6: GKE Networking Create Services to expose applications that are running within Pods Use load balancers to expose Services to external clients Create Ingress resources for HTTP(S) load balancing Leverage container-native load balancing to improve Pod load balancing Define Kubernetes network policies to allow and block traffic to pods Module 7: Persistent Data and Storage Use Secrets to isolate security credentials Use ConfigMaps to isolate configuration artifacts Push out and roll back updates to Secrets and ConfigMaps Configure Persistent Storage Volumes for Kubernetes Pods Use StatefulSets to ensure that claims on persistent storage volumes persist across restarts Module 8: Access Control and Security in Kubernetes and Kubernetes Engine Understand Kubernetes authentication and authorization Define Kubernetes RBAC roles and role bindings for accessing resources in namespaces Define Kubernetes RBAC cluster roles and cluster role bindings for accessing cluster-scoped resources Define Kubernetes pod security policies Understand the structure of GCP IAM Define IAM roles and policies for Kubernetes Engine cluster administration Module 9: Logging and Monitoring Use Stackdriver to monitor and manage availability and performance Locate and inspect Kubernetes logs Create probes for wellness checks on live applications Module 10: Using GCP Managed Storage Services from Kubernetes Applications Understand pros and cons for using a managed storage service versus self-managed containerized storage Enable applications running in GKE to access GCP storage services Understand use cases for Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL, Cloud Spanner, Cloud Bigtable, Cloud Firestore, and BigQuery from within a Kubernetes application [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 3 timer 1 750 kr
27 Jun
Analyserer du store datamengder? Gjør du samme import hver dag/uke/måned? Importerer du data til Excel som ikke alltid har rett format? Har du lurt på hvordan det nye ver... [+]
Kursinnhold Import av .csv Import av tekstfiler (.txt) Import fra internett Transformering av data Rette opp feil Lage beregnede kolonner Regelmessig import Analyse av store datamengder   Det er fordelaktig å ha to skjermer - en til å følge kurset og en til å gjøre det kursholder demonstrerer. Kurset gjennomføres i sanntid med nettundervisning via Teams. Det blir mulighet for å stille spørsmål, ha diskusjoner, demonstrasjoner og øvelser. Du vil motta en invitasjon til Teams fra kursholder.   [-]
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Majorstuen 2 dager 9 200 kr
02 May
Med Microsoft Project 365 får du et godt verktøy for planlegging og oppfølging av prosjekter. Dette kurset lærer deg å håndtere ressurser, aktiviteter og budsjett. Du kan... [+]
Kursinstruktør Geir Johan Gylseth Geir Johan Gylseth er utdannet ved Universitetet i Oslo med hovedvekt på Informatikk og har over 30 års erfaring som instruktør. Geir sin styrke ligger innenfor MS Office. Han har lang erfaring med skreddersøm av kurs, kursmanualer og oppgaver. Geir er en entusiastisk og dyktig instruktør som får meget gode evalueringer. Kursinnhold Med Microsoft Project 365 får du et godt verktøy for planlegging og oppfølging av prosjekter. Dette kurset lærer deg å håndtere ressurser, aktiviteter og budsjett. Du kan opprette, oppdatere og gjøre enkel oppfølging i et prosjekt. Vi går igjennom hvordan du, både grafisk og i tekst, ser effekten av forandringer i prosjekt og hvordan du kan skrive ut dine prosjektplaner. Målet med kurset er å gi deg en prossessorientert tilnærming i Microsoft Project 365 slik at du er i stand til å arbeide målrettet og effektivt med programvaren etter kurset.   Sett opp Project for bruk i din bedrift – tips og triks. Lag egne kalendere for enkeltpersoner og/eller grupper. Hold oversikt over tids- og ressursbruk. Vit hvem som jobber hvor – på tvers av prosjekter. Kontroller kostnadene i prosjektet. Ta hensyn til lønnsøkninger og variable kostnader. Vis og kontroller hvordan prosjektet går i forhold til opprinnelig plan (Baseline). Presenter fremdrift på papir og på nett. Utnytt de nye rapportmulighetene. Ta hensyn til at arbeid noen ganger foregår på kvelden og i helger. Se hvordan du kan få vakre utskrifter med egendefinerte komponenter ved hjelp av Project sine rapportegenskaper. Lag dine egne tabeller og visninger, skreddersydd til ditt bruk. Gjør rapportering og oppfølging enkel slik at du kan konsentrere deg om å lede prosjektet. Bruk tidslinje for enkelkommunikasjon av fremdrift. Kommunikasjon med andre programmer.   I tillegg får du en rekke tips og triks du kan bruke i din arbeidsdag.  Alt du lærer får du repetert gjennom aktivoppgaveløsning slik at du husker det du har lært når du kommer tilbake på jobb. Kursdokumentasjon, lunsj og pausemat er selvsagt inkludert! NB: Ta med egen PC     Av innhold kan vi nevne: - Innstilling av programvaren – en reprise fra grunnkurset - Hva vil jeg ha ut av mine planer og hvordan får jeg det - Effektiv og målrettet planlegging - Bruk av ressurspool – Ressursstyring på tvers av prosjekter - Integrasjon og kobling mot Excel i rapportering og kostnadsoppfølging - En grundig gjennomgang av mulighetene i Project - Bygg dine egne rapporter og visninger - Bruk av flere kalendere - Detaljert budsjettering og kostnadsoppfølging - Få hjelp og råd med dine konkrete utfordringer i Project    Meld deg på Project-kurs allerede i dag og sikre deg plass!   "Kurset var svært konkret, nyttig med tanke på mine daglige oppgaver."Henning Colbjørnsen- Rælingen kommune   [-]
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Bedriftsintern 3 dager 27 000 kr
In this course, application developers learn how to design, develop, and deploy applications that seamlessly integrate components from the Google Cloud ecosystem. [+]
Through a combination of presentations, demos, and hands-on labs, participants learn how to use GCP services and pre-trained machine learning APIs to build secure, scalable, and intelligent cloud-native applications. Objectives This course teaches participants the following skills: Use best practices for application development Choose the appropriate data storage option for application data Implement federated identity management Develop loosely coupled application components or microservices Integrate application components and data sources Debug, trace, and monitor applications Perform repeatable deployments with containers and deployment services Choose the appropriate application runtime environment; use Google Container Engine as a runtime environment and later switch to a no-ops solution with Google App Engine Flex All courses will be delivered in partnership with ROI Training, Google Cloud Premier Partner, using a Google Authorized Trainer. Course Outline Module 1: Best Practices for Application Development -Code and environment management-Design and development of secure, scalable, reliable, loosely coupled application components and microservices-Continuous integration and delivery-Re-architecting applications for the cloud Module 2: Google Cloud Client Libraries, Google Cloud SDK, and Google Firebase SDK -How to set up and use Google Cloud Client Libraries, Google Cloud SDK, and Google Firebase SDK-Lab: Set up Google Client Libraries, Google Cloud SDK, and Firebase SDK on a Linux instance and set up application credentials Module 3: Overview of Data Storage Options -Overview of options to store application data-Use cases for Google Cloud Storage, Google Cloud Datastore, Cloud Bigtable, Google Cloud SQL, and Cloud Spanner Module 4: Best Practices for Using Cloud Datastore -Best practices related to the following:-Queries-Built-in and composite indexes-Inserting and deleting data (batch operations)-Transactions-Error handling-Bulk-loading data into Cloud Datastore by using Google Cloud Dataflow-Lab: Store application data in Cloud Datastore Module 5: Performing Operations on Buckets and Objects -Operations that can be performed on buckets and objects-Consistency model-Error handling Module 6: Best Practices for Using Cloud Storage -Naming buckets for static websites and other uses-Naming objects (from an access distribution perspective)-Performance considerations-Setting up and debugging a CORS configuration on a bucket-Lab: Store files in Cloud Storage Module 7: Handling Authentication and Authorization -Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles and service accounts-User authentication by using Firebase Authentication-User authentication and authorization by using Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy-Lab: Authenticate users by using Firebase Authentication Module 8: Using Google Cloud Pub/Sub to Integrate Components of Your Application -Topics, publishers, and subscribers-Pull and push subscriptions-Use cases for Cloud Pub/Sub-Lab: Develop a backend service to process messages in a message queue Module 9: Adding Intelligence to Your Application -Overview of pre-trained machine learning APIs such as Cloud Vision API and Cloud Natural Language Processing API Module 10: Using Cloud Functions for Event-Driven Processing -Key concepts such as triggers, background functions, HTTP functions-Use cases-Developing and deploying functions-Logging, error reporting, and monitoring Module 11: Managing APIs with Google Cloud Endpoints -Open API deployment configuration-Lab: Deploy an API for your application Module 12: Deploying an Application by Using Google Cloud Build, Google Cloud Container Registry, and Google Cloud Deployment Manager -Creating and storing container images-Repeatable deployments with deployment configuration and templates-Lab: Use Deployment Manager to deploy a web application into Google App Engine flexible environment test and production environments Module 13: Execution Environments for Your Application -Considerations for choosing an execution environment for your application or service:-Google Compute Engine-Kubernetes Engine-App Engine flexible environment-Cloud Functions-Cloud Dataflow-Lab: Deploying your application on App Engine flexible environment Module 14: Debugging, Monitoring, and Tuning Performance by Using Google Stackdriver -Stackdriver Debugger-Stackdriver Error Reporting-Lab: Debugging an application error by using Stackdriver Debugger and Error Reporting-Stackdriver Logging-Key concepts related to Stackdriver Trace and Stackdriver Monitoring.-Lab: Use Stackdriver Monitoring and Stackdriver Trace to trace a request across services, observe, and optimize performance [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 3 dager 20 000 kr
This course teaches Network Engineers how to design, implement, and maintain Azure networking solutions. [+]
COURSE OVERVIEW  This course covers the process of designing, implementing, and managing core Azure networking infrastructure, Hybrid Networking connections, load balancing traffic, network routing, private access to Azure services, network security and monitoring. Learn how to design and implement a secure, reliable, network infrastructure in Azure and how to establish hybrid connectivity, routing, private access to Azure services, and monitoring in Azure. TARGET AUDIENCE This course is aimed at Network Engineers looking to specialize in Azure networking solutions. An Azure Network engineer designs and implements core Azure networking infrastructure, hybrid networking connections, load balance traffic, network routing, private access to Azure services, network security and monitoring. The azure network engineer will manage networking solutions for optimal performance, resiliency, scale, and security. COURSE CONTENT Module 1: Azure Virtual Networks In this module you will learn how to design and implement fundamental Azure Networking resources such as virtual networks, public and private IPs, DNS, virtual network peering, routing, and Azure Virtual NAT. Azure Virtual Networks Public IP Services Public and Private DNS Cross-VNet connectivity Virtual Network Routing Azure virtual Network NAT Lab 1: Design and implement a Virtual Network in Azure Lab 2: Configure DNS settings in Azure Lab 3: Connect Virtual Networks with Peering After completing module 1, students will be able to: Implement virtual networks Configure public IP services Configure private and public DNS zones Design and implement cross-VNET connectivity Implement virtual network routing Design and implement an Azure Virtual Network NAT   Module 2: Design and Implement Hybrid Networking In this module you will learn how to design and implement hybrid networking solutions such as Site-to-Site VPN connections, Point-to-Site VPN connections, Azure Virtual WAN and Virtual WAN hubs. Site-to-site VPN connection Point-to-Site VP connections Azure Virtual WAN Lab 4: Create and configure a local gateway Create and configure a virtual network gateway Create a Virtual WAN by using Azure Portal Design and implement a site-to-site VPN connection Design and implement a point-to-site VPN connection Design and implement authentication Design and implement Azure Virtual WAN Resources   Module 3: Design and implement Azure ExpressRoute In this module you will learn how to design and implement Azure ExpressRoute, ExpressRoute Global Reach, ExpressRoute FastPath and ExpressRoute Peering options. ExpressRoute ExpressRoute Direct ExpressRoute FastPath ExpressRoute Peering Lab 5: Create and configure ExpressRoute Design and implement Expressroute Design and implement Expressroute Direct Design and implement Expressroute FastPath   Module 4: load balancing non-HTTP(S) traffic in Azure In this module you will learn how to design and implement load balancing solutions for non-HTTP(S) traffic in Azure with Azure Load balancer and Traffic Manager. Content Delivery and Load Blancing Azure Load balancer Azure Traffic Manager Azure Monitor Network Watcher Lab 6: Create and configure a public load balancer to load balance VMs using the Azure portal Lab:7 Create a Traffic Manager Profile using the Azure portal Lab 8: Create, view, and manage metric alerts in Azure Monitor Design and implement Azure Laod Balancers Design and implement Azure Traffic Manager Monitor Networks with Azure Monitor Use Network Watcher   Module 5: Load balancing HTTP(S) traffic in Azure In this module you will learn how to design and implement load balancing solutions for HTTP(S) traffic in Azure with Azure Application gateway and Azure Front Door. Azure Application Gateway Azure Front Door Lab 9: Create a Front Door for a highly available web application using the Azure portal Lab 10: Create and Configure an Application Gateway Design and implement Azure Application Gateway Implement Azure Front Door   Module 6: Design and implement network security In this module you will learn to design and imponent network security solutions such as Azure DDoS, Azure Firewalls, Network Security Groups, and Web Application Firewall. Azure DDoS Protection Azure Firewall Network Security Groups Web Application Firewall on Azure Front Door Lab 11: Create a Virtual Network with DDoS protection plan Lab 12: Deploy and Configure Azure Firewall Lab 13: Create a Web Application Firewall policy on Azure Front Door Configure and monitor an Azure DDoS protection plan implement and manage Azure Firewall Implement network security groups Implement a web application firewall (WAF) on Azure Front Door   Module 7: Design and implement private access to Azure Services In this module you will learn to design and implement private access to Azure Services with Azure Private Link, and virtual network service endpoints. Define Azure Private Link and private endpoints Design and Configure Private Endpoints Integrate a Private Link with DNS and on-premises clients Create, configure, and provide access to Service Endpoints Configure VNET integration for App Service Lab 14: restrict network access to PaaS resources with virtual network service endpoints Lab 15: create an Azure private endpoint Define the difference between Private Link Service and private endpoints Design and configure private endpoints Explain virtual network service endpoints Design and configure access to service endpoints Integrate Private Link with DNS Integrate your App Service with Azure virtual networks   TEST CERTIFICATION This course helps to prepare for exam AZ-700 [-]
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Virtuelt eller personlig 2 dager 9 900 kr
Etter kurset kan du bruke funksjoner i Revit MEP, MagiCAD og NTI Tools. [+]
    Fleksible kurs for fremtidenNy kunnskap skal gi umiddelbar effekt, og samtidig være holdbar og bærekraftig på lang sikt. NTI AS har 30 års erfaring innen kurs og kompetanseheving, og utdanner årlig rundt 10.000 personer i Nord Europa innen CAD, BIM, industri, design og konstruksjon.       Revit MEP MagiCAD El Basis II   Her er et utvalg av temaene du vil lære på kurset: Bruke funksjoner i Revit MEP, MagiCAD og NTI Tools Gjennomføre prosjektoppstart med en sentral fil Bruk av Revit familier i sammenheng med delte parametere Utforme elektroinstallasjonstegninger slik at mest mulig informasjon kan utnyttes med hensyn til BIM. Etter kurset kan du bruke funksjoner i Revit MEP, MagiCAD og NTI Tools. Gjennomføre prosjektoppstart med en sentral fil. Bruk av Revit familier i sammenheng med delte parametere. Lære å utforme elektroinstallasjonstegninger slik at mest mulig informasjon kan utnyttes med hensyn til BIM.   Dette er et populært kurs, meld deg på nå!   Tilpassete kurs for bedrifterVi vil at kundene våre skal være best på det de gjør - hele tiden.  Derfor tenker vi langsiktig om kompetanseutvikling og ser regelmessig kunnskapsløft som en naturlig del av en virksomhet. Vårt kurskonsept bygger på et moderne sett av ulike læringsmiljøer, som gjør det enkelt å finne riktig løsning uansett behov. Ta kontakt med oss på telefon 483 12 300, epost: eller les mer på [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 4 dager 26 000 kr
In this course, the student will learn about the data engineering patterns and practices as it pertains to working with batch and real-time analytical solutions using Azu... [+]
The students will learn how to interactively explore data stored in files in a data lake. They will learn the various ingestion techniques that can be used to load data using the Apache Spark capability found in Azure Synapse Analytics or Azure Databricks, or how to ingest using Azure Data Factory or Azure Synapse pipelines. The students will also learn the various ways they can transform the data using the same technologies that is used to ingest data. The student will spend time on the course learning how to monitor and analyze the performance of analytical system so that they can optimize the performance of data loads, or queries that are issued against the systems. They will understand the importance of implementing security to ensure that the data is protected at rest or in transit. The student will then show how the data in an analytical system can be used to create dashboards, or build predictive models in Azure Synapse Analytics. After completing this course, students will be able to: Explore compute and storage options for data engineering workloads in Azure Design and Implement the serving layer Understand data engineering considerations Run interactive queries using serverless SQL pools Explore, transform, and load data into the Data Warehouse using Apache Spark Perform data Exploration and Transformation in Azure Databricks Ingest and load Data into the Data Warehouse Transform Data with Azure Data Factory or Azure Synapse Pipelines Integrate Data from Notebooks with Azure Data Factory or Azure Synapse Pipelines Optimize Query Performance with Dedicated SQL Pools in Azure Synapse Analyze and Optimize Data Warehouse Storage Support Hybrid Transactional Analytical Processing (HTAP) with Azure Synapse Link Perform end-to-end security with Azure Synapse Analytics Perform real-time Stream Processing with Stream Analytics Create a Stream Processing Solution with Event Hubs and Azure Databricks Build reports using Power BI integration with Azure Synpase Analytics Perform Integrated Machine Learning Processes in Azure Synapse Analytics Course prerequisites Successful students start this course with knowledge of cloud computing and core data concepts and professional experience with data solutions.Recommended prerequisites:M-DP900 - Microsoft Azure Data FundamentalsM-AZ900 - Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Agenda Module 1: Explore compute and storage options for data engineering workloads This module provides an overview of the Azure compute and storage technology options that are available to data engineers building analytical workloads. This module teaches ways to structure the data lake, and to optimize the files for exploration, streaming, and batch workloads. The student will learn how to organize the data lake into levels of data refinement as they transform files through batch and stream processing. Then they will learn how to create indexes on their datasets, such as CSV, JSON, and Parquet files, and use them for potential query and workload acceleration. Module 2: Design and implement the serving layer This module teaches how to design and implement data stores in a modern data warehouse to optimize analytical workloads. The student will learn how to design a multidimensional schema to store fact and dimension data. Then the student will learn how to populate slowly changing dimensions through incremental data loading from Azure Data Factory. Module 3: Data engineering considerations for source files This module explores data engineering considerations that are common when loading data into a modern data warehouse analytical from files stored in an Azure Data Lake, and understanding the security consideration associated with storing files stored in the data lake. Module 4: Run interactive queries using Azure Synapse Analytics serverless SQL pools In this module, students will learn how to work with files stored in the data lake and external file sources, through T-SQL statements executed by a serverless SQL pool in Azure Synapse Analytics. Students will query Parquet files stored in a data lake, as well as CSV files stored in an external data store. Next, they will create Azure Active Directory security groups and enforce access to files in the data lake through Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and Access Control Lists (ACLs). Module 5: Explore, transform, and load data into the Data Warehouse using Apache Spark This module teaches how to explore data stored in a data lake, transform the data, and load data into a relational data store. The student will explore Parquet and JSON files and use techniques to query and transform JSON files with hierarchical structures. Then the student will use Apache Spark to load data into the data warehouse and join Parquet data in the data lake with data in the dedicated SQL pool. Module 6: Data exploration and transformation in Azure Databricks This module teaches how to use various Apache Spark DataFrame methods to explore and transform data in Azure Databricks. The student will learn how to perform standard DataFrame methods to explore and transform data. They will also learn how to perform more advanced tasks, such as removing duplicate data, manipulate date/time values, rename columns, and aggregate data. Module 7: Ingest and load data into the data warehouse This module teaches students how to ingest data into the data warehouse through T-SQL scripts and Synapse Analytics integration pipelines. The student will learn how to load data into Synapse dedicated SQL pools with PolyBase and COPY using T-SQL. The student will also learn how to use workload management along with a Copy activity in a Azure Synapse pipeline for petabyte-scale data ingestion. Module 8: Transform data with Azure Data Factory or Azure Synapse Pipelines This module teaches students how to build data integration pipelines to ingest from multiple data sources, transform data using mapping data flowss, and perform data movement into one or more data sinks. Module 9: Orchestrate data movement and transformation in Azure Synapse Pipelines In this module, you will learn how to create linked services, and orchestrate data movement and transformation using notebooks in Azure Synapse Pipelines. Module 10: Optimize query performance with dedicated SQL pools in Azure Synapse In this module, students will learn strategies to optimize data storage and processing when using dedicated SQL pools in Azure Synapse Analytics. The student will know how to use developer features, such as windowing and HyperLogLog functions, use data loading best practices, and optimize and improve query performance. Module 11: Analyze and Optimize Data Warehouse Storage In this module, students will learn how to analyze then optimize the data storage of the Azure Synapse dedicated SQL pools. The student will know techniques to understand table space usage and column store storage details. Next the student will know how to compare storage requirements between identical tables that use different data types. Finally, the student will observe the impact materialized views have when executed in place of complex queries and learn how to avoid extensive logging by optimizing delete operations. Module 12: Support Hybrid Transactional Analytical Processing (HTAP) with Azure Synapse Link In this module, students will learn how Azure Synapse Link enables seamless connectivity of an Azure Cosmos DB account to a Synapse workspace. The student will understand how to enable and configure Synapse link, then how to query the Azure Cosmos DB analytical store using Apache Spark and SQL serverless. Module 13: End-to-end security with Azure Synapse Analytics In this module, students will learn how to secure a Synapse Analytics workspace and its supporting infrastructure. The student will observe the SQL Active Directory Admin, manage IP firewall rules, manage secrets with Azure Key Vault and access those secrets through a Key Vault linked service and pipeline activities. The student will understand how to implement column-level security, row-level security, and dynamic data masking when using dedicated SQL pools. Module 14: Real-time Stream Processing with Stream Analytics In this module, students will learn how to process streaming data with Azure Stream Analytics. The student will ingest vehicle telemetry data into Event Hubs, then process that data in real time, using various windowing functions in Azure Stream Analytics. They will output the data to Azure Synapse Analytics. Finally, the student will learn how to scale the Stream Analytics job to increase throughput. Module 15: Create a Stream Processing Solution with Event Hubs and Azure Databricks In this module, students will learn how to ingest and process streaming data at scale with Event Hubs and Spark Structured Streaming in Azure Databricks. The student will learn the key features and uses of Structured Streaming. The student will implement sliding windows to aggregate over chunks of data and apply watermarking to remove stale data. Finally, the student will connect to Event Hubs to read and write streams. Module 16: Build reports using Power BI integration with Azure Synapase Analytics In this module, the student will learn how to integrate Power BI with their Synapse workspace to build reports in Power BI. The student will create a new data source and Power BI report in Synapse Studio. Then the student will learn how to improve query performance with materialized views and result-set caching. Finally, the student will explore the data lake with serverless SQL pools and create visualizations against that data in Power BI. Module 17: Perform Integrated Machine Learning Processes in Azure Synapse Analytics This module explores the integrated, end-to-end Azure Machine Learning and Azure Cognitive Services experience in Azure Synapse Analytics. You will learn how to connect an Azure Synapse Analytics workspace to an Azure Machine Learning workspace using a Linked Service and then trigger an Automated ML experiment that uses data from a Spark table. You will also learn how to use trained models from Azure Machine Learning or Azure Cognitive Services to enrich data in a SQL pool table and then serve prediction results using Power BI. [-]
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Virtuelt eller personlig 3 timer 12 480 kr
Vi tilbyr kurs i Revit Structure basis 1. Du vil få en en grunnleggende kjennskap til å arbeide med Revit Structure, og til prosessen i samarbeidet med en arkitekt basert... [+]
Agenda:• Introduksjon til BIM• Link av Revit-modeller• Koordinering av modeller• Utarbeidelse av generisk modell• Arbeide med eksisterende families• Håndtering av forandringer i grunnlaget• Snitt og detaljer• Skjemaer og uttrekk• Oppsetning til print [-]
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Virtuelt eller personlig 1 dag 6 500 kr
Kurset passer for deg som har god erfaring i generell bruk av Revit og som skal prosjektere og utføre hydrauliske beregninger på sprinkleranlegg. [+]
Her er et utvalg av temaene du vil lære på kurset: Oppsett av nytt sprinklerprosjekt i Revit Prosjektering av sprinkleranlegg Behandling av rørtyper, systemer etc Lage egne produkter for sprinklerhoder og andre produkter Hydrauliske beregninger IFC-eksport Oppsett av tegninger [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 5 dager 30 350 kr
Due to the Coronavirus the course instructor is not able to come to Oslo. As an alternative we offer this course as a Blended Virtual Course. [+]
Blended Virtual CourseThe course is a hybrid of virtual training and self-study which will be a mixture of teaching using Microsoft Teams for short bursts at the beginning of the day, then setting work for the rest of the day and then coming back at the end of the day for another on-line session for any questions before setting homework in the form of practice exams for the evening. You do not have to install Microsoft Teams , you will receive a link and can access the course using the web browser.  Remote proctored examTake your exam from any location. Read about iSQI remote proctored exam here Requirements for the exam: The exam will be using Google Chrome and there is a plug-in that needs to be installed  You will need a laptop/PC with a camera and a microphone  A current ID with a picture  KursinnholdDette 5 dagers kurset er rettet mot Testledere som ønsker ytterligere kompetanse innen softwaretesting. Kurset er bygget på Foundation kursets pensum og gir grunnleggende ferdigheter for enhver Testleder. Course content On completion the Test Manager will be able to 1. Manage a testing project by implementing the mission, goals and testing processes established for the testing organisation. 2. Organise and lead risk identification and risk analysis sessions and use the results of such sessions for test estimation, planning, monitoring and control. They will learn specific risk mitigation activities to determine residual risk and can report them to project stakeholders so that informed decisions can be made. 3. Create and implement test plans consistent with the organisational policies and test strategies. 4. Estimate test effort and resource usage for projects using a variety of estimation techniques. 5. Continuously monitor and control the test activities to achieve project objectives. 6. Assess and report relevant and timely test status to project stakeholders. 7. Identify skills and resource gaps in their test team and participate in sourcing adequate resources. 8. Identify and plan necessary skills development within their test team. 9. Process a business case for test activities, which outlines the cost and benefits expected. 10. Ensure proper communication within the test team and with other project stakeholders. 11. Participate in and lead test process improvement initiatives. 12. Plan and implement the selection of different types of tools, including open-source and custom-built tools, such that risks, costs, benefits and opportunities are adequately considered. Course material The course is highly practical and laptops are recommended. Utilities, tools and templates will be provided during the course to help the Test Manager in their daily tasks. Exam The ISTQB Advanced TM exam is a 3-hour multiple choice exam with the pass mark being 65%. There is an extra 45 minutes allowed for candidates whose first language is not English.You must hold the ISTQB Foundation certificate in software testing in order to sit this exam. The exam is a remote proctored exam. [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 3 timer 1 200 kr
Microsoft 365 er abonnement på Office-programmer og andre produktivitetstjenester som du får tilgang til via Internett (skytjenester). [+]
Microsoft 365 er abonnement på Office-programmer og andre produktivitetstjenester som du får tilgang til via Internett (skytjenester). Tidligere var dette kjent under navnet Office 365, men Microsoft har nå endret navnet til Microsoft 365. Fordelen er at du alltid har tilgang til Office-programmer og dine dokumenter, og kan dele dem med andre fra hvilken som helst enhet. Dette betyr at du har tilgang på dine dokumenter og verktøy via PC, mobil eller nettbrett. På kurset vil du lære om samhandling, kommunikasjon og tilgjengelighet. Om Microsoft 365Microsoft 365 er abonnement på Office-programmer og andre produktivitetstjenester som du får tilgang til via Internett (skytjenester). I abonnementet har du tilgang på en rekke applikasjoner, slik som Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Teams og lagring i OneDrive, samt mange andre nyttige verktøy. Fordelen er at du alltid har tilgang til Office-programmer og dine dokumenter, og kan dele dem med andre fra hvilken som helst enhet. Vi viser deg hvordan du kan jobbe effektivt med ditt Microsoft 365 abonnement. Pris: 1200 kroner Ansatte ved UiS har egne prisbetingelser.   Etter at du har meldt deg på webinaret, vil du få tilsendt praktisk informasjon om pålogging. Webinarene gjennomføres fra din PC eller nettbrett.    [-]
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Webinar + nettkurs 3 dager 12 550 kr
Kurset er rettet mot deg som vil lære grunnprinsippene og arbeidsmetodikk i Autodesk Revit og som jobber med byggeteknikk og armering. [+]
Kurset er rettet mot deg som vil lære grunnprinsippene og arbeidsmetodikk i Autodesk Revit og som jobber med byggeteknikk og armering.  I løpet av kurset gjøres øvelser for alle emner som blir tatt opp. Hensikten med kurset er at du skal få en grunnleggende forståelse i bruken av tegne- og konstruksjonsprogrammet Autodesk Revit. Kurset er nødvendig for å komme raskt i gang med bruk av programmet, og for å få den nødvendige forståelse for de mulighetene programmet gir. Du vil lære grunnleggende teknikk for bruk av programmet, og skal kunne bruke programmet til å lage 3D-modeller av bygninger, hente ut informasjon fra modellen og kunne produsere 2D-arbeidstegninger basert på 3D-modellen. Kursinnhold Introduksjon av Autodesk Revit Brukergrensesnitt Behandling av visninger Søyler Bjelker Dekker Vegger Utsparinger Editeringsverktøy Dimensjonering/Tekst Detaljering Utskrift [-]
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Nettkurs 180 dager 12 000 kr
Elæring CCNA: Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions [+]
CCNA: Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions [-]
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