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Nettkurs 90 minutter 6 000 kr
Denne modulen er bindeleddet mellom den praktiske (Managing Professional) og den strategiske (Strategic Leader) sertifiseringsstrømmen, og er del av begge disse to. [+]
Du vil få tilsendt en «Core guidance» bok og sertifiserings-voucher slik at du kan ta sertifiseringstesten for eksempel hjemme eller på jobb. Denne vil være gyldig i ett år. Tid for sertifiseringstest avtales som beskrevet i e-post med voucher. Eksamen overvåkes av en web-basert eksamensvakt.   Eksamen er på engelsk. Eksamensformen er multiple choice - 40 spørsmål skal besvares, og du består med 70% riktige svar (dvs. 28 av 40). Deltakerne har 1 time og 30 minutter til rådighet på eksamen.  Ingen hjelpemidler er tillatt.  Nødvendige forkunnskaper: Bestått ITIL Foundation sertifisering Gjennomført godkjent kurs/e-læring [-]
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Oslo 1 dag 9 900 kr
13 Sep
13 Sep
ITIL® 4 Practitioner: Monitoring and Event Management [+]
ITIL® 4 Practitioner: Monitoring and Event Management [-]
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Webinar + nettkurs 3 dager 12 450 kr
Har du lyst til å lære å bruke Autodesk Revit Architecture? Her er kurset for deg! [+]
HENSIKTHensikten med kurset er å gi deltagerne en grunnleggende forståelse i bruken av tegne- og konstruksjonsprogrammet Autodesk Revit. Kurset er nødvendig for å komme raskt i gang med Autodesk Revit, og for å få den nødvendige forståelse for de mulighetene programmet gir. UTDANNINGSMÅLDu vil lære grunnleggende teknikk for bruk av programmet, og skal kunne bruke programmet til å lage 3D-modeller av bygninger, hente ut informasjon fra modellen og kunne produsere 2D-arbeidstegninger basert på 3D-modellen. KURSINNHOLD: Introduksjon av Autodesk Revit Architecture Brukergrensesnitt Behandling av visninger Oppretting av Etasjeplan og Rutenett Søyler Vegger, dører, vinduer Gulv/Himling Tak Editeringsverktøy Dimensjonering/Tekst/Tittelfelt Detaljering Utskrift Kurset er på norsk, men kursmanualen er engelsk. [-]
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Oslo 2 dager 12 900 kr
Automatisering i Microsoft 365 med Power Automate [+]
Automatisering i Microsoft 365 med Power Automate [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 3 dager 23 650 kr
Due to the Coronavirus the course instructor is not able to come to Oslo. As an alternative we offer this course as a Blended Virtual Course. [+]
Blended Virtual Course The course is a hybrid of virtual training and self-study which will be a mixture of teaching using Microsoft Teams for short bursts at the beginning of the day, then setting work for the rest of the day and then coming back at the end of the day for another on-line session for any questions before setting homework in the form of practice exams for the evening. You do not have to install Microsoft Teams , you will receive a link and can access the course using the web browser.  Remote proctored examTake your exam from any location. Read about iSQI remote proctored exam here Requirements for the exam: The exam will be using Google Chrome and there is a plug-in that needs to be installed  You will need a laptop/PC with a camera and a microphone  A current ID with a picture  This 3-day course is aimed at anyone wishing to attain the ISTQB Advanced Test Automation Engineer qualification. This qualification builds upon the Foundation syllabus and provides essential skills for all those involved in test automation and who want to develop further their expertise in one or more specific areas. Bouvet sine kursdeltakeres testresultater vs ISTQB gjennomsnitt A Test Automation Engineer is one who has broad knowledge of testing in general, and an in-depth understanding in the special area of test automation. An in-depth understanding is defined as having sufficient knowledge of test automation theory and practice to be able to influence the direction that an organization and/or project takes when designing, developing and maintaining test automation solutions for functional tests. The modules offered at the Advanced Level Specialist cover a wide range of testing topics.   The course is highly practical addressing the following areas: Introduction and objectives for Test Automation This section provides an introduction to test automation explaining the objectives, advantages, disadvantages and limitations of test automation as well as technical success factors of a test automation project. Preparing for Test Automation Understanding the type of system is vital for determining the most appropriate automation solution and also how we can design systems and testing for more effective automation. This section also looks at how we can evaluate for the most appropriate tools. The generic Test Automation architecture A test automation engineer has the role of designing, developing, implementing, and maintaining test automation solutions. As each solution is developed, similar tasks need to be done, similar questions need to be answered, and similar issues need to be addressed and prioritized. These reoccurring concepts, steps, and approaches in automating testing become the basis of the generic test automation architecture, and this will be discussed in detail during this section Deployment risks and contingencies This section looks at the various risks associated with the deployment of test tools and how to avoid test automation failure. Test Automation reporting and metrics Providing information to stakeholders for them to make informed decisions about the quality of the software is a vital part of testing and this section looks at the various metrics that can be used to monitor test automation and what information should be supplied to the stakeholder and how it should be presented. Transitioning manual testing to an automated environment This section looks at the various criteria to apply to determine the suitability for automation and understanding the factors for transitioning from manual to automation testing Verifying the Test Automation solution To have justified confidence in the information we supply to the stakeholders regarding test automation we must have justified confidence in the test environment and test automation solution supporting the information Continuous improvement This section looks ahead and how we can improve the automation solution making it more effective and efficient The Exam The ISTQB Advanced Test Automation Engineer exam is a 1 hour 30 minute, 40 question multiple-choice exam totaling 75 points. The pass mark is 65% (49 out of 75). It is a pre-requisite that attendees hold the ISTQB Foundation Level certificate. [-]
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Oslo 5 dager 27 900 kr
27 May
27 May
14 Oct
ISO 27032 Lead Cybersecurity Manager [+]
ISO 27032 Lead Cybersecurity Manager [-]
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Nettstudie 2 semester 4 980 kr
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Skadelig programvare: sikkerhetshull, informasjonskapsler, virus og antivirus Nettverk: Virtuelle private nett (VPN), brannmur, demilitarisert sone (DMZ), tjenestenektang... [+]
Studieår: 2013-2014   Gjennomføring: Høst og vår Antall studiepoeng: 5.0 Forutsetninger: Ingen. Innleveringer: For å kunne gå opp til eksamen må 8 av 12 øvinger være godkjent. Personlig veileder: ja Vurderingsform: Skriftlig, individuell, 3 timer,  Ansvarlig: Olav Skundberg Eksamensdato: 16.12.13 / 26.05.14         Læremål: KUNNSKAPER:Kandidaten kan:- forklare hvordan en datamaskin utsettes for angrep gjennom skadelig programvare og hvordan man kan beskytte seg mot dette- beskrive ulike typer nettbaserte angrep og hvordan man kan beskytte seg mot dette- beskrive ulike krypteringsmekanismer og forklare hvordan digitale sertifikat brukes for å oppnå sikre tjenester.- referere til aktuelle lover og retningslinjer innen sikkerhet- gjøre greie for en organisasjonsmessig informasjonssikkerhetssikkerhetspolicy FERDIGHETER:Kandidaten kan:- kontrollere egen PC for skadelig programvare- kontrollere at installert programvare er oppdatert- utføre pakkefangst med Wireshark og tolke resultatet GENERELL KOMPETANSE:Kandidaten:- er bevisst på å holde programvare oppdatert og å bruke nettvett Innhold:Skadelig programvare: sikkerhetshull, informasjonskapsler, virus og antivirus Nettverk: Virtuelle private nett (VPN), brannmur, demilitarisert sone (DMZ), tjenestenektangrep Sikre tjenester: Krypteringsmetoder og sjekksum. Digitale sertifikater og Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Samfunn og virksomhet: ekom-loven og personvernloven. Sikkerhetshåndbok og ISO27001Les mer om faget herDemo: Her er en introduksjonsvideo for faget Påmeldingsfrist: 25.08.13 / 25.01.14         Velg semester:  Høst 2013    Vår 2014     Fag Internett og sikkerhet 4980,-         Semesteravgift og eksamenskostnader kommer i tillegg.  [-]
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Klasserom + nettkurs 1 dag 5 490 kr
Excel controllere/økonomer kurs vinklet fra en Controllers hverdag med fokus på gode metoder for å arbeid med Excel-lister. Påfyllet kurset gir deg, gjør deg i stand... [+]
Excel controllere/økonomer kurs vinklet fra en Controllers hverdag med fokus på gode metoder for å arbeide med Excel-lister. Påfyllet kurset gir deg, gjør deg i stand til å jobbe mer effektivt i Excel. Kursets mange eksempler, viser hva du virkelig kan få til i Excel, enten det er å jobbe med formler / funksjoner, lister eller store Excel-modeller. Kurset er utviklet av controllere, med det for øye at du skal kunne angripe dine Excel-utfordringer på en smart og effektiv måte. Kurset kan også spesialtilpasses og holdes bedriftsinternt i deres eller våre lokaler.   Kursinnhold:     Datautveksling/Klargjøring av data Mulige inndatametoder: Importering av tekstfil, webspørringer, innliming av data fra WWW. Importere data med ulikt dataformat: tekst - eller databaseformat Formatproblemer ifm. dataimport: ”feil” formater, fjerne deler av informasjon i en celle, fjerne duplikater, kjapt finne skrivefeil   Data/Konsolider Konsolider data: hvor data ligger i samme regneark Konsolidering data: hvor dataene skal behandles på tvers av regneark. Konsolidering data: hvor data ligger i ulike arbeidsbøker   Tabeller/Listefunksjonalitet Definisjonen av en tabell: Viktig å huske når tabellen skal behandles videre. Jobbe med en liste: få gode råd angående arbeid med lister Sortere tabellen: kjapt og enkelt med egendefinerte sorteringsnøkler Filter med Autofilter: filtrere ut bare de data du ønsker eller slette tomme rader. Filter med Avansert filter: få råd om i hvilke situasjoner det er smart å bruke avansert filter og hvordan du enklest bruker dette filteret. Beregninger i tabeller og lister Beregninger med flere variabler: Funksjonene Dsummer, Dantall og DGjennomsnitt Organiser og beregne data : Ved hjelp av delsammendrag. Lær hvordan resultatet kan kopieres til et annet sted. Oppslag i en liste: Funksjonene Finn.Kolonne og Finn.Rad Lag rapporter ved hjelp av Pivotteknikk: Opplev hvor enkelt det er å lage rapporter ved hjelp av pivotteknikk!   "Hva hvis"-analyser og optimalisering Sensitivitetsanalyse: Målsøking er en måte å regne ”baklengs” på. Sensitivitetsanalyse: Tabeller med 1 og 2 variabler Optimalisering: Ved hjelp av Problemløseren   Samarbeid med andre Deling av arbeidsbøker: ved ønske om å jobbe samtidig i samme arbeidsbok Sporing av endringer: når du ønsker å plukke opp de endringer andre har gjort     4 gode grunner til å velge KnowledgeGroup 1. Best practice kursinnhold 2. Markedets beste instruktører 3. Små kursgrupper 4. Kvalitets- og startgaranti   [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 3 dager 16 700 kr
XML er en etablert standard for plattformuavhengig lagring og utveksling av data, der innhold og presentasjon bearbeides separat. XSL er en nøkkelteknologi innenfor utvi.... [+]
Kursinstruktør Terje Berg-Hansen Terje Berg-Hansen har bred erfaring fra prosjektledelse, utvikling og drift med små og store databaser, både SQL- og NoSQL-baserte. I tillegg til å undervise i etablerte teknologier leder han også Oslo Hadoop User Group, og er levende interessert i nye teknologier, distribuerte databaser og Big Data Science.    Kursinnhold XML er en etablert standard for plattformuavhengig lagring og utveksling av data, der innhold og presentasjon bearbeides separat. XSL er en nøkkelteknologi innenfor utvikling og nyttiggjørelse av XML. Viktige hoveddeler innenfor XSL er XSLT, XSL-FO og XPath. Kurset gir deltakerne en innføring i XSL . Vi ser på hvilke muligheter vi har for bearbeiding av XML-data, og hvordan vi kan gjøre data tilgjengelig for presentasjon.   Du får en gjennomgang i: Introduksjon til XML, XSL og XSLT. Introduksjon til XPath og XQuery. Bruk av XSLT-maler og Xpath-uttrykk for å søke etter data i XML-dokumenter. Transformering av XML-dokumenter til xml, html og tekstdokumenter. Introduksjon til XSL-FO og produksjon av svg- og pdf-dokumenter Design og formatering av ouput fra XSLT-transformasjoner Sortering, gruppering og kombinering av XML-dokumenter Bruk av XSLT-verktøy til transformering og søk.   Målsetting Etter endt kurs skal kursdeltakerne blant annet vite hvordan man filtrerer, sorterer og transformerer XML-data, samt hvilke muligheter man har for å trekke inn annet innhold/data for presentasjon.   Gjennomføring Kurset gjennomføres med en kombinasjon av online læremidler, gjennomgang av temaer og problemstillinger og praktiske øvelser. Det er ingen avsluttende eksamen, men det er øvelsesoppgaver til hovedtemaene som gjennomgås.   [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 4 dager 24 000 kr
This course provides the knowledge and skills to design and implement DevOps processes and practices. [+]
Students will learn how to plan for DevOps, use source control, scale Git for an enterprise, consolidate artifacts, design a dependency management strategy, manage secrets, implement continuous integration, implement a container build strategy, design a release strategy, set up a release management workflow, implement a deployment pattern, and optimize feedback mechanisms TARGET AUDIENCE Students in this course are interested in designing and implementing DevOps processes or in passing the Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions certification exam. COURSE OBJECTIVES Plan for the transformation with shared goals and timelines Select a project and identify project metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) Create a team and agile organizational structure Design a tool integration strategy Design a license management strategy (e.g., Azure DevOps and GitHub users) Design a strategy for end-to-end traceability from work items to working software Design an authentication and access strategy Design a strategy for integrating on-premises and cloud resources Describe the benefits of using Source Control Describe Azure Repos and GitHub Migrate from TFVC to Git Manage code quality, including technical debt SonarCloud, and other tooling solutions Build organizational knowledge on code quality Explain how to structure Git repos Describe Git branching workflows Leverage pull requests for collaboration and code reviews Leverage Git hooks for automation Use Git to foster inner source across the organization Explain the role of Azure Pipelines and its components Configure Agents for use in Azure Pipelines Explain why continuous integration matters Implement continuous integration using Azure Pipelines Design processes to measure end-user satisfaction and analyze user feedback Design processes to automate application analytics Manage alerts and reduce meaningless and non-actionable alerts Carry out blameless retrospectives and create a just culture Define an infrastructure and configuration strategy and appropriate toolset for a release pipeline and application infrastructure Implement compliance and security in your application infrastructure Describe the potential challenges with integrating open-source software Inspect open-source software packages for security and license compliance Manage organizational security and compliance policies Integrate license and vulnerability scans into build and deployment pipelines Configure build pipelines to access package security and license ratings   COURSE CONTENT Module 1: Get started on a DevOps transformation journey Module 1 Lessons Introduction to DevOps Choose the right project Describe team structures Choose the DevOps tools Plan Agile with GitHub Projects and Azure Boards Introduction to source control Describe types of source control systems Work with Azure Repos and GitHub Lab 1: Agile planning and portfolio management with Azure Boards   Lab 2: Version controlling with Git in Azure Repos   After completing Module 1, students will be able to: Understand what DevOps is and the steps to accomplish it Identify teams to implement the process Plan for the transformation with shared goals and timelines Plan and define timelines for goals Understand different projects and systems to guide the journey Select a project to start the DevOps transformation Identify groups to minimize initial resistance Identify project metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) Understand agile practices and principles of agile development Create a team and agile organizational structure Module 2: Development for enterprise DevOps Module 2 Lessons Structure your Git Repo Manage Git branches and workflows Collaborate with pull requests in Azure Repos Explore Git hooks Plan foster inner source Manage Git repositories Identify technical debt Lab 3: Version controlling with Git in Azure Repos   After completing Module 2, students will be able to: Understand Git repositories Implement mono repo or multiple repos Explain how to structure Git Repos Implement a change log Describe Git branching workflows Implement feature branches Implement GitFlow Fork a repo Leverage pull requests for collaboration and code reviews Give feedback using pull requests Module 3: Implement CI with Azure Pipelines and GitHub Actions Module 3 Lessons Explore Azure Pipelines Manage Azure Pipeline agents and pools Describe pipelines and concurrency Explore Continuous integration Implement a pipeline strategy Integrate with Azure Pipelines Introduction to GitHub Actions Learn continuous integration with GitHub Actions Design a container build strategy Lab 4: Configuring agent pools and understanding pipeline styles   Lab 5: Enabling continuous integration with Azure Pipelines   Lab 6: Integrating external source control with Azure Pipelines   Lab 7: Implementing GitHub Actions by using DevOps Starter   Lab 8: Deploying Docker Containers to Azure App Service web apps   After completing Module 3, students will be able to: Describe Azure Pipelines Explain the role of Azure Pipelines and its components Decide Pipeline automation responsibility Understand Azure Pipeline key terms Choose between Microsoft-hosted and self-hosted agents Install and configure Azure pipelines Agents Configure agent pools Make the agents and pools secure Use and estimate parallel jobs Module 4: Design and implement a release strategy Module 4 Lessons Introduction to continuous delivery Create a release pipeline Explore release strategy recommendations Provision and test environments Manage and modularize tasks and templates Automate inspection of health Lab 9: Creating a release dashboard   Lab 10: Controlling deployments using Release Gates   After completing Module 4, students will be able to: Explain continuous delivery (CD) Implement continuous delivery in your development cycle Understand releases and deployment Identify project opportunities to apply CD Explain things to consider when designing your release strategy Define the components of a release pipeline and use artifact sources Create a release approval plan Implement release gates Differentiate between a release and a deployment Module 5: Implement a secure continuous deployment using Azure Pipelines Module 5 Lessons Introduction to deployment patterns Implement blue-green deployment and feature toggles Implement canary releases and dark launching Implement A/B testing and progressive exposure deployment Integrate with identity management systems Manage application configuration data Lab 11: Configuring pipelines as code with YAML   Lab 12: Setting up and running functional tests   Lab 13: Integrating Azure Key Vault with Azure DevOps   After completing Module 5, students will be able to: Explain the terminology used in Azure DevOps and other Release Management Tooling Describe what a Build and Release task is, what it can do, and some available deployment tasks Implement release jobs Differentiate between multi-agent and multi-configuration release job Provision and configure target environment Deploy to an environment securely using a service connection Configure functional test automation and run availability tests Setup test infrastructure Use and manage task and variable groups Module 6: Manage infrastructure as code using Azure and DSC Module 6 Lessons Explore infrastructure as code and configuration management Create Azure resources using Azure Resource Manager templates Create Azure resources by using Azure CLI Explore Azure Automation with DevOps Implement Desired State Configuration (DSC) Implement Bicep Lab 14: Azure deployments using Azure Resource Manager templates   After completing Module 6, students will be able to: Understand how to deploy your environment Plan your environment configuration Choose between imperative versus declarative configuration Explain idempotent configuration Create Azure resources using ARM templates Understand ARM templates and template components Manage dependencies and secrets in templates Organize and modularize templates Create Azure resources using Azure CLI Module 7: Implement security and validate code bases for compliance Module 7 Lessons Introduction to Secure DevOps Implement open-source software Software Composition Analysis Static analyzers OWASP and Dynamic Analyzers Security Monitoring and Governance Lab 15: Implement security and compliance in Azure Pipelines   Lab 16: Managing technical debt with SonarQube and Azure DevOps   After completing Module 7, students will be able to: Identify SQL injection attack Understand DevSecOps Implement pipeline security Understand threat modeling Implement open-source software Explain corporate concerns for open-source components Describe open-source licenses Understand the license implications and ratings Work with Static and Dynamic Analyzers Configure Microsoft Defender for Cloud Module 8: Design and implement a dependency management strategy Module 8 Lessons Explore package dependencies Understand package management Migrate, consolidate, and secure artifacts Implement a versioning strategy Introduction to GitHub Packages Lab 17: Package management with Azure Artifacts   After completing Module 8, students will be able to: Define dependency management strategy Identify dependencies Describe elements and componentization of a dependency management Scan your codebase for dependencies Implement package management Manage package feed Consume and create packages Publish packages Identify artifact repositories Migrate and integrate artifact repositories Module 9: Implement continuous feedback Module 9 Lessons Implement tools to track usage and flow Develop monitor and status dashboards Share knowledge within teams Design processes to automate application analytics Manage alerts, Blameless retrospectives and a just culture Lab 18: Monitoring application performance with Application Insights   Lab 19: Integration between Azure DevOps and Microsoft Teams   Lab 20: Sharing Team Knowledge using Azure Project Wikis   After completing Module 9, students will be able to: Implement tools to track feedback Plan for continuous monitoring Implement Application Insights Use Kusto Query Language (KQL) Implement routing for mobile applications Configure App Center Diagnostics Configure alerts Create a bug tracker Configure Azure Dashboards Work with View Designer in Azure Monitor [-]
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Oslo Trondheim Og 1 annet sted 1 dag 9 500 kr
07 May
07 May
14 May
AI-900: Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals [+]
AI-900: Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 5 dager 35 000 kr
The Implementing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks course gives you the knowledge and skills needed to secure wireless network infrastructure and troubleshoot any relate... [+]
COURSE OVERVIEW You’ll learn how to implement and secure a wireless network infrastructure and use Cisco Identity Service Engine (ISE), Cisco Prime Infrastructure (PI), and Cisco Connect Mobile Experience to monitor and troubleshoot network issues.   The course provides hands-on labs to reinforce concepts including deploying Cisco Prime Infrastructure Release 3.5, Cisco Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller Release IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10, Cisco Digital Network Architecture (DNA) Center Release 1.2.8, Cisco CMX Release 10.5, Cisco MSE Release 8.0 features and Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) Release 2.4.   This course also helps you prepare to take the Implementing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks (300-430 ENWLSI) exam, which is part of the new CCNP Enterprise certification. Passing the exam will also provide you with the Cisco Certified Specialist - Enterprise Wireless Implementation certification.   TARGET AUDIENCE Individuals needing to understand how to implement, secure and troubleshoot a Cisco Enterprise Wireless Network.   COURSE OBJECTIVES After completing this course you should be able to: Implement network settings to provide a secure wireless network infrastructure Troubleshoot security issues as it relates to the wireless network infrastructure Implement a secure wireless client and troubleshoot wireless client connectivity issues Implement and troubleshoot QoS in wireless networks Implement and troubleshoot advanced capabilities in wireless network services   COURSE CONTENT Securing and Troubleshooting the Wireless Network Infrastructure Implement Secure Access to the WLCs and Access Points Configure the Network for Access Point 802.1X Authentication Use Cisco DNA Center for Controller and AP Auto Install Implement Cisco Prime Infrastructure Define Network Troubleshooting Techniques Troubleshoot Access Point Join Issues Monitor the Wireless Network Implementing and Troubleshooting Secure Client Connectivity Configure the Cisco WLC for Wireless Client 802.1x Authentication Configure the Wireless Client for 802.1X Authentication Configure a Wireless LAN for FlexConnect Implement Guest Services in the Wireless Network Configure the Cisco WLC for Centralized Web Authentication Configure Central Web Authentication on Cisco ISE Implement BYOD Implement Location-Aware Guest Services Troubleshoot Client Connectivity Describe Issues that Affect Client Performance Monitor Wireless Clients Implementing and Troubleshooting QoS in Wireless Networks Implement QoS in the Wireless Network Configure the Cisco WLC to Support Voice Traffic Optimize Wireless Utilization on the Cisco WLC Implement Cisco AVC in the Wireless Network Implement Multicast Services Implement mDNS Service Implement Cisco Media Stream Troubleshoot QoS Issues in the Wireless Network Troublehoot mDNS Issues Troubleshoot Media Stream Issues Implementing and Troubleshooting Advanced Wireless Network Services Implement Base Location Services on Cisco Prime Infrastructure Implement Hyperlocation in the Wireless Network Implement Detect and Locate Services on Cisco CMX Implement Analytics on Cisco CMX Implement Presence Services on Cisco CMX Monitor and Locate Rogue Devices with Cisco Prime Infrastructure and Cisco CMX Monitor and Detect Wireless Clients with Cisco CMX and Cisco DNA Center Run Analytics on Wireless Clients Troubleshoot Location Accuracy with Cisco Hyperlocation Monitor and Manage RF Interferers on the Cisco WLC Monitor and Manager RF Interferers on Cisco Prime Infrastructure and Cisco CMX Labs Lab Familiarization (Base Learning Lab) Configure Secure Management Access for WLCs and APs Add Network Devices and External Resources to Cisco Prime Infrastructure Capture a Successful AP Authentication Implement AAA Services for Central Mode WLANs Implement AAA Services for FlexConnect Mode WLANs Configure Guest Services in the Wireless Network Configure BYOD in the Wireless Network Capture a Successful Client Authentications Configure QoS in the Wireless Network for Voice and Video Services Configure Cisco AVC in the Wireless Network Capture Successful QoS Traffic Marking in the Wireless Network Configure Detect and Locate Services on the Cisco CMX Identify Wireless Clients and Security Threats [-]
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Virtuelt eller personlig Bærum 1 dag 5 950 kr
25 Apr
AutoCAD P&ID Grunnkurs er ment for deg som skal bruke AutoCAD P&ID som verktøy til P&I-diagrammer. [+]
Fleksible kurs for fremtidenNy kunnskap skal gi umiddelbar effekt, og samtidig være holdbar og bærekraftig på lang sikt. NTI AS har 30 års erfaring innen kurs og kompetanseheving, og utdanner årlig rundt 10.000 personer i Nord Europa innen CAD, BIM, industri, design og konstruksjon.   AutoCAD P&ID grunnkurs Her er et utvalg av temaene du vil lære på kurset: Opprette og håndtere P&ID-prosjekter Tegne og redigere P&ID-diagrammer Eksportere og Importere data via Excel Uttrekk av lister og rapporter Du vil lære å opprette og håndtere P&ID-prosjekter, tegne diagrammer med de verktøy og kommandoer som er designet til formålet, og bruke toolpalettenes utstyr, ventiler, fittings og instrumenter. I tillegg til å bruke valideringsverktøyet til å kvalitetssikre ditt prosjekt, eksportfunksjonen til å skape 'nøytrale' AutoCAD-kopier av dine P&ID-tegninger samt å lage forskjellige rapporter og datauttrekk for f.eks. utstyr, ventiler, instrumenter osv.   Dette er et populært kurs, meld deg på nå!   Tilpassete kurs for bedrifterVi vil at kundene våre skal være best på det de gjør - hele tiden.  Derfor tenker vi langsiktig om kompetanseutvikling og ser regelmessig kunnskapsløft som en naturlig del av en virksomhet. Vårt kurskonsept bygger på et moderne sett av ulike læringsmiljøer, som gjør det enkelt å finne riktig løsning uansett behov. Ta kontakt med oss på telefon 483 12 300, epost: eller les mer på [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 4 dager 23 000 kr
Python is an object oriented rapid development language deployed in many scenarios in the modern world. [+]
COURSE OVERVIEW   This Python Programming 1 course is designed to give delegates the knowledge to develop and maintain Python scripts using the current version (V3) of Python. There are many similarities between Python V2 and Python V3. The skills gained on this course will allow the delegate to develop their own skills further using Python V2 or V3 to support the development and maintenance of scripts. The Python Programming 1 course comprises sessions dealing with syntax,variables and data types,operators and expressions,conditions and loops,functions,objects,collections,modules and packages,strings,pattern matching,exception handling,binary and text files,and databases. Exercises and examples are used throughout the course to give practical hands-on experience with the techniques covered. TARGET AUDIENCE The Python Programming 1 course course is aimed at those who want to improve their Python programming skills,and for developers/engineers who want to migrate to Python from another language,particularly those with little or no object-oriented knowledge. For those wishing to learn Python and have no previous knowledge of programming,they should look to attend our foundation course Introduction to Programming - Python. COURSE OBJECTIVES This course aims to provide the delegate with the knowledge to be able to produce Python scripts and applications that exploit all core elements of the language including variables,expressions,selection and iteration,functions,objects,collections,strings,modules,pattern matching,exception handling,I/O,and classes. COURSE CONTENT DAY 1 COURSE INTRODUCTION Administration and Course Materials Course Structure and Agenda Delegate and Trainer Introductions SESSION 1: GETTING STARTED About Python Python versions Python documentation Python runtimes Installing Python The REPL shell Python editors SESSION 2: PYTHON SCRIPTS & SYNTAX Script naming Comments Docstring Statements The backslash Code blocks Whitespace Console IO (to enable the writing of simple programs) A first Python program Script execution SESSION 3: VARIABLES & DATA TYPES Literals Identifiers Assignment Numbers (bool,int,float,complex) Binary,octal,and hexadecimal numbers Floating point accuracy Collections (str,list,tuple,set,dict) None Implicit and explicit type conversion (casting) The type function SESSION 4: OPERATORS & EXPRESSIONS Arithmetic Operators Assignment Operators Comparison Operators Logical Operators Membership Operators Bitwise Operators Identity Operators SESSION 5: CONDITIONS & LOOPS Conditional statements (if,elif,else) Nested conditional statements Short hand if/if else Python's alternative to the ternary operator Iterative statements (while,for,else) The range function Iterating over a list Break Continue Nested conditional/iterative statements COURSE CONTENTS - DAY 2 SESSION 6: FUNCTIONS Declaration Invocation Default values for parameters Named arguments args and kwargs Returning multiple values None returned Variable scope Masking and shadowing The pass keyword Recursive functions SESSION 7: OBJECTS AND CLASSES About objects Attributes and the dot notation The dir function Dunder attributes Mutability The id function Pass by reference Introduction to Classes Class Declaration and Instantiation Data attributes Methods Composition SESSION 8: LISTS About lists List syntax including slicing Getting and setting list elements Iterating over a list Checking for the presence of a value The len function List methods incl. append,insert,remove,pop,clear,copy,sort,reverse etc. The del keyword Appending to and combining lists List comprehension SESSION 9: TUPLES About tuples Tuple syntax Getting tuple elements including unpacking Iterating over a tuple Checking for the presence of a value The len function Appending to and combining tuples SESSION 10: SETS About Sets Dictionary syntax Creating,adding and removing set elements Iterating over a set Membership Testing Sorting Copying Set methods incl. union,intersection,difference,symmetric_difference etc. COURSE CONTENTS - DAY 3 SESSION 11: DICTIONARIES About dictionaries Dictionary syntax Getting and setting dictionary elements Iterating over a dictionary (keys,values,and items) Checking for the presence of a key The len function Dictionary methods incl. keys,values,items,get,pop,popitem,clear etc. The del keyword Dictionary comprehension SESSION 12: STRINGS About strings String syntax including slicing Escape characters Triple-quoted strings Concatenation Placeholders The format method Other methods e.g. endswith,find,join,lower,replace,split,startswith,strip,upper etc. A string as a list of bytes SESSION 13: MODULES & PACKAGES About modules Inbuilt modules math,random and platform the dir() and help() functions Creating and using modules the __pycache__ and the .pyc files The module search path Importing modules Namespaces Importing module objects The import wildcard Aliases Importing within a function Executable modules Reloading a module About packages Importing packaged modules Importing packaged module objects Package initialisation Subpackages Referencing objects in sibling packages The Standard Library Installing modules and packages using pip SESSION 14: PATTERN MATCHING About regular expressions Regular expression special characters Raw strings About the re module re module functions incl. match,search,findall,full match,split,sub   COURSE CONTENTS - DAY 4 SESSION 15: EXCEPTION HANDLING About exceptions and exception handling Handling exceptions (try,except,else,finally) Exception types The exception object Raising exceptions Custom exception types Built-in exceptions hierarchy SESSION 16: FILES & THE FILESYSTEM The open function Methods for seeking (seekable,seek) Methods for reading from a file (readable,read,readline,readlines) Iterating over a file Methods for writing to a file (writable,write,writelines) Introduction to context managers Text encoding schemes,codepoints,codespace ASCII and UNICODE (UTF schemes) UTF-8,binary and hexadecimal representations The ord() and chr() functions Binary files,bytes and bytearray I/O layered abstraction. About the os module os module functions incl. getcwd,listdir,mkdir,chdir,remove,rmdir etc. OSError numbers and the errno module SESSION 17: DATABASES The DB-API DP-API implementations Establishing a connection Creating a cursor Executing a query Fetching results Transactions Inserting,updating,and deleting records FOLLOW ON COURSES Python Programming 2  Data Analysis Python  Apache Web Server PHP Programming  PHP & MySQL for Web Development  PHP & MariaDB for Web Development  Perl Programming  Ruby Programming  Introduction to MySQL  Introduction to MariaDB [-]
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