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Mer enn 100 treff ( i Sandsli ) i IT-kurs

Nettkurs 40 minutter 5 600 kr
MoP®, er et rammeverk og en veiledning for styring av prosjekter og programmer i en portefølje. Sertifiseringen MoP Foundation gir deg en innføring i porteføljestyring me... [+]
Du vil få tilsendt en «Core guidance» bok og sertifiserings-voucher slik at du kan ta sertifiseringstesten for eksempel hjemme eller på jobb. Denne vil være gyldig i ett år. Tid for sertifiseringstest avtales som beskrevet i e-post med voucher. Eksamen overvåkes av en web-basert eksamensvakt.   Eksamen er på engelsk. Eksamensformen er multiple choice - 50 spørsmål skal besvares, og du består ved 50% korrekte svar (dvs 25 av 50 spørsmål). Deltakerne har 40 minutter til rådighet på eksamen.  Ingen hjelpemidler er tillatt.   Nødvendige forkunnskaper: Ingen [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 3 timer
Skriv kursbeskrivelse her [+]
Skriv kursbeskrivelse her [-]
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Oslo 3 dager 20 900 kr
02 Oct
02 Oct
18 Dec
React: Hooks, Concurrency, Performance, Maintainability & Tests [+]
React: Hooks, Concurrency, Performance, Maintainability & Tests [-]
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Oslo 4 dager 22 500 kr
27 May
27 May
02 Sep [+]
DP-080: Querying Data with Microsoft Transact-SQL [-]
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Oslo 3 dager 27 900 kr
01 Jul
01 Jul
30 Sep
DevOps Engineering on AWS [+]
DevOps Engineering on AWS [-]
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Nettkurs 18 timer 1 275 kr
E-læringskurset gir deg en opplevelsesrik og praktisk opplæring i regnearkprogrammet Excel 2016. En kombinasjon av videoer, teori, oppskrifter, oppgaver og tester gjør de... [+]
E-læringskurset gir deg en opplevelsesrik og praktisk opplæring i regnearkprogrammet Excel 2016. En kombinasjon av videoer, teori, oppskrifter, oppgaver og tester gjør det enkelt å lære seg de nye verktøyene. E-læringskurset inneholder 59 opplæringsvideoer.E-læringskurset er tilpasset Office 365.Testene i e-læringskurset måler kunnskap før, under og etter opplæringen. Når ettertesten er bestått får du tilgang til et kursbevis i PDF-format som enkelt kan lagres eller skrives ut.Jobb smart og effektivt!- Office 365 gir deg alltid den nyeste versjonen av Excel.- Maler er tilgjengelig ved oppstart.- Enklere åpning og lagring av arbeidsbøker.- Microsoft-kontoen kobler enheten til OneDrive, slik at du alltid har tilgang til filene dine.- Egen modus som er optimalisert for berøring.- Enklere søk etter kommandoer, handlinger og hjelp.- Formler utfører beregninger raskt og enkelt.- Autofyll forenkler arbeidet med å fylle inn data i et regneark.- Håndskriftsformler gjør det enklere å skrive inn formler for hånd.- Cellestiler gjør formateringen mer konsekvent.- Bruk av tema gir en konsekvent layout på alle Office-dokumenter.- Betinget formatering gjør det enkelt å følge med sentrale verdier i regnearket.- Hurtiganalyse gjør det raskt og enkelt å tolke og analysere et dataområde.- Du har tilgang til et utall ferdigdefinerte funksjoner som utfører alle slags beregninger.- Diagram egner seg godt for å gi et visuelt, lettfattelig inntrykk av tallverdier.- Sparkline-grafikk kan brukes for å visualisere data direkte i regnearkceller.- Sortering og filtrering gjør arbeidet med lister og tabeller enkelt og effektivt.- Bruk av flere regneark gjør større regnearkmodeller mer oversiktlig.- Et integrert utskriftsmiljø med både utskriftsinnstillinger og forhåndsvisning.Innhold:- Før du starter- Redigering- Formler- Formatering- Funksjoner- Diagram- Lister og tabeller- Flere regneark- UtskriftKURSET KAN KJØRES PÅ NETTBRETT! [-]
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Webinar 2 timer 1 690 kr
På webinaret vil vi vise deg hvordan du kan lage nettbaserte spørreundersøkelse og tester ved hjelp av Microsoft Forms. [+]
På webinaret vil vi vise deg hvordan du kan lage nettbaserte spørreundersøkelse, tester og påmeldingsskjemaer ved hjelp av Microsoft Forms. Microsoft Forms er en enkel og elegant app i Microsoft 365 familien for opprettelse av undersøkelser og tester. Du kan lage skjema med flere språk i samme skjema. Du kan ha forgreninger til ulike svarretninger alt etter hva som velges som svar. Det er mange ulike spørsmålsalternativer å velge mellom. Svarene kan være anonyme om ønskelig. Du kan også sette inn undersøkelser (poll) i et Teams-møte eller som en del av en presentasjon i PowerPoint. Resultatene behandler og analyserer du enkelt i Excel. Hva er Forms | Forskjell undersøkelser og tester | Personlige skjema vs gruppeskjema | Opprette skjema | Spørsmålstyper | Forgreninger | Innstillinger | Flere språk i samme skjema | Simulere skjema | Delingsmåter (samle inn svar) | Samarbeide om samme skjema eller duplisere skjema (gi kopi til andre) | Resultater og analyser | Forms og Teams | Forms og PowerPoint Pris: 1690 kroner [-]
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Nettstudie 11 800 kr
Med utgangspunkt i automasjon i bygg lærere du I denne utdanningen lærer du om grunnleggende programmering i HTML, Python, og JavaScript, mobilapp-utvikling, samt prosjek... [+]
Koding automasjon i bygg Denne fagskole utdanningens innhold tilsvarer 5 studiepoeng og utdanning er på nettet.  Maksimalt antall studieplasser er 25. Utdanningen er praktisk tilrettelagt, slik at du kan anvende teori og kunnskap i praksis. Du vil få mulighet til å jobbe med reelle og aktuelle problemstillinger, og du vil få tilbakemelding fra erfarne fagfolk. Læremateriellet består av video, podkaster, resyme av fagstoff, artikler, forskningsrapporter, foredrag, presentasjon av fagstoff, samt quizer og annet. Læremateriellet du får tilgang til er på en LMS som er under kontinuerlig utvikling og oppdatering. Du får ett års tilgang til læremateriell, etter at utdanningen er ferdig, på Learning Management System (LMS) I denne utdanningen lærer du om: Installere Python på egen PC (Spyder): Veiledning for hvordan du installerer Python og Spyder IDE for å utvikle Python-programmer. Introduksjon til programmering i: HTML: Grunnleggende om HTML-strukturer og webutvikling. Python: Introduksjon til grunnleggende programmeringskonsepter, inkludert: Variabler og Datatyper: Opprettelse og bruk av variabler med ulike datatyper som heltall (integers), desimaltall (floats), strenger (strings), lister (lists), tupler (tuples), og dictionaries (dictionaries). Operatorer: Bruk av matematiske, sammenlignings-, og logiske operatorer for beregninger og verdikomparasjoner. Løkker: Implementering av kontrollstrukturer som if-setninger, for- og while-løkker, samt avvikshantering med try og except for å styre programflyten. Funksjoner: Definisjon og anvendelse av funksjoner for å organisere koden i moduler og forbedre lesbarheten og vedlikeholdbarheten. Input og Output: Håndtering av datainnlesning fra bruker og datavisning til skjermen. Moduler og Biblioteker: Utforsking av innebygde og tredjepartsmoduler for å utvide programmets funksjonalitet. Filstyring: Åpning, lesing, skriving, og lukking av filer. Strukturering av kode: Organisering av kode ved hjelp av funksjoner, klasser, og moduler for bedre lesbarhet og vedlikehold. JavaScript: Grunnleggende programmeringskonsepter for å utvikle interaktive webapplikasjoner. Programmere App til mobil telefon: Introduksjon til å kunne programmere Android-apps. Fra sensor til web: Utvikling av programmer fra grunnen av, fra å programmere Arduino UNO som en Modbus RTU slave til å utvikle en Modbus RTU master i Python. Konfigurasjon av egen PC som webserver (IIS) for å støtte webapplikasjoner. Integrert prosjektarbeid som involverer programmering fra sensor til web, som kombinerer hardware og software for å samle, behandle, og presentere data. Inkluderer API-er (Application Programming Interfaces) og tekniske beskrivelser. Du velger selv prosjektoppgave: Oppgaven kan for eksempel innebære å innhente data via API fra eller en annen nettressurs. Ved å anvende Modbus for I/O på Arduino, er det mulig å utvikle et system som både overvåker og regulerer energiforbruket ditt. Brukergrensesnittet kan være basert på web, og konfigureres på din egen datamaskin. Denne utdanningen danner et solid fundament for videre læring og anvendelse av disse konseptene i automasjon i bygg. Bedriftsinterne utdanning tilpasset din bedrift Denne utdanningen kan tilbys som en bedriftsintern utdanning. Det faglige innholdet er fastsatt, men den faglige tilnærmingen kan tilpasses den enkelte bedrifts behov og ønsker. Ta kontakt for en prat, så kan vi sammen lage et utdanningsløp som passer for deg og din bedrift. Kontaktpersoner er Hans Gunnar Hansen (tlf. 91101824) og Vidar Luth-Hanssen (tlf. 91373153) [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 3 dager 24 000 kr
The Veeam® Availability Suite™ v11: Configuration and Management training course is a three-day, technical deep dive focused on teaching IT professionals the skills to co... [+]
COURSE OVERVIEW . With extensive hands-on-labs, the class enables administrators and engineers to effectively manage data in an ever-changing technical and business environment, bringing tangible benefit to businesses in the digital world. This course is based on Veeam Availability Suite v11. TARGET AUDIENCE This course is suitable for anyone responsible for configuring, managing or supporting a Veeam Availability Suite v11 environment. COURSE OBJECTIVES After completing this course, attendees should be able to: Describe Veeam Availability Suite components usage scenarios and relevance to your environment. Effectively manage data availability in on-site, off-site, cloud and hybrid environments. Ensure both Recovery Time Objectives (RTOs) and Recovery Point Objectives (RPOs) are met. Configure Veeam Availability Suite to ensure data is protected effectively. Adapt with an organization’s evolving technical and business data protection needs. Ensure recovery is possible, effective, efficient, secure and compliant with business requirements. Provide visibility of the business data assets, reports and dashboards to monitor performance and risks. COURSE CONTENT Introduction Describe RTOs and RPOs, what they mean for your business, how to manage and monitor performance against them The 3-2-1 Rule and its importance in formulating a successful backup strategy Identify key Veeam Availability Suite components and describe their usage scenarios and deployment types Building Backup Capabilities Backup methods, the appropriate use cases and impact on underlying file systems Create, modify, optimize and delete backup jobs, including Agents and NAS Backup jobs. Explore different tools and methods to maximize environment performance Ensure efficiency by being able to select appropriate transport modes while being aware of the impact of various backup functions on the infrastructure Building Replication Capabilities Identify and describe the options available for replication and impacts of using them Create and modify replication jobs, outline considerations to ensure success Introduce the new Continuous Data Protection (CDP) policy Secondary Backups Simple vs. advanced backup copy jobs, how to create and modify them using best practices to ensure efficient recovery Discuss using tapes for backups Advanced Repository Capabilities Ensure repository scalability using a capability such as SOBR on-premises and off-site including integration with cloud storage Ensure compatibility with existing deduplication appliances Introduce the new hardened repository Protecting Data in the Cloud Review how Veeam can protect the data of a cloud native application Review how Veeam Cloud Connect enables you to take advantage of cloud services built on Veeam Review how Veeam can be used to protect your Office 365 data Restoring from Backup Ensure you have the confidence to use the correct restore tool at the right time for restoring VMs, bare metal and individual content such as files and folders Utilize Secure Restore to prevent the restoration of malware Describe how to use Staged Restore to comply with things like General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) before releasing restores to production Identify, describe and utilize the different explores and instant recovery tools and features Recovery from Replica Identify and describe in detail, failover features and the appropriate usage Develop, prepare and test failover plans to ensure recovery Disaster recovery from replica to meet a variety of real-world recovery needs Testing Backup and Replication Testing backups and replicas to ensure you can recover, what you need, when you need to Configure and setup virtual sandbox environments based on backup, replicas and storage snapshots Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager and Veeam ONE Introduce the concept of monitoring your virtual, physical and cloud environments with Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager and Veeam ONE™ Configuration Backup Locate, migrate or restore backup configuration   TEST CERTIFICATION Completion of this course satisfies the prerequisite for taking the Veeam Certified Engineer (VMCE) 2021 exam. [-]
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Oslo 4 dager 25 900 kr
25 Jun
25 Jun
17 Sep
Advanced Python Development [+]
Advanced Python Development [-]
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Bergen Trondheim Og 1 annet sted 5 dager 27 450 kr
27 May
03 Jun
03 Jun
AZ-400: Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps solutions [+]
AZ-400: Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps solutions [-]
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Oslo 3 dager 21 000 kr
09 Sep
09 Sep
ITIL® 4 Specialist: Monitor, Support and Fulfil [+]
ITIL® 4 Specialist: Monitor, Support and Fulfil [-]
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Bedriftsintern 2 dager 11 500 kr
This course begins with an overview of the different cloud computing models and services provided by the major public cloud providers. Several cloud computing concerns li... [+]
Course Description This course then focuses on enterprise application to cloud concerns including planning and executing a migration, building the business case, managing application dependencies, selecting a proof of concept, and serverless/managed services. A series of instructor-led demonstrations and hands-on activities provide students with practical, hands-on experience. Learning Objectives Learn what technologies enable cloud computing Understand the definition and characteristics of cloud computing Compare service models: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, Serverless Develop the business case for a cloud migration Plan a successful cloud migration Decipher the risks of both development and security with cloud computing Analyze the costs of using cloud computing and an approach to calculating them Objection handling when dealing with projects situations around risk All courses will be delivered in partnership with ROI Training, Google Cloud Premier Partner, using a Google Authorized Trainer. Course Outline Unit 1: Enabling Technologies -Networking-Virtualization-Overview of Virtualization-Hypervisors and Containers-Security and Virtualization-Multi-tenancy Unit 2: Cloud Computing Concepts -Cloud Definition-Characteristics of Clouds-Cloud Service and Deployment Models-Public Cloud Products and Services Unit 3: Cloud Service Models -Comparing Services Offered by Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Azure-Compute Services-Storage Services-Kubernetes Services-Serverless and Managed Services-Big Data and Machine Learning Unit 4: Building a Business Case for the Cloud -Economic and Financial-Understand the Cloud Cost Model-Calculating the Cost of a Cloud Solution-Transform Capital Expenditures to Operating Expenditures-Agility-Lower Risk of Adopting and Evaluating New Technology-Reduce Time to Market-Quickly React as Markets and Requirements Change-Risk Mitigation-High Quality Infrastructure-Reduce Downtime-Cloud SLAs-Leveraging Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Solutions-Staff Utilization-Eliminate Mundane Operational Tasks-Harness Monitoring and Logging-Onboarding Applications and Users Unit 5: Migrating to the Public Cloud -Phases in a Successful Migration-Assessment-Proof of Concept-Data Migration-Application Migration-Employ Cloud Native Services-Cloud Native Development-Selecting Workloads-Backup / Disaster Recovery-Packaged Enterprise Software-Custom Applications-Open-Source Applications Unit 6: Security and the Cloud -Cloud-based Security Issues-Shared Responsibility Model-Security Auditing in the Cloud-Compliance with Regulatory Constraints [-]
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5 dager 30 000 kr
Microsoft 365 Enterprise Administrator Expert (MCE) - Boot Camp [+]
Microsoft 365 Enterprise Administrator Expert (MCE) - Boot Camp [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 4 dager 20 000 kr
This four-day instructor-led course is designed for IT professionals who configure advanced Windows Server services using on-premises, hybrid, and cloud technologies. [+]
COURSE OVERVIEW These professionals manage and support an infrastructure that includes on-premises and Azure IaaS-hosted Windows Server-based workloads. The course teaches IT professionals how to leverage the hybrid capabilities of Azure, how to migrate virtual and physical server workloads to Azure IaaS, and how to manage and secure Azure VMs running Windows Server. The course also covers how to perform tasks related to high availability, troubleshooting, and disaster recovery. The course highlights various administrative tools and technologies including Windows Admin Center, PowerShell, Azure Arc, Azure Automation Update Management, Microsoft Defender for Identity, Azure Security Center, Azure Migrate, and Azure Monitor. TARGET AUDIENCE This four-day course is intended for Windows Server Hybrid Administrators who have experience working with Windows Server and want to extend the capabilities of their on-premises environments by combining on-premises and hybrid technologies. Windows Server Hybrid Administrators who already implement and manage on-premises core technologies want to secure and protect their environments, migrate virtual and physical workloads to Azure Iaas, enable a highly available, fully redundant environment, and perform monitoring and troubleshooting. COURSE OBJECTIVES After you complete this course you will be able to: Harden the security configuration of the Windows Server operating system environment. Enhance hybrid security using Azure Security Center, Azure Sentinel, and Windows Update Management. Apply security features to protect critical resources. Implement high availability and disaster recovery solutions. Implement recovery services in hybrid scenarios. Plan and implement hybrid and cloud-only migration, backup, and recovery scenarios. Perform upgrades and migration related to AD DS, and storage. Manage and monitor hybrid scenarios using WAC, Azure Arc, Azure Automation and Azure Monitor. Implement service monitoring and performance monitoring, and apply troubleshooting. COURSE CONTENT Module 1: Windows Server security This module discusses how to protect an Active Directory environment by securing user accounts to least privilege and placing them in the Protected Users group. The module covers how to limit authentication scope and remediate potentially insecure accounts. The module also describes how to harden the security configuration of a Windows Server operating system environment. In addition, the module discusses the use of Windows Server Update Services to deploy operating system updates to computers on the network. Finally, the module covers how to secure Windows Server DNS to help protect the network name resolution infrastructure. Lessons for module 1 Secure Windows Sever user accounts Hardening Windows Server Windows Server Update Management Secure Windows Server DNS Lab : Configuring security in Windows Server Configuring Windows Defender Credential Guard Locating problematic accounts Implementing LAPS After completing module 1, students will be able to: Diagnose and remediate potential security vulnerabilities in Windows Server resources. Harden the security configuration of the Windows Server operating system environment. Deploy operating system updates to computers on a network by using Windows Server Update Services. Secure Windows Server DNS to help protect the network name resolution infrastructure. Implement DNS policies. Module 2: Implementing security solutions in hybrid scenarios This module describes how to secure on-premises Windows Server resources and Azure IaaS workloads. The module covers how to improve the network security for Windows Server infrastructure as a service (IaaS) virtual machines (VMs) and how to diagnose network security issues with those VMs. In addition, the module introduces Azure Security Center and explains how to onboard Windows Server computers to Security Center. The module also describes how to enable Azure Update Management, deploy updates, review an update assessment, and manage updates for Azure VMs. The modules explains how Adaptive application controls and BitLocker disk encryption are used to protect Windows Server IaaS VMs. Finally, the module explains how to monitor Windows Server Azure IaaS VMs for changes in files and the registry, as well as monitoring modifications made to application software. Lessons for module 2 Implement Windows Server IaaS VM network security. Audit the security of Windows Server IaaS Virtual Machines Manage Azure updates Create and implement application allowlists with adaptive application control Configure BitLocker disk encryption for Windows IaaS Virtual Machines Implement change tracking and file integrity monitoring for Windows Server IaaS VMs Lab : Using Azure Security Center in hybrid scenarios Provisioning Azure VMs running Windows Server Configuring Azure Security Center Onboarding on-premises Windows Server into Azure Security Center Verifying the hybrid capabilities of Azure Security Center Configuring Windows Server 2019 security in Azure VMs After completing module 2, students will be able to: Diagnose network security issues in Windows Server IaaS virtual machines. Onboard Windows Server computers to Azure Security Center. Deploy and manage updates for Azure VMs by enabling Azure Automation Update Management. Implement Adaptive application controls to protect Windows Server IaaS VMs. Configure Azure Disk Encryption for Windows IaaS virtual machines (VMs). Back up and recover encrypted data. Monitor Windows Server Azure IaaS VMs for changes in files and the registry. Module 3: Implementing high availability This module describes technologies and options to create a highly available Windows Server environment. The module introduces Clustered Shared Volumes for shared storage access across multiple cluster nodes. The module also highlights failover clustering, stretch clusters, and cluster sets for implementing high availability of Windows Server workloads. The module then discusses high availability provisions for Hyper-V and Windows Server VMs, such as network load balancing, live migration, and storage migration. The module also covers high availability options for shares hosted on Windows Server file servers. Finally, the module describes how to implement scaling for virtual machine scale sets and load-balanced VMs, and how to implement Azure Site Recovery. Lessons for module 3 Introduction to Cluster Shared Volumes. Implement Windows Server failover clustering. Implement high availability of Windows Server VMs. Implement Windows Server File Server high availability. Implement scale and high availability with Windows Server VMs. Lab : Implementing failover clustering Configuring iSCSI storage Configuring a failover cluster Deploying and configuring a highly available file server Validating the deployment of the highly available file server After completing module 3, students will be able to: Implement highly available storage volumes by using Clustered Share Volumes. Implement highly available Windows Server workloads using failover clustering. Describe Hyper-V VMs load balancing. Implement Hyper-V VMs live migration and Hyper-V VMs storage migration. Describe Windows Server File Server high availablity options. Implement scaling for virtual machine scale sets and load-balanced VMs. Implement Azure Site Recovery. Module 4: Disaster recovery in Windows Server This module introduces Hyper-V Replica as a business continuity and disaster recovery solution for a virtual environment. The module discusses Hyper-V Replica scenarios and use cases, and prerequisites to use it. The module also discusses how to implement Azure Site Recovery in on-premises scenarios to recover from disasters. Lessons for module 4 Implement Hyper-V Replica Protect your on-premises infrastructure from disasters with Azure Site Recovery Lab : Implementing Hyper-V Replica and Windows Server Backup Implementing Hyper-V Replica Implementing backup and restore with Windows Server Backup After completing module 4, students will be able to: Describe Hyper-V Replica, pre-requisites for its use, and its high-level architecture and components Describe Hyper-V Replica use cases and security considerations. Configure Hyper-V Replica settings, health monitoring, and failover options. Describe extended replication. Replicate, failover, and failback virtual machines and physical servers with Azure Site Recovery. Module 5: Implementing recovery services in hybrid scenarios This module covers tools and technologies for implementing disaster recovery in hybrid scenarios, whereas the previous module focus on BCDR solutions for on-premises scenarios. The module begins with Azure Backup as a service to protect files and folders before highlighting how to implementRecovery Vaults and Azure Backup Policies. The module describes how to recover Windows IaaS virtual machines, perform backup and restore of on-premises workloads, and manage Azure VM backups. The modules also covers how to provide disaster recovery for Azure infrastructure by managing and orchestrating replication, failover, and failback of Azure virtual machines with Azure Site Recovery. Lessons for module 5 Implement hybrid backup and recovery with Windows Server IaaS Protect your Azure infrastructure with Azure Site Recovery Protect your virtual machines by using Azure Backup Lab : Implementing Azure-based recovery services Implementing the lab environment Creating and configuring an Azure Site Recovery vault Implementing Hyper-V VM protection by using Azure Site Recovery vault Implementing Azure Backup After completing module 5, students will be able to: Recover Windows Server IaaS virtual machines by using Azure Backup. Use Azure Backup to help protect the data for on-premises servers and virtualized workloads. Implement Recovery Vaults and Azure Backup policies. Protect Azure VMs with Azure Site Recovery. Run a disaster recovery drill to validate protection. Failover and failback Azure virtual machines. Module 6: Upgrade and migrate in Windows Server This module discusses approaches to migrating Windows Server workloads running in earlier versions of Windows Server to more current versions. The module covers the necessary strategies needed to move domain controllers to Windows Server 2022 and describes how the Active Directory Migration Tool can consolidate domains within a forest or migrate domains to a new AD DS forest. The module also discusses the use of Storage Migration Service to migrate files and files shares from existing file servers to new servers running Windows Server 2022. Finally, the module covers how to install and use the Windows Server Migration Tools cmdlets to migrate commonly used server roles from earlier versions of Windows Server. Lessons for module 6 Active Directory Domain Services migration Migrate file server workloads using Storage Migration Service Migrate Windows Server roles Lab : Migrating Windows Server workloads to IaaS VMs Deploying AD DS domain controllers in Azure Migrating file server shares by using Storage Migration Service After completing module 6, students will be able to: Compare upgrading an AD DS forest and migrating to a new AD DS forest. Describe the Active Directory Migration Tool (ADMT). Identify the requirements and considerations for using Storage Migration Service. Describe how to migrate a server with storage migration. Use the Windows Server Migration Tools to migrate specific Windows Server roles. Module 7: Implementing migration in hybrid scenarios This module discusses approaches to migrating workloads running in Windows Server to an infrastructure as a service (IaaS) virtual machine. The module introduces using Azure Migrate to assess and migrate on-premises Windows Server instances to Microsoft Azure. The module also covers how migrate a workload running in Windows Server to an infrastructure as a service (IaaS) virtual machine (VM) and to Windows Server 2022 by using Windows Server migration tools or the Storage Migration Service. Finally, this module describes how to use the Azure Migrate App Containerization tool to containerize and migrate ASP.NET applications to Azure App Service. Lessons for module 7 Migrate on-premises Windows Server instances to Azure IaaS virtual machines Upgrade and migrate Windows Server IaaS virtual machines Containerize and migrate ASP.NET applications to Azure App Service Lab : Migrating on-premises VMs servers to IaaS VMs Implementing assessment and discovery of Hyper-V VMs using Azure Migrate Implementing migration of Hyper-V workloads using Azure Migrate After completing module 7, students will be able to: Plan a migration strategy and choose the appropriate migration tools. Perform server assessment and discovery using Azure Migrate. Migrate Windows Server workloads to Azure VM workloads using Azure Migrate. Explain how to migrate workloads using Windows Server Migration tools. Migrate file servers by using the Storage Migration Service. Discover and containerize ASP.NET applcations running on Windows. Migrate a containerized application to Azure App Service. Module 8: Server and performance monitoring in Windows Server This module introduces a range of tools to monitor the operating system and applications on a Windows Server computer as well as describing how to configure a system to optimize efficiency and to troublshoot problems. The module covers how Event Viewer provides a convenient and accessible location for observing events that occur, and how to interpret the data in the event log. The module also covers how to audit and diagnose a Windows Server environment for regulatory compliance, user activity, and troubleshooting. Finally, the module explains how to troubleshoot AD DS service failures or degraded performance, including recovery of deleted objects and the AD DS database, and how to troubleshoot hybrid authentication issues. Lessons for module 8 Monitor Windows Server performance Manage and monitor Windows Server event logs Implement Windows Server auditing and diagnostics Troubleshoot Active Directory Lab : Monitoring and troubleshooting Windows Server Establishing a performance baseline Identifying the source of a performance problem Viewing and configuring centralized event logs After completing module 8, students will be able to: Explain the fundamentals of server performance tuning. Use built-in tools in Windows Server to monitor server performance. Use Server Manager and Windows Admin Center to review event logs. Implement custom views. Configure an event subscription. Audit Windows Server events. Configure Windows Server to record diagnostic information. Recover the AD DS database and objects in AD DS. Troubleshoot AD DS replication. Troubleshoot hybrid authentication issues. Module 9: Implementing operational monitoring in hybrid scenarios This module covers using monitoring and troubleshooing tools, processes, and best practices to streamline app performance and availabilty of Windows Server IaaS VMs and hybrid instances. The module describes how to implement Azure Monitor for IaaS VMs in Azure, implement Azure Monitor in on-premises environments, and use dependency maps. The module then explains how to enable diagnostics to get data about a VM, and how to view VM metrics in Azure Metrics Explorer, and how to create a metric alert to monitor VM performance. The module then covers how to monitor VM performance by using Azure Monitor VM Insights. The module then describes various aspects of troubleshooting on premises and hybrid network connectivity, including how to diagnose common issues with DHCP, name resolution, IP configuration, and routing. Finally, the module examines how to troubleshoot configuration issues that impact connectivity to Azure-hosted Windows Server virtual machines (VMs), as well as approaches to resolve issues with VM startup, extensions, performance, storage, and encryption. Lessons for module 9 Monitor Windows Server IaaS Virtual Machines and hybrid instances Monitor the health of your Azure virtual machines by using Azure Metrics Explorer and metric alerts Monitor performance of virtual machines by using Azure Monitor VM Insights Troubleshoot on-premises and hybrid networking Troubleshoot Windows Server Virtual Machines in Azure Lab : Monitoring and troubleshooting of IaaS VMs running Windows Server Enabling Azure Monitor for virtual machines Setting up a VM with boot diagnostics Setting up a Log Analytics workspace and Azure Monitor VM Insights After completing module 9, students will be able to: Implement Azure Monitor for IaaS VMs in Azure and in on-premises environments. Implement Azure Monitor for IaaS VMs in Azure and in on-premises environments. View VM metrics in Azure Metrics Explorer. Use monitoring data to diagnose problems. Evaluate Azure Monitor Logs and configure Azure Monitor VM Insights. Configure a Log Analytics workspace. Troubleshoot on-premises connectivity and hybrid network connectivity. Troubleshoot AD DS service failures or degraded performance. Recover deleted security objects and the AD DS database. Troubleshoot hybrid authentication issues. [-]
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