internasjonal markedsføring
Du har valgt: Stuvsta-Snättringe


1 treff ( i Stuvsta-Snättringe ) i internasjonal markedsføring

4 semester 250 000 kr
Do you want to be a master in international marketing ? Do you have what it takes to be a next generation marketer? [+]
Master in international marketing Do you want to invest in your career? Strategic Marketing is about creating future-proof businesses that are able to create value for their customers, and make money in an ever-changing marketplace. This is a master's programme for people who like to communicate, and support their message with a thorough understanding of statistics and analysis to substantiate their communication to their targeted market. The programme could be your path to a leadership career in marketing management. Your understanding of digital platforms and new ways of reaching the market will be highly sought after. [-]
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