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Mer enn 100 treff ( i Aurskog Høland ) i IT-kurs

Nettkurs 12 måneder 9 000 kr
ITIL® 4 Specialist: Create, Deliver and Support dekker «kjernen» i ITIL®, aktiviteter rundt administrasjon av tjenester, og utvider omfanget av ITIL® til å omfatte «oppre... [+]
Kurset fokuserer på integrering av forskjellige verdistrømmer og aktiviteter for å lage, levere og støtte IT-aktiverte produkter og tjenester, samtidig som den dekker støtte for praksis, metoder og verktøy. Kurset gir kandidatene forståelse for tjenestekvalitet og forbedringsmetoder. E-læringskurset inneholder 18 timer med undervisning, og er delt inn i 8 moduler. Les mer om ITIL® 4 på AXELOS sine websider. Inkluderer: Tilgang til ITIL® 4 Specialist: Create, Deliver and Support e-læring (engelsk) i 12 måneder. ITIL® 4 Specialist: Create, Deliver and Support online voucher til sertifiseringstest.   ITIL®/PRINCE2®/MSP®/MoP® are registered trademarks of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved. [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 3 dager 22 500 kr
18 Jun
Due to the Coronavirus the course instructor is not able to come to Oslo. As an alternative we offer this course as a Blended Virtual Course. [+]
Blended Virtual CourseThe course is a hybrid of virtual training and self-study which will be a mixture of teaching using Microsoft Teams for short bursts at the beginning of the day, then setting work for the rest of the day and then coming back at the end of the day for another on-line session for any questions before setting homework in the form of practice exams for the evening. You do not have to install Microsoft Teams, you will receive a link and can access the course using the web browser.  Remote proctored examTake your exam from any location. Read about iSQI remote proctored exam here Requirements for the exam: The exam will be using Google Chrome and there is a plug-in that needs to be installed  You will need a laptop/PC with a camera and a microphone  A current ID with a picture    KursinnholdDette kurset forklarer det grunnleggende i softwaretesting. Det er basert på ISTQB- pensum og er akkreditert av BCS.    Kurset inneholder øvelser, prøveeksamener og spill for å fremheve sentrale deler av pensum. Dette sammen med kursmateriell og presentasjoner vil bistå i forståelse av begreper og metoder som blir presentert.   Bouvet sine kursdeltakeres testresultater vs ISTQB gjennomsnitt   «Særs godt kurs med mye fokus på praktiske oppgaver som gjør læring vesentlig lettere. Engasjert kursleder hjelper også. Kursleder starter på et nivå som alle føler seg komfortabel med.» Alexander Røstum Course content Fundamentals of Testing This section looks at why testing is necessary, what testing is, and explains general testing principles, the fundamental test process, and psychological aspects of testing.   Skills Gained • Learn about the differences between the testing levels and targets• Know how to apply both black and white box approaches to all levels of testing• Understand the differences between the various types of review and be aware of Static Analysis• Learn aspects of test planning, estimation, monitoring and control• Communicate better through understanding standard definitions of terms• Gain knowledge of the different types of testing tools and the best way of implementing those tools   Testing throughout the software lifecycle Explains the relationship between testing and life cycle development models, including the V-model and iterative development. Outlines four levels of testing:• Component testing• Integration testing• System testing• Acceptance testing Describes four test types, the targets of testing:• functional• non-functional characteristics• structural• change-related Outlines the role of testing in maintenance.   Static Techniques Explains the differences between the various types of review, and outlines the characteristics of a formal review. Describes how static analysis can find defects.   Test Design Techniques This section explains how to identify test conditions (things to test) and how to design test cases and procedures. It also explains the difference between white and black box testing. The following techniques are described in some detail with practical exercises :• Equivalence Partitioning• Boundary Value Analysis• Decision Tables• State Transition testing• Statement and Decision testingIn addition, use case testing and experience-based testing (such as exploratory testing) are described, and advice is given on choosing techniques.   Test Management This section looks at organisational implications for testing and describes test planning and estimation, test monitoring and control. The relationship of testing and risk is covered,and configuration management and incident management.   Tool Support for Testing Different types of tool support for testing are described throughout the course. This session summarises them, and discusses how to use them effectively and how best to introduce a new tool.   The Exam The ISTQB Foundation exam is a 1-hour, 40 question multiple choice exam. There is an extra 15 minutes allowed for candidates whose first language is not English.The pass mark is 65% (26/40) and there are no pre requisites to taking this exam.The exam is a remote proctored exam [-]
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Virtuelt eller personlig Bærum 3 dager 12 480 kr
Kurset som får deg godt i gang med Inventor [+]
Fleksible kurs for fremtidenNy kunnskap skal gi umiddelbar effekt, og samtidig være holdbar og bærekraftig på lang sikt. NTI AS har 30 års erfaring innen kurs og kompetanseheving, og utdanner årlig rundt 10.000 personer i Nord Europa innen CAD, BIM, industri, design og konstruksjon. Inventor grunnkurs Her er et utvalg av temaene du vil lære på kurset: Generelt Part-modellering (3D-komponenter) Samlinger Skjelettmodellering på basisnivå Tegninger i 2D Autodesk Inventor 3D CAD programvare brukes til produktdesign, rendering og simuleringer. Løsningen er viktig når smarte ideer skal bli til produksjonsklar design, og for å utvikle fremtidens produkter og tjenester. Inventor tilfører større kvalitet til utviklingsprosesser med smarte funksjoner som optimaliserer, gjør det enkelt å «se» modellen, og simulere hvordan konseptet/prototypen vil fungere i bruk.   Dette er et populært kurs, meld deg på nå!   Tilpassete kurs for bedrifterVi vil at kundene våre skal være best på det de gjør - hele tiden.  Derfor tenker vi langsiktig om kompetanseutvikling og ser regelmessig kunnskapsløft som en naturlig del av en virksomhet. Vårt kurskonsept bygger på et moderne sett av ulike læringsmiljøer, som gjør det enkelt å finne riktig løsning uansett behov. Ta kontakt med oss på telefon 483 12 300, epost: eller les mer på [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 4 dager 17 200 kr
19 Jun
JavaScript er nå det eneste skript-språket som anvendes og støttes av alle nettlesere og er blitt en defacto standard for å bygge inn interaktivitet på websider. AJA... [+]
Kursinnhold JavaScript er nå det eneste skript-språket som anvendes og støttes av alle nettlesere og er blitt en defacto standard for å bygge inn interaktivitet på websider. AJAX, jQuery, Mootools, Node.js, Angular.js osv. bygger alle på JavaScript, og en grunnforståelse av hvordan dette språket virker er blitt essensielt for en webutvikler eller webansvarlig.     Målsetting Etter gjennomført grunnkurs skal deltakerne være fortrolige med JavaScripts grunnstruktur og funksjoner og skal kunne bruke JavaScript til å utvikle interaktive websider.   Kursinnhold Introduksjon til JavaScript og dets anvendelsesområder JavaScripts grunnleggende grammatikk JavaScripts innebygde funksjoner JavaScripts datatyper og variabler JavaScript og Dokumentobjektmodellen (DOM) JavaScripts kontrollstrukturer og betingelseslogikk Introduksjon til AJAX og kommunikasjon mellom klient og server Kort introduksjon til jQuery som AJAX-bibliotek   Gjennomføring Kurset gjennomføres med en kombinasjon av online læremidler, gjennomgang av temaer og problemstillinger og praktiske øvelser. Det er ingen avsluttende eksamen, men det er hands-on øvelsesoppgaver til hovedtemaene som gjennomgås.   [-]
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Klasserom + nettkurs 2 semester 45 000 kr
Mange arbeidsgivere etterspør kunnskap om digital markedsføring. Lær deg å lage godt, engasjerende digitalt innhold brukerne dine vil ha. [+]
Etter kurset Digital markedsføring, skal du ha grunnleggende kunnskaper innen dataanalyse og kjenne til digitale mediers rolle innen markedsføring. Du skal beherske digital markedsføring, strategi og planlegging, samt jus og etikk innenfor samme tema. Du skal bli i stand til å analysere effekten av strategi og kampanjer. Du skal vite hvordan nettsidene optimaliseres, samt hvordan man etablerer og drifter digitale annonser. Du skal kunne lede digitale kampanjer og ha kunnskap om hvilken betydning en god digital strategi har innen digital markedsføring. Studiet er både praktisk og teoretisk rettet – med hovedvekt på å løse praktiske obligatoriske oppgaveløsning basert på teoretisk kunnskap. Studentene vil gjennom studieåret gjennomføre en rekke individuelle og gruppebaserte praktiske og teoretiske oppgaver knyttet til de forskjellige undertema. [-]
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Nettkurs 2 timer 1 690 kr
Er arbeidsdagen din ustrukturert og rotete? Delta på denne økten å få en gjennomgang av hvordan du kan benytte Outlook fornuftig til å organisere arbeidsdagen din. [+]
Er arbeidsdagen din ustrukturert og rotete? Delta på denne økten å få en gjennomgang av hvordan du kan benytte Outlook fornuftig til å organisere arbeidsdagen din.  Webinaret varer i 2 timer og består av to økter à 45 min. Etter hver økt er det 10 min spørsmålsrunde. Mellom øktene er det 10 min pause.Webinaret kan også spesialtilpasses og holdes bedriftsinternt kun for din bedrift.   Kursinnhold:    Kalender Legge inn hendelser, avtaler og møter Bruk av kategorier for bedre oversikt Dele kalenderen med andre, og få oversikt i flere kalendere Opprette avtaler/ møter ut av en e-post Generelle innstillinger og oppsett   Oppgaver Huskeliste for oppfølging av innkommen og utgående e-post og andre gjøremål Bruk av kategorier for bedre oversikt Tilordne oppgaver til andre Tilpasning av visninger    3 gode grunner til å delta 1. Få bedre oversikt i oppgaveliste og kalender 2. Få en kort intro til delte møtenotater i OneNote 3. Tips og triks til daglig bruk av kalenderen   [-]
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2 dager 15 000 kr
This 2-day course is identical to the 1-day M-AZ-900T01 course.  However this course lasts two days because of the hands-on parts. This course will prepare students for t... [+]
  COURSE OVERVIEW This course will provide foundational level knowledge of cloud services and how those services are provided with Microsoft Azure. The course can be taken as an optional first step in learning about cloud services and Microsoft Azure, before taking further Microsoft Azure or Microsoft cloud services courses. The course will cover general cloud computing concepts as well as general cloud computing models and services such as Public, Private and Hybrid cloud and Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service(PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). It will also cover some core Azure services and solutions, as well as key Azure pillar services concerning security, privacy, compliance and trust. It will finally cover pricing and support services available with Azure.   COURSE CONTENT  Module 1: Cloud Concepts -Learning Objectives-Why Cloud Services?-Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)-Public, Private, and Hybrid cloud models Module 2: Core Azure Services -Core Azure architectural components-Core Azure Services and Products-Azure Solutions-Azure management tools Module 3: Security, Privacy, Compliance and Trust -Securing network connectivity in Azure-Core Azure Identity services-Security tools and features-Azure governance methodologies-Monitoring and Reporting in Azure-Privacy, Compliance and Data Protection standards in Azure Module 4: Azure Pricing and Support -Azure subscriptions-Planning and managing costs-Support options available with Azure-Service lifecycle in Azure     This course helps to prepare for exam AZ-900. [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 4 dager 15 900 kr
22 May
05 Jun
Dette er et grunnleggende kurs i SQL-programmering. Kurset passer godt for deg som skal jobbe med relasjonelle databaser, som f.eks. Oracle, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL-ser... [+]
Dette er et grunnleggende kurs i SQL-programmering. Kurset passer godt for deg som skal jobbe med relasjonelle databaser, som f.eks. Oracle, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL-server eller MySQL/MariaDB.   Etter gjennomført kurs vil deltakerne være fortrolige med å opprette databaser og tabeller, sette inn data, endre og slette data og søke etter data i SQL-databaser.    Kursinnhold Introduksjon til relasjonsdatabaser og relasjonsmodellen: normalisering på tredje normalform. Introduksjon til MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle Express og tilhørende verktøy Introduksjon til SQL i Big Data (HiveQL, Cassandra QL, Phoenix HBase-klient) Søk i SQL-databaser, bl.a. med bruk av under-spørringer og inner og outer joins. Filtrering, gruppering og sortering av data. Oppretting, endring, kopiering og sletting av databaser og tabeller, Innsetting, oppdatering og sletting av data i tabeller Bruk av indekser og views. Skjema-design med bruk av ulike data-typer, tegnsett og lagringsformater. Introduksjon til MySQL, PostgreSQL og Oracle Express Bruk av bl.a. MySQL Workbench, PhPMyAdmin og Oracle Application Express. Kurset gjennomføres med en kombinasjon av online læringsmidler, gjennomgang av temaer og problemstillinger og praktiske øvelser med ulike typer datasett.    Kursinstruktør Terje Berg-Hansen Terje Berg-Hansen har bred erfaring fra prosjektledelse, utvikling og drift med små og store databaser, både SQL- og NoSQL-baserte. I tillegg til å undervise i etablerte teknologier leder han også Oslo Hadoop User Group, og er levende interessert i nye teknologier, distribuerte databaser og Big Data Science.      [-]
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Bedriftsintern 1 dag 11 000 kr
This course will teach you how to containerize workloads in Docker containers, deploy them to Kubernetes clusters provided by Google Kubernetes Engine, and scale those wo... [+]
Objectives Understand how software containers work Understand the architecture of Kubernetes Understand the architecture of Google Cloud Understand how pod networking works in Google Kubernetes Engine Create and manage Kubernetes Engine clusters using the Google Cloud Console and gcloud/kubectl commands   Course Outline Module 1: Introduction to Google Cloud -Use the Google Cloud Console-Use Cloud Shell-Define Cloud Computing-Identify Google Cloud compute services-Understand Regions and Zones-Understand the Cloud Resource Hierarchy-Administer your Google Cloud Resources Module 2: Containers and Kubernetes in Google Cloud -Create a Container Using Cloud Build-Store a Container in Container Registry-Understand the Relationship Between Kubernetes and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)-Understand how to Choose Among Google Cloud Compute Platforms Module 3: Kubernetes Architecture -Understand the Architecture of Kubernetes: Pods, Namespaces-Understand the Control-plane Components of Kubernetes-Create Container Images using Cloud Build-Store Container Images in Container Registry-Create a Kubernetes Engine Cluster Module 4: Introduction to Kubernetes Workloads -The kubectl Command-Introduction to Deployments-Pod Networking-Volumes Overview [-]
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Bedriftsintern 1 dag 11 000 kr
This one-day instructor-led class provides an overview of Google Cloud Platform products and services. Through a combination of presentations and hands-on labs, participa... [+]
Objectives This course teaches participants the following skills: Identify the purpose and value of each of the Google Cloud Platform products and services Interact with Google Cloud Platform services Describe ways in which customers have used Google Cloud Platform Choose among and use application deployment environments on Google Cloud Platform: Google App Engine, Google Kubernetes Engine, and Google Compute Engine Choose among and use Google Cloud Platform storage options: Google Cloud Storage, Google Cloud SQL, Google Cloud Bigtable, and Google Cloud Datastore Make basic use of BigQuery, Google’s managed data warehouse for analytics Make basic use of Cloud Deployment Manager, Google’s tool for creating and managing cloud resources through templates Make basic use of Google Stackdriver, Google’s monitoring, logging, and diagnostics system All courses will be delivered in partnership with ROI Training, Google Cloud Premier Partner, using a Google Authorized Trainer. Course Outline Module 1: Introducing Google Cloud Platform -Explain the advantages of Google Cloud Platform-Define the components of Google's network infrastructure, including: Points of presence, data centers, regions, and zones-Understand the difference between Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) Module 2: Getting Started with Google Cloud Platform -Identify the purpose of projects on Google Cloud Platform-Understand the purpose of and use cases for Identity and Access Management-List the methods of interacting with Google Cloud Platform-Lab: Getting Started with Google Cloud Platform Module 3: Virtual Machines and Networks in the Cloud -Identify the purpose of and use cases for Google Compute Engine.-Understand the various Google Cloud Platform networking and operational tools and services.-Lab: Compute Engine Module 4: Storage in the Cloud -Understand the purpose of and use cases for: Google Cloud Storage, Google Cloud SQL, Google Cloud Bigtable, and Google Cloud Datastore.-Learn how to choose between the various storage options on Google Cloud Platform.-Lab: Cloud Storage and Cloud SQL Module 5: Containers in the Cloud -Define the concept of a container and identify uses for containers.-Identify the purpose of and use cases for Google Kubernetes Engine and Kubernetes.-Lab: Kubernetes Engine Module 6: Applications in the Cloud -Understand the purpose of and use cases for Google App Engine.-Contrast the App Engine Standard environment with the App Engine Flexible environment.-Understand the purpose of and use cases for Google Cloud Endpoints.-Lab: App Engine Module 7: Developing, Deploying, and Monitoring in the Cloud -Understand options for software developers to host their source code.-Understand the purpose of template-based creation and management of resources.-Understand the purpose of integrated monitoring, alerting, and debugging.-Lab: Deployment Manager and Stackdriver Module 8: Big Data and Machine Learning in the Cloud -Understand the purpose of and use cases for the products and services in the Google Cloud big data and machine learning platforms.-Lab: BigQuery [-]
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4 dager 25 000 kr
AI-102 Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Solution is intended for software developers wanting to build AI infused applications that leverage Azure Cognitive Services... [+]
TARGET AUDIENCE Software engineers concerned with building, managing and deploying AI solutions that leverage Azure Cognitive Services, Azure Cognitive Search, and Microsoft Bot Framework. They are familiar with C#, Python, or JavaScript and have knowledge on using REST-based APIs to build computer vision, language analysis, knowledge mining, intelligent search, and conversational AI solutions on Azure. COURSE OBJECTIVES After completing this course you should be able to: Describe considerations for creating AI-enabled applications Identify Azure services for AI application development Provision and consume cognitive services in Azure Manage cognitive services security Monitor cognitive services Use a cognitive services container Use the Text Analytics cognitive service to analyze text Use the Translator cognitive service to translate text Use the Speech cognitive service to recognize and synthesize speech Use the Speech cognitive service to translate speech Create a Language Understanding app Create a client application for Language Understanding Integrate Language Understanding and Speech Use QnA Maker to create a knowledge base Use a QnA knowledge base in an app or bot Use the Bot Framework SDK to create a bot Use the Bot Framework Composer to create a bot Use the Computer Vision service to analyze images Use Video Indexer to analyze videos Use the Custom Vision service to implement image classification Use the Custom Vision service to implement object detection Detect faces with the Computer Vision service Detect, analyze, and recognize faces with the Face service Use the Computer Vision service to read text in images and documents Use the Form Recognizer service to extract data from digital forms Create an intelligent search solution with Azure Cognitive Search Implement a custom skill in an Azure Cognitive Search enrichment pipeline Use Azure Cognitive Search to create a knowledge store   COURSE CONTENT Module 1: Introduction to AI on Azure Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly at the core of modern apps and services. In this module, you'll learn about some common AI capabilities that you can leverage in your apps, and how those capabilities are implemented in Microsoft Azure. You'll also learn about some considerations for designing and implementing AI solutions responsibly. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence in Azure Module 2: Developing AI Apps with Cognitive Services Cognitive Services are the core building blocks for integrating AI capabilities into your apps. In this module, you'll learn how to provision, secure, monitor, and deploy cognitive services. Getting Started with Cognitive Services Using Cognitive Services for Enterprise Applications Lab: Get Started with Cognitive Services Lab: Get Started with Cognitive Services Lab: Monitor Cognitive Services Lab: Use a Cognitive Services Container Module 3: Getting Started with Natural Language Processing  Natural Language processing (NLP) is a branch of artificial intelligence that deals with extracting insights from written or spoken language. In this module, you'll learn how to use cognitive services to analyze and translate text. Analyzing Text Translating Text Lab: Analyze Text Lab: Translate Text Module 4: Building Speech-Enabled Applications Many modern apps and services accept spoken input and can respond by synthesizing text. In this module, you'll continue your exploration of natural language processing capabilities by learning how to build speech-enabled applications. Speech Recognition and Synthesis Speech Translation Lab: Recognize and Synthesize Speech Lab: Translate Speech Module 5: Creating Language Understanding Solutions To build an application that can intelligently understand and respond to natural language input, you must define and train a model for language understanding. In this module, you'll learn how to use the Language Understanding service to create an app that can identify user intent from natural language input. Creating a Language Understanding App Publishing and Using a Language Understanding App Using Language Understanding with Speech Lab: Create a Language Understanding App Lab: Create a Language Understanding Client Application Use the Speech and Language Understanding Services Module 6: Building a QnA Solution One of the most common kinds of interaction between users and AI software agents is for users to submit questions in natural language, and for the AI agent to respond intelligently with an appropriate answer. In this module, you'll explore how the QnA Maker service enables the development of this kind of solution. Creating a QnA Knowledge Base Publishing and Using a QnA Knowledge Base Lab: Create a QnA Solution Module 7: Conversational AI and the Azure Bot Service Bots are the basis for an increasingly common kind of AI application in which users engage in conversations with AI agents, often as they would with a human agent. In this module, you'll explore the Microsoft Bot Framework and the Azure Bot Service, which together provide a platform for creating and delivering conversational experiences. Bot Basics Implementing a Conversational Bot Lab: Create a Bot with the Bot Framework SDK Lab: Create a Bot with a Bot Freamwork Composer Module 8: Getting Started with Computer Vision Computer vision is an area of artificial intelligence in which software applications interpret visual input from images or video. In this module, you'll start your exploration of computer vision by learning how to use cognitive services to analyze images and video. Analyzing Images Analyzing Videos Lab: Analyse Images with Computer Vision Lab: Analyze Images with Video Indexer Module 9: Developing Custom Vision Solutions While there are many scenarios where pre-defined general computer vision capabilities can be useful, sometimes you need to train a custom model with your own visual data. In this module, you'll explore the Custom Vision service, and how to use it to create custom image classification and object detection models. Image Classification Object Detection Lab: Classify Images with Custom Vision Lab: Detect Objects in Images with Custom Vision Module 10: Detecting, Analyzing, and Recognizing Faces Facial detection, analysis, and recognition are common computer vision scenarios. In this module, you'll explore the user of cognitive services to identify human faces. Detecting Faces with the Computer Vision Service Using the Face Service Lab:Destect, Analyze and Recognize Faces Module 11: Reading Text in Images and Documents Optical character recognition (OCR) is another common computer vision scenario, in which software extracts text from images or documents. In this module, you'll explore cognitive services that can be used to detect and read text in images, documents, and forms. Reading text with the Computer Vision Service Extracting Information from Forms with the Form Recognizer service Lab: Read Text in IMages Lab: Extract Data from Forms Module 12: Creating a Knowledge Mining Solution Ultimately, many AI scenarios involve intelligently searching for information based on user queries. AI-powered knowledge mining is an increasingly important way to build intelligent search solutions that use AI to extract insights from large repositories of digital data and enable users to find and analyze those insights. Implementing an Intelligent Search Solution Developing Custom Skills for an Enrichment Pipeline Creating a Knowledge Store Lab: Create and Azure Cognitive Search Solution Create a Custom Skill for Azure Cognitive Search Create a Knowledge Store with Azure Cognitive Search   TEST CERTIFICATION Recommended as preparation for the following exams: AI-102 - Designing and Implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution - Part of the requirements for the Microsoft Certified Azure AI Engineer Associate Certification.   HVORFOR VELGE SG PARTNER AS:  Flest kurs med Startgaranti Rimeligste kurs Beste service og personlig oppfølgning Tilgang til opptak etter endt kurs Partner med flere av verdens beste kursleverandører [-]
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Oslo 1 dag 9 500 kr
03 Jun
03 Jun
AI-050: Develop Generative AI Solutions with Azure OpenAI Service [+]
AI-050: Develop Generative AI Solutions with Azure OpenAI Service [-]
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2 dager
ISO/IEC 27001 Foundation gir deg en grunnleggende innføring i informasjonssikkerhet og sikkerhetsstyring. [+]
Bedriftstilbud! Vi tilbyr nå rabatterte priser for på PECB ISO/IEC Foundation 27001 som bedriftsinternt kurs for grupper (minimum 5 personer).Kurset kan holdes i lokalene til Orange Cyberdefense på Lysaker Torg, eller hos dere. Kontakt oss for et godt tilbud.  Har dere sikkerhetskompetansen dere trenger? Orange Cyberdefense holder sertifiseringskurs innen cyber- og informasjonssikkerhet levert av den anerkjente sertifisering- og kursleverandøren PECB. PECB ISO/IEC 27001 Foundation er et 2 dagers kurs, der man vil lære om de grunnleggende elementene for å implementere og lede et styringssystem for informasjonssikkerhet (ISMS) i samsvar med ISO/IEC 27001. Etter kurset vil kursdeltagerne forstå de ulike delene i et ISMS, inkludert policyer, rutiner, måling, internrevisjon og kontinuerlig forbedring. Kurset er ment for bedriftens ansatte som skal delta i innføringen av et styringssystem for informasjonssikkerhet, eller som trenger å lære mer om informasjonssikkerhet og styring av dette i en virksomhet.  Læringsmål for kurset Kjennskap til ISO/IEC 27001 og kunne se sammenhenger mellom ISO/IEC 27001, ISO/IEC 27002 og andre rammeverk. Forstå ulike tilnærminger, standarder, metoder og teknikker som brukes for å implementere og styre et ISMS. Kunne drifte elementene i et styringssystem for informasjonssikkerhet ISMS.   Bindende påmelding Vi forbeholder oss retten til å utsette kurs ved for få deltakere/ påmeldte. Tilbud om ny kursdato vil bli gitt.  [-]
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3 dager 20 900 kr
Docker and Kubernetes Development [+]
Docker and Kubernetes Development [-]
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Bedriftsintern 3 dager 27 000 kr
In this course, application developers learn how to design, develop, and deploy applications that seamlessly integrate components from the Google Cloud ecosystem. [+]
Through a combination of presentations, demos, and hands-on labs, participants learn how to use GCP services and pre-trained machine learning APIs to build secure, scalable, and intelligent cloud-native applications. Objectives This course teaches participants the following skills: Use best practices for application development Choose the appropriate data storage option for application data Implement federated identity management Develop loosely coupled application components or microservices Integrate application components and data sources Debug, trace, and monitor applications Perform repeatable deployments with containers and deployment services Choose the appropriate application runtime environment; use Google Container Engine as a runtime environment and later switch to a no-ops solution with Google App Engine Flex All courses will be delivered in partnership with ROI Training, Google Cloud Premier Partner, using a Google Authorized Trainer. Course Outline Module 1: Best Practices for Application Development -Code and environment management-Design and development of secure, scalable, reliable, loosely coupled application components and microservices-Continuous integration and delivery-Re-architecting applications for the cloud Module 2: Google Cloud Client Libraries, Google Cloud SDK, and Google Firebase SDK -How to set up and use Google Cloud Client Libraries, Google Cloud SDK, and Google Firebase SDK-Lab: Set up Google Client Libraries, Google Cloud SDK, and Firebase SDK on a Linux instance and set up application credentials Module 3: Overview of Data Storage Options -Overview of options to store application data-Use cases for Google Cloud Storage, Google Cloud Datastore, Cloud Bigtable, Google Cloud SQL, and Cloud Spanner Module 4: Best Practices for Using Cloud Datastore -Best practices related to the following:-Queries-Built-in and composite indexes-Inserting and deleting data (batch operations)-Transactions-Error handling-Bulk-loading data into Cloud Datastore by using Google Cloud Dataflow-Lab: Store application data in Cloud Datastore Module 5: Performing Operations on Buckets and Objects -Operations that can be performed on buckets and objects-Consistency model-Error handling Module 6: Best Practices for Using Cloud Storage -Naming buckets for static websites and other uses-Naming objects (from an access distribution perspective)-Performance considerations-Setting up and debugging a CORS configuration on a bucket-Lab: Store files in Cloud Storage Module 7: Handling Authentication and Authorization -Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles and service accounts-User authentication by using Firebase Authentication-User authentication and authorization by using Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy-Lab: Authenticate users by using Firebase Authentication Module 8: Using Google Cloud Pub/Sub to Integrate Components of Your Application -Topics, publishers, and subscribers-Pull and push subscriptions-Use cases for Cloud Pub/Sub-Lab: Develop a backend service to process messages in a message queue Module 9: Adding Intelligence to Your Application -Overview of pre-trained machine learning APIs such as Cloud Vision API and Cloud Natural Language Processing API Module 10: Using Cloud Functions for Event-Driven Processing -Key concepts such as triggers, background functions, HTTP functions-Use cases-Developing and deploying functions-Logging, error reporting, and monitoring Module 11: Managing APIs with Google Cloud Endpoints -Open API deployment configuration-Lab: Deploy an API for your application Module 12: Deploying an Application by Using Google Cloud Build, Google Cloud Container Registry, and Google Cloud Deployment Manager -Creating and storing container images-Repeatable deployments with deployment configuration and templates-Lab: Use Deployment Manager to deploy a web application into Google App Engine flexible environment test and production environments Module 13: Execution Environments for Your Application -Considerations for choosing an execution environment for your application or service:-Google Compute Engine-Kubernetes Engine-App Engine flexible environment-Cloud Functions-Cloud Dataflow-Lab: Deploying your application on App Engine flexible environment Module 14: Debugging, Monitoring, and Tuning Performance by Using Google Stackdriver -Stackdriver Debugger-Stackdriver Error Reporting-Lab: Debugging an application error by using Stackdriver Debugger and Error Reporting-Stackdriver Logging-Key concepts related to Stackdriver Trace and Stackdriver Monitoring.-Lab: Use Stackdriver Monitoring and Stackdriver Trace to trace a request across services, observe, and optimize performance [-]
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