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Mer enn 100 treff ( i Jönköping ) i IT-kurs

Nettkurs 40 minutter 5 600 kr
MoP®, er et rammeverk og en veiledning for styring av prosjekter og programmer i en portefølje. Sertifiseringen MoP Foundation gir deg en innføring i porteføljestyring me... [+]
Du vil få tilsendt en «Core guidance» bok og sertifiserings-voucher slik at du kan ta sertifiseringstesten for eksempel hjemme eller på jobb. Denne vil være gyldig i ett år. Tid for sertifiseringstest avtales som beskrevet i e-post med voucher. Eksamen overvåkes av en web-basert eksamensvakt.   Eksamen er på engelsk. Eksamensformen er multiple choice - 50 spørsmål skal besvares, og du består ved 50% korrekte svar (dvs 25 av 50 spørsmål). Deltakerne har 40 minutter til rådighet på eksamen.  Ingen hjelpemidler er tillatt.   Nødvendige forkunnskaper: Ingen [-]
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Nettkurs 12 måneder 8 000 kr
ITIL® er det mest utbredte og anerkjente rammeverket for IT Service Management (ITSM) i verden, og ITIL® 4 Foundation er et introduksjonskurs til rammeverket. [+]
ITIL® 4 Foundation-kurset er en introduksjon til ITIL® 4. Kurset lar kandidater se på IT-tjenestestyring gjennom en ende-til-ende driftsmodell, som inkluderer oppretting, levering og kontinuerlig forbedring av IT-relaterte produkter og tjenester. E-læringskurset inneholder 12 timer med undervisning, og er delt inn i 8 moduler. Les mer om ITIL® 4 på AXELOS sine websider. Inkluderer: Tilgang til ITIL® 4 Foundation e-læring (engelsk) i 12 måneder. ITIL® Foundation online voucher til sertifiseringstest + digital ITIL Foundation bok ITIL®/PRINCE2®/MSP®/MoP® are registered trademarks of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved. [-]
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5 dager 25 500 kr
MS-100: Microsoft 365 Identity and Services [+]
MS-100: Microsoft 365 Identity and Services [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 4 dager 23 000 kr
This course prepares students with the background to design and evaluate cybersecurity strategies in the following areas: Zero Trust, Governance Risk Compliance (GRC), se... [+]
. Students will also learn how to design and architect solutions using zero trust principles and specify security requirements for cloud infrastructure in different service models (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS). TARGET AUDIENCE IT professionals with advanced experience and knowledge in a wide range of security engineering areas, including identity and access, platform protection, security operations, securing data, and securing applications. They should also have experience with hybrid and cloud implementations. COURSE OBJECTIVES Design a Zero Trust strategy and architecture Evaluate Governance Risk Compliance (GRC) technical strategies and security operations strategies Design security for infrastructure Design a strategy for data and applications COURSE CONTENT Module 1: Build an overall security strategy and architecture Learn how to build an overall security strategy and architecture. Lessons M1 Introduction Zero Trust overview Develop Integration points in an architecture Develop security requirements based on business goals Translate security requirements into technical capabilities Design security for a resiliency strategy Design a security strategy for hybrid and multi-tenant environments Design technical and governance strategies for traffic filtering and segmentation Understand security for protocols Exercise: Build an overall security strategy and architecture Knowledge check Summary After completing module 1, students will be able to: Develop Integration points in an architecture Develop security requirements based on business goals Translate security requirements into technical capabilities Design security for a resiliency strategy Design security strategy for hybrid and multi-tenant environments Design technical and governance strategies for traffic filtering and segmentation Module 2: Design a security operations strategy Learn how to design a security operations strategy. Lessons M2 Introduction Understand security operations frameworks, processes, and procedures Design a logging and auditing security strategy Develop security operations for hybrid and multi-cloud environments Design a strategy for Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and Security Orchestration, Evaluate security workflows Review security strategies for incident management Evaluate security operations strategy for sharing technical threat intelligence Monitor sources for insights on threats and mitigations After completing module 2, students will be able to: Design a logging and auditing security strategy Develop security operations for hybrid and multi-cloud environments. Design a strategy for Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and Security Orchestration, A Evaluate security workflows. Review security strategies for incident management. Evaluate security operations for technical threat intelligence. Monitor sources for insights on threats and mitigations. Module 3: Design an identity security strategy Learn how to design an identity security strategy. Lessons M3 Introduction Secure access to cloud resources Recommend an identity store for security Recommend secure authentication and security authorization strategies Secure conditional access Design a strategy for role assignment and delegation Define Identity governance for access reviews and entitlement management Design a security strategy for privileged role access to infrastructure Design a security strategy for privileged activities Understand security for protocols After completing module 3, students will be able to: Recommend an identity store for security. Recommend secure authentication and security authorization strategies. Secure conditional access. Design a strategy for role assignment and delegation. Define Identity governance for access reviews and entitlement management. Design a security strategy for privileged role access to infrastructure. Design a security strategy for privileged access. Module 4: Evaluate a regulatory compliance strategy Learn how to evaluate a regulatory compliance strategy. Lessons M4 Introduction Interpret compliance requirements and their technical capabilities Evaluate infrastructure compliance by using Microsoft Defender for Cloud Interpret compliance scores and recommend actions to resolve issues or improve security Design and validate implementation of Azure Policy Design for data residency Requirements Translate privacy requirements into requirements for security solutions After completing module 4, students will be able to: Interpret compliance requirements and their technical capabilities Evaluate infrastructure compliance by using Microsoft Defender for Cloud Interpret compliance scores and recommend actions to resolve issues or improve security Design and validate implementation of Azure Policy Design for data residency requirements Translate privacy requirements into requirements for security solutions Module 5: Evaluate security posture and recommend technical strategies to manage risk Learn how to evaluate security posture and recommend technical strategies to manage risk. Lessons M5 Introduction Evaluate security postures by using benchmarks Evaluate security postures by using Microsoft Defender for Cloud Evaluate security postures by using Secure Scores Evaluate security hygiene of Cloud Workloads Design security for an Azure Landing Zone Interpret technical threat intelligence and recommend risk mitigations Recommend security capabilities or controls to mitigate identified risks After completing module 5, students will be able to: Evaluate security postures by using benchmarks Evaluate security postures by using Microsoft Defender for Cloud Evaluate security postures by using Secure Scores Evaluate security hygiene of Cloud Workloads Design security for an Azure Landing Zone Interpret technical threat intelligence and recommend risk mitigations Recommend security capabilities or controls to mitigate identified risks Module 6: Understand architecture best practices and how they are changing with the Cloud Learn about architecture best practices and how they are changing with the Cloud. Lessons M6 Introduction Plan and implement a security strategy across teams Establish a strategy and process for proactive and continuous evolution of a security strategy Understand network protocols and best practices for network segmentation and traffic filtering After completing module 6, students will be able to: Describe best practices for network segmentation and traffic filtering. Plan and implement a security strategy across teams. Establish a strategy and process for proactive and continuous evaluation of security strategy. Module 7: Design a strategy for securing server and client endpoints Learn how to design a strategy for securing server and client endpoints. Lessons M7 Introduction Specify security baselines for server and client endpoints Specify security requirements for servers Specify security requirements for mobile devices and clients Specify requirements for securing Active Directory Domain Services Design a strategy to manage secrets, keys, and certificates Design a strategy for secure remote access Understand security operations frameworks, processes, and procedures Understand deep forensics procedures by resource type After completing module 7, students will be able to: Specify security baselines for server and client endpoints Specify security requirements for servers Specify security requirements for mobile devices and clients Specify requirements for securing Active Directory Domain Services Design a strategy to manage secrets, keys, and certificates Design a strategy for secure remote access Understand security operations frameworks, processes, and procedures Understand deep forensics procedures by resource type Module 8: Design a strategy for securing PaaS, IaaS, and SaaS services Learn how to design a strategy for securing PaaS, IaaS, and SaaS services. Lessons M8 Introduction Specify security baselines for PaaS services Specify security baselines for IaaS services Specify security baselines for SaaS services Specify security requirements for IoT workloads Specify security requirements for data workloads Specify security requirements for web workloads Specify security requirements for storage workloads Specify security requirements for containers Specify security requirements for container orchestration After completing module 8, students will be able to: Specify security baselines for PaaS, SaaS and IaaS services Specify security requirements for IoT, data, storage, and web workloads Specify security requirements for containers and container orchestration Module 9: Specify security requirements for applications Learn how to specify security requirements for applications. Lessons M9 Introduction Understand application threat modeling Specify priorities for mitigating threats to applications Specify a security standard for onboarding a new application Specify a security strategy for applications and APIs After completing module 9, students will be able to: Specify priorities for mitigating threats to applications Specify a security standard for onboarding a new application Specify a security strategy for applications and APIs Module 10: Design a strategy for securing data Learn how to design a strategy for securing data. Lessons M10 Introduction Prioritize mitigating threats to data Design a strategy to identify and protect sensitive data Specify an encryption standard for data at rest and in motion After completing module 10, students will be able to: Prioritize mitigating threats to data Design a strategy to identify and protect sensitive data Specify an encryption standard for data at rest and in motion [-]
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Nettstudie 2 semester 4 980 kr
På forespørsel
.NET-rammeverket og arkitekturen. Common Language Runtime (CLR). Common Type System (CTS). Klassebiblioteket. Common Language Specification (CLS). Assemblies. Programmeri... [+]
  Studieår: 2013-2014   Gjennomføring: Høst og vår Antall studiepoeng: 5.0 Forutsetninger: Erfaring med programmering i et objektorientert språk. Innleveringer: Det blir gitt 10 øvinger. 8 må være godkjente for å gå opp til eksamen. Personlig veileder: ja Vurderingsform: individuell skriftlig eksamen, 3 timer. Ansvarlig: Tore Berg Hansen Eksamensdato: 17.12.13 / 20.05.14         Læremål: Etter å ha gjennomført emnet skal kandidaten ha følgende samlete læringsutbytte: KUNNSKAPER:Kandidaten kan forklare:- hva .NET-rammeverket er, dets hensikt og hva det inneholder- begrepene Common Language Runtime, Common Type System og managed code- begrepene Solution, Project og Assembly- hva en webtjeneste er- hvordan datakilder kan aksesseres ved hjelp av ADO.NET- hvordan webapplikasjoner kan lages ved hjelp av ASP.NET FERDIGHETER:Kandidaten:- kan skrive korte programmer i C#, Visual Basic .NET og C++/managed C++ som viser bruk av de sentrale konsepter som klassebiblioteket, ADO.NET og ASP.NET GENERELL KOMPETANSE:Kandidaten:- er klar over at .NET rammeverket har styrker og svakheter og at det finnes alternative teknologier Innhold:.NET-rammeverket og arkitekturen. Common Language Runtime (CLR). Common Type System (CTS). Klassebiblioteket. Common Language Specification (CLS). Assemblies. Programmeringsspråkene C#, C++, Visual Basic.NET. Managed code. Web services. ADO.NET. ASP.NET.Les mer om faget her Påmeldingsfrist: 25.08.13 / 25.01.14         Velg semester:  Høst 2013    Vår 2014     Fag Applikasjonsutvikling på .NET-plattformen 4980,-         Semesteravgift og eksamenskostnader kommer i tillegg.    [-]
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Oslo 4 dager 22 500 kr
10 Jun
10 Jun
16 Sep [+]
AZ-500: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies [-]
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5 dager 30 000 kr
MCA: Microsoft 365 Modern Desktop Administrator Associate - Boot Camp [+]
MCA: Microsoft 365 Modern Desktop Administrator Associate - Boot Camp [-]
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Nettkurs 375 kr
Kurs med Inga Strümke om etikk og risiko ved bruk av kunstig intelligens. Lær mer om utfordringene og mulighetene. [+]
Risikomomentene rundt kunstig intelligens er mange og berører flere fagområder. Hovedutfordringen med trygg og ansvarlig bruk av kunstig intelligens og maskinlæring er at problemstillingene utfordrer mange helt ulike fagområder, og tar opp mange temaer samfunnet aldri før har tatt stilling til. I dette kurset introduserer AI-ekspert Inga Strümke deg for de etiske, tekniske, juridiske og samfunnsmessige aspektene, og du vil få et helhetlig bilde av utfordringene og mulighetene. Fra før av har Inga Strümke laget kurset “En innføring i kunstig intelligens og maskinlæring” med Videocation. Vi anbefaler deg å se innføringskurset før du ser dette kurset om kunstig intelligens og risiko.  Introduksjon til kurset Innføring i AI-etikk Egne prosedyrer Falske nyheter og AI-skribenter Deepfakes Syntetiske data Angrep og mål Cybersikkerhet og IoT AI-regulering Personvern og differential privacy Rettferdighet Maskiner som tar jobbene og beslutningene våre Bærekraft Oppsummering [-]
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Nettkurs 375 kr
Kurs med Daniel Webb som lærer deg grunnleggende ferdigheter i Power BI. [+]
  Kurs med Daniel Webb som lærer deg grunnleggende ferdigheter  i Power BI.   I vår moderne verden er det data overalt – i bilen, ute, hjemme og ikke minst på jobb. Å ha kontroll på dataene er viktigere enn noensinne, og da gjelder det å gjøre informasjon lett tilgjengelig for rett person på rett sted og til rett tid. Power BI er Microsofts Business Intelligence-verktøy, og kan hjelpe deg med hele prosessen fra innhenting av data til ferdig rapport. Power BI er ypperlig for å tilgjengeliggjøre, dele og samarbeide om viktig informasjon med det resultatet at du kan ta faktabaserte valg og beslutninger. Power BI er tett integrert med Microsoft sine andre løsninger, bl.a. Excel, Teams og Power Platform. I dette kurset bruker Daniel Webb Power BI til å lage en salgsrapport basert på data fra en Excel-fil. Du vil lære deg de grunnleggende ferdighetene for å kunne lage dine egne rapporter i Power BI Desktop, samt få en oversikt over hele Power BI-økosystemet og hvordan ting henger sammen.    Leksjoner Introduksjon til kurset Power BI – Introduksjon og oversikt Power BI Desktop Power BI Service Power BI – lisensiering Introduksjon til Get Data Import vs Direct Query vs Live Connection Gjennomgang av ofte brukte data connectors Excel connector, lokale filer og gateways Introduksjon tll Power Query Arbeid med første data Query Import av andre queries Datamodelleringsteori Modellering i praksis DAX og measures Å skrive DAX DAX-eksempler Quick measures Report view i Power BI Desktop Hvilken visual skal du bruke? Slicers og filters Setter ting sammen Workspaces i Power BI Service Workspace-elementer – reports, datasets og dashboards Deling og samarbeid Oppsummering   [-]
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Oslo 4 dager 28 900 kr
28 May
28 May
24 Sep
Kubernetes Security Fundamentals (LFS460) [+]
Kubernetes Security Fundamentals (LFS460) [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 2 timer 1 690 kr
På webinaret går vi gjennom oppsett og presentasjonsopplevelser i Microsoft Teams møter. [+]
På webinaret går vi gjennom oppsett og presentasjonsopplevelser i Microsoft Teams møter. Teams er i rask utvikling og spesielt på presentasjonsfronten har det skjedd store endringer i det siste. Dette webinaret tar for seg alternativer i oppsett av møtet, tildele riktige roller og skape den beste presentasjonsopplevelsen for deltakerne. Opprette Teams-møter – via Outlook eller Teams | Ad Hoc møter | Kanalmøter | Innstillinger for møtet – i innkallelsen | Innstillinger og administrasjon av møtet – når møtet er i gang i Teams | Visninger | Presentere/dele – hva og hvordan| Presentasjonsvisninger | Teksting | Opptak | Møtenotater – før, under og etter Pris: 1690 kroner [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 5 dager 35 000 kr
The Implementing and Operating Cisco Security Core Technologies (SCOR) course helps you prepare for the Cisco® CCNP® Security and CCIE® Security certifications and for se... [+]
COURSE OVERVIEW In this course, you will master the skills and technologies you need to implement core Cisco security solutions to provide advanced threat protection against cybersecurity attacks. You will learn security for networks, cloud and content, endpoint protection, secure network access, visibility and enforcements. You will get extensive hands-on experience deploying Cisco Firepower Next-Generation Firewall and Cisco ASA Firewall; configuring access control policies, mail policies, and 802.1X Authentication; and more.  You will get introductory practice on Cisco Stealthwatch Enterprise and Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud threat detection features. Please note that this course is a combination of Instructor-Led and Self-Paced Study - 5 days in the classroom and approx 3 days of self study. The self-study content will be provided as part of the digital courseware that you will recieve at the beginning of the course and should be part of your preparation for the exam. TARGET AUDIENCE Security individuals who need to be able to implement and operate core security technologies including network security, cloud security, content security, endpoint protection and detection, secure network access, visibility and enforcements. COURSE OBJECTIVES After completing this course you should be able to: Describe information security concepts and strategies within the network Describe common TCP/IP, network application, and endpoint attacks Describe how various network security technologies work together to guard against attacks Implement access control on Cisco ASA appliance and Cisco Firepower Next-Generation Firewall Describe and implement basic email content security features and functions provided by Cisco Email Security Appliance Describe and implement web content security features and functions provided by Cisco Web Security Appliance Describe Cisco Umbrella security capabilities, deployment models, policy management, and Investigate console Introduce VPNs and describe cryptography solutions and algorithms Describe Cisco secure site-to-site connectivity solutions and explain how to deploy Cisco IOS VTI-based point-to-point IPsec VPNs, and point-to-point IPsec VPN on the Cisco ASA and Cisco FirePower NGFW Describe and deploy Cisco secure remote access connectivity solutions and describe how to configure 802.1X and EAP authentication Provide basic understanding of endpoint security and describe AMP for Endpoints architecture and basic features Examine various defenses on Cisco devices that protect the control and management plane Configure and verify Cisco IOS Software Layer 2 and Layer 3 Data Plane Controls Describe Cisco Stealthwatch Enterprise and Stealthwatch Cloud solutions Describe basics of cloud computing and common cloud attacks and how to secure cloud environment   COURSE CONTENT Describing Information Security Concepts (Self-Study) Information Security Overview Managing Risk Vulnerability Assessment Understanding CVSS Describing Common TCP/IP Attacks (Self-Study) Legacy TCP/IP Vulnerabilities IP Vulnerabilities ICMP Vulnerabilities TCP Vulnerabilities UDP Vulnerabilities Attack Surface and Attack Vectors Reconnaissance Attacks Access Attacks Man-In-The-Middle Attacks Denial of Service and Distributed Denial of Service Attacks Reflection and Amplification Attacks Spoofing Attacks DHCP Attacks Describing Common Network Application Attacks (Self-Study) Password Attacks DNS-Based Attacks DNS Tunneling Web-Based Attacks HTTP 302 Cushioning Command Injections SQL Injections Cross-Site Scripting and Request Forgery Email-Based Attacks Describing Common Endpoint Attacks (Self-Study) Buffer Overflow Malware Reconnaissance Attack Gaining Access and Control Gaining Access via Social Engineering Gaining Access via Web-Based Attacks Exploit Kits and Rootkits Privilege Escalation Post-Exploitation Phase Angler Exploit Kit Describing Network Security Technologies Defense-in-Depth Strategy Defending Across the Attack Continuum Network Segmentation and Virtualization Overview Stateful Firewall Overview Security Intelligence Overview Threat Information Standardization Network-Based Malware Protection Overview IPS Overview Next Generation Firewall Overview Email Content Security Overview Web Content Security Overview Threat Analytic Systems Overview DNS Security Overview Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting Overview Identity and Access Management Overview Virtual Private Network Technology Overview Network Security Device Form Factors Overview Deploying Cisco ASA Firewall Cisco ASA Deployment Types Cisco ASA Interface Security Levels Cisco ASA Objects and Object Groups Network Address Translation Cisco ASA Interface ACLs Cisco ASA Global ACLs Cisco ASA Advanced Access Policies Cisco ASA High Availability Overview Deploying Cisco Firepower Next-Generation Firewall Cisco Firepower NGFW Deployments Cisco Firepower NGFW Packet Processing and Policies Cisco Firepower NGFW Objects Cisco Firepower NGFW NAT Cisco Firepower NGFW Prefilter Policies Cisco Firepower NGFW Access Control Policies Cisco Firepower NGFW Security Intelligence Cisco Firepower NGFW Discovery Policies Cisco Firepower NGFW IPS Policies Cisco Firepower NGFW Malware and File Policies Deploying Email Content Security Cisco Email Content Security Overview SMTP Overview Email Pipeline Overview Public and Private Listeners Host Access Table Overview Recipient Access Table Overview Mail Policies Overview Protection Against Spam and Graymail Anti-virus and Anti-malware Protection Outbreak Filters Content Filters Data Loss Prevention Email Encryption Deploying Web Content Security Cisco WSA Overview Deployment Options Network Users Authentication HTTPS Traffic Decryption Access Policies and Identification Profiles Acceptable Use Controls Settings Anti-Malware Protection Deploying Cisco Umbrella (Self-Study) Cisco Umbrella Architecture Deploying Cisco Umbrella Cisco Umbrella Roaming Client Managing Cisco Umbrella Cisco Umbrella Investigate Overview Explaining VPN Technologies and Cryptography VPN Definition VPN Types Secure Communication and Cryptographic Services Keys in Cryptography Public Key Infrastructure Introducing Cisco Secure Site-to-Site VPN Solutions Site-to-Site VPN Topologies IPsec VPN Overview IPsec Static Crypto Maps IPsec Static Virtual Tunnel Interface Dynamic Multipoint VPN Cisco IOS FlexVPN Deploying Cisco IOS VTI-Based Point-to-Point Cisco IOS VTIs Static VTI Point-to-Point IPsec IKEv2 VPN Configuration Deploying Point-to-Point IPsec VPNs on the Cisco ASA and Cisco Firepower NGFW Point-to-Point VPNs on the Cisco ASA and Cisco Firepower NGFW Cisco ASA Point-to-Point VPN Configuration Cisco Firepower NGFW Point-to-Point VPN Configuration Introducing Cisco Secure Remote Access VPN Solutions Remote Access VPN Components Remote Access VPN Technologies SSL Overview Deploying Remote Access SSL VPNs on the Cisco ASA and Cisco Firepower NGFW Remote Access Configuration Concepts Connection Profiles Group Policies Cisco ASA Remote Access VPN Configuration Cisco Firepower NGFW Remote Access VPN Configuration Explaining Cisco Secure Network Access Solutions Cisco Secure Network Access Cisco Secure Network Access Components AAA Role in Cisco Secure Network Access Solution Cisco Identity Services Engine Cisco TrustSec Describing 802.1X Authentication 802.1X and EAP EAP Methods Role of RADIUS in 802.1X Communications RADIUS Change of Authorization Configuring 802.1X Authentication Cisco Catalyst Switch 802.1X Configuration Cisco WLC 802.1X Configuration Cisco ISE 802.1X Configuration Supplicant 802.1x Configuration Cisco Central Web Authentication Describing Endpoint Security Technologies (Self-Study) Host-Based Personal Firewall Host-Based Anti-Virus Host-Based Intrusion Prevention System Application Whitelists and Blacklists Host-Based Malware Protection Sandboxing Overview File Integrity Checking Deploying Cisco AMP for Endpoints (Self-study) Cisco AMP for Endpoints Architecture Cisco AMP for Endpoints Engines Retrospective Security with Cisco AMP Cisco AMP Device and File Trajectory Managing Cisco AMP for Endpoints Introducing Network Infrastructure Protection (Self-Study) Identifying Network Device Planes Control Plane Security Controls Management Plane Security Controls Network Telemetry Layer 2 Data Plane Security Controls Layer 3 Data Plane Security Controls Deploying Control Plane Security Controls (Self-Study) Infrastructure ACLs Control Plane Policing Control Plane Protection Routing Protocol Security Deploying Layer 2 Data Plane Security Controls (Self-Study) Overview of Layer 2 Data Plane Security Controls VLAN-Based Attacks Mitigation STP Attacks Mitigation Port Security Private VLANs DHCP Snooping ARP Inspection Storm Control MACsec Encryption Deploying Layer 3 Data Plane Security Controls (Self-Study) Infrastructure Antispoofing ACLs Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding IP Source Guard Labs Configure Network Settings And NAT On Cisco ASA Configure Cisco ASA Access Control Policies Configure Cisco Firepower NGFW NAT Configure Cisco Firepower NGFW Access Control Policy Configure Cisco Firepower NGFW Discovery and IPS Policy Configure Cisco NGFW Malware and File Policy Configure Listener, HAT, and RAT on Cisco ESA Configure Mail Policies Configure Proxy Services, Authentication, and HTTPS Decryption Enforce Acceptable Use Control and Malware Protection Examine the Umbrella Dashboard Examine Cisco Umbrella Investigate Explore DNS Ransomware Protection by Cisco Umbrella Configure Static VTI Point-to-Point IPsec IKEv2 Tunnel Configure Point-to-Point VPN between the Cisco ASA and Cisco Firepower NGFW Configure Remote Access VPN on the Cisco Firepower NGFW Explore Cisco AMP for Endpoints Perform Endpoint Analysis Using AMP for Endpoints Console Explore File Ransomware Protection by Cisco AMP for Endpoints Console Explore Cisco Stealthwatch Enterprise v6.9.3 Explore CTA in Stealthwatch Enterprise v7.0 Explore the Cisco Cloudlock Dashboard and User Security Explore Cisco Cloudlock Application and Data Security Explore Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud Explore Stealthwatch Cloud Alert Settings, Watchlists, and Sensors TEST CERTIFICATION Recommended as preparation for the following exams: 350-701 - Implementing and Operating Cisco Security Core Technologies (SCOR 350-701)   This is the core exam for the Cisco CCNP Security certification, in order to gain the CCNP Security certification you will also need to pass one of the concentration exams. [-]
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Klasserom + nettkurs 1 dag 5 490 kr
Excel controllere/økonomer kurs vinklet fra en Controllers hverdag med fokus på gode metoder for å arbeid med Excel-lister. Påfyllet kurset gir deg, gjør deg i stand... [+]
Excel controllere/økonomer kurs vinklet fra en Controllers hverdag med fokus på gode metoder for å arbeide med Excel-lister. Påfyllet kurset gir deg, gjør deg i stand til å jobbe mer effektivt i Excel. Kursets mange eksempler, viser hva du virkelig kan få til i Excel, enten det er å jobbe med formler / funksjoner, lister eller store Excel-modeller. Kurset er utviklet av controllere, med det for øye at du skal kunne angripe dine Excel-utfordringer på en smart og effektiv måte. Kurset kan også spesialtilpasses og holdes bedriftsinternt i deres eller våre lokaler.   Kursinnhold:     Datautveksling/Klargjøring av data Mulige inndatametoder: Importering av tekstfil, webspørringer, innliming av data fra WWW. Importere data med ulikt dataformat: tekst - eller databaseformat Formatproblemer ifm. dataimport: ”feil” formater, fjerne deler av informasjon i en celle, fjerne duplikater, kjapt finne skrivefeil   Data/Konsolider Konsolider data: hvor data ligger i samme regneark Konsolidering data: hvor dataene skal behandles på tvers av regneark. Konsolidering data: hvor data ligger i ulike arbeidsbøker   Tabeller/Listefunksjonalitet Definisjonen av en tabell: Viktig å huske når tabellen skal behandles videre. Jobbe med en liste: få gode råd angående arbeid med lister Sortere tabellen: kjapt og enkelt med egendefinerte sorteringsnøkler Filter med Autofilter: filtrere ut bare de data du ønsker eller slette tomme rader. Filter med Avansert filter: få råd om i hvilke situasjoner det er smart å bruke avansert filter og hvordan du enklest bruker dette filteret. Beregninger i tabeller og lister Beregninger med flere variabler: Funksjonene Dsummer, Dantall og DGjennomsnitt Organiser og beregne data : Ved hjelp av delsammendrag. Lær hvordan resultatet kan kopieres til et annet sted. Oppslag i en liste: Funksjonene Finn.Kolonne og Finn.Rad Lag rapporter ved hjelp av Pivotteknikk: Opplev hvor enkelt det er å lage rapporter ved hjelp av pivotteknikk!   "Hva hvis"-analyser og optimalisering Sensitivitetsanalyse: Målsøking er en måte å regne ”baklengs” på. Sensitivitetsanalyse: Tabeller med 1 og 2 variabler Optimalisering: Ved hjelp av Problemløseren   Samarbeid med andre Deling av arbeidsbøker: ved ønske om å jobbe samtidig i samme arbeidsbok Sporing av endringer: når du ønsker å plukke opp de endringer andre har gjort     4 gode grunner til å velge KnowledgeGroup 1. Best practice kursinnhold 2. Markedets beste instruktører 3. Små kursgrupper 4. Kvalitets- og startgaranti   [-]
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Oslo Bergen Og 1 annet sted 2 timer 15 900 kr
06 Jun
13 Jun
27 Jun
Leading SAFe® 6.0 [+]
Leading SAFe® [-]
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Nettkurs 375 kr
Kurs i cybersikkerhet med Carsten Maartmann-Moe. Du lærer om cyberkriminelle, og de største risikoene for angrep. [+]
Kurs i cybersikkerhet med Carsten Maartmann-Moe. Du lærer om cyberkriminelle,  og de største risikoene for angrep. Cybersikkerhet eller IT-sikkerhet er i nyhetene nesten hver dag, men hva er fakta og hva er fiksjon? Kan du bli hacket når som helst? Er alle ute etter din virksomhet? Hva er de største risikoene, og hvordan kan man effektivt redusere dem? I dette kurset lærer du hvordan cyberkriminelle opererer, hva de største risikoene er, og hvordan nyanser og kompleksitet påvirker hvilke sikringstiltak som fungerer. Vi vil også lære hvordan den undergrunnsøkonomien i cyberverden fungerer, slik at du kan ta gode beslutninger for å beskytte din egen og din virksomhets informasjon.    Være i stand til å forklare hva cyberkriminalitet er, og hvorfor cybersikkerhet er viktig Være i stand til å forstå hvorfor cybersikkerhet er komplekst Være i stand til å analysere hvilke risikoer som du og din virksomhet står ovenfor Være i stand til å finne og beskytte din mest verdifulle informasjon Være i stand til å håndtere sikkerhetsbrudd på en betryggende måte Morgendagens trusler   Introduksjon til kurset Hvordan er det å bli hacket Hvem er hackerene? God cybersikkerhet – en forutsetning for vellykket digitalisering Hvordan ser cyberspace ut? Å jobbe strukturert med cybersikkerhet 4 myter om cybersikkerhet Personvern og cybersikkerhet Hva er risiko, og hvordan måler du den? Vurdere og redusere risiko – tips og triks Hvordan kommunisere med ledelsen om risiko? Digitalisering og tilpasning til din virksomhet Effektive sikkerhetstiltak for din virksomhet Effektive sikkerhetstiltak for deg som person Rammeverk og verktøy Fremtidige utfordringer Hjelp jeg har blitt hacket Hvem som kan hjelpe Oppsummering og videre læring [-]
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