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Dette kurset har ingen fremtidige kursdato(er) oppført. Bruk skjemaet for å kontakte kursholderen for mer informasjon.
Do YOU want to work as a forklift driver?
Look no further
Get in touch for further information or find a course date and register!
We do E-course on for module 1.
If you are a business with several employees who needs a course we can also help you.
We can travel all over the country if needed.
The theoretical part is common to all forklift classes T1-T5 with lifting capacity up to 10 tons. It then requires specific training on each forklift class. During the course we provide practical training for the most commonly used classes T1, T2, T3 and T4.
The E-course must be completed before the course starts. There will be a test at the start of the theory day. All tests are taken on mobile devices.
Course cost is NOK 6950, - including Test, theory, practice, certificate of competence.
If there is not enough participant the course will be cancelled/moved.
Payment in advance with Vipps for private persons and invoice for firms.
Cancel course minimum 1 workday before course start
If you don't attend or cancel course there will be no refund. If you are sick you will be offered a course at the next course date or get 50% refund.
For further information in English, please contact:
Trondheim, Heggstadmyra 8, 7080 Heimdal
Oslo, Svennerudvegen 38, 2016 Frogner
Stavanger, Teori: Best Western Havly Hotell, Praksis: Sjøhagen 16,4016 Stavanger
Bergen, Eidsvågveien 150, 5105 Eidsvåg i Åsane
Rest of Norge: Digital and on location agreed uppon.
Language is English and it is assumed that the participant masters English both written and spoken.
If you fail the tests there will be no refund.
Duration of the course is 2 days. 1 day theory and one day practical driving. You study/play at home before the start of the course for about 2-3 hours on
This courses is for those who want a short education with good work opportunities and a decent sallary.
Se flere kurs fra STILL Norge AS (4)
82 Kurs i Truckførerbevis - truckførerkurs - under 10 tonn
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