Du har valgt: Oslo kommune


1 treff ( i Oslo kommune ) i Filmmusikkurs

1 time 300 kr
På forespørsel
Discovering film music from the history to the analysis and the production aspects. The course is focused on "composing for images", scoring tecnique and use of the mai... [+]
FILMMUSIKKURS: Analysis: *Silent Movies *The Four Hollywood generations. *Images and synchronism *Different musical/sound source *The role of songs. * Music in the animation movies. *Music production in film industry. Produkjon: *Understanding images and getting inspired from. *Times and synchronism in images flowing. *Scoring technique: themes and textures. *The orchestration *DAW´s Introduction and your studio Set-Up. *Score editor (Finale) used for writing, copying and exporting music. *Use of sample libraries (East West Symphonic Orchestra) *Improve the realism of your Virtual Orchestra:Tempo and dynamics. *Create virtual space with panning and convolution reverbs *Mix and produce your music.  [-]
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