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Mer enn 100 treff ( i Sørreisa kommune ) i IT-kurs

Nettkurs 12 måneder 9 000 kr
ITIL® 4 Specialist: Drive Stakeholder Value dekker alle typer engasjement og interaksjon mellom en tjenesteleverandør og deres kunder, brukere, leverandører og partnere. [+]
Kurset fokuserer på konvertering av etterspørsel til verdi via IT-relaterte tjenester. Modulen dekker sentrale emner som SLA-design, styring av flere leverandører, kommunikasjon, relasjonsstyring, CX- og UX-design, kartlegging av kunder og mer. E-læringskurset inneholder 18 timer med undervisning, og er delt inn i 8 moduler. Les mer om ITIL® 4 på  AXELOS sine websider. Du vil motta en e-post med tilgang til e-læringen, sertifiseringsvoucher og digital bok fra Peoplecert. Du avtaler tid for sertifiseringen som beskrevet i e-posten fra Peoplecert. [-]
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Excel for controllere [+]
Dette kurset er innrettet mot dem som jobber med økonomisk oppfølging i bedriften. Vi går inn på prosessene fra innhenting av data, bearbeidelse av dataene, sammendrag og analyse av dataene, og til sist rapportering av dataene til bedriftens beslutningstagere. Vi bruker en god del tid på Pivot og Power Pivot her, men vi går ikke fullt så langt som i spesialkurset om Pivottabeller. Kurset forutsetter at man er godt kjent i Excel, og vant til å jobbe med litt kompliserte problemstillinger i Excel. Kontroll/gjennomgang av en del sentral funksjonalitet – bl.a. absolutte, relative og blandede referanser. Sammendrag av data fra flere ark i samme eller flere arbeidsbøker, bl.a. gjennomgående summering og tabulering v.hj.a. INDIREKTE-funksjonen. Betingende sammendrag v.hj.a. matriseformler og funksjoner Sentrale funksjoner, bl.a. HVIS, HVISFEIL, FINN.RAD, FINN.KOLONNE, ANTALL.HVIS, etc. Sammendrag av data med Pivottabell Power Pivot Formler Rapportering av data Statiske rapporter Rapporter med interaktivitet, forskjellige teknikker Visualisering av tallene Dashboard Aktuelle teknikker for å lage dashboards Avstemming av to eller flere lister mot hverandre, f.ex. bank Lister – verktøy i Excel som er aktuelle når vi jobber med lister Makroer/VBA – introduksjon til automatisering [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 5 dager 35 000 kr
Successful completion of this five-day, instructor-led course should enhance the student’s understanding of configuring and managing Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Fi... [+]
COURSE OVERVIEW The course includes hands-on experience configuring, managing, and monitoring a firewall in a lab environment TARGET AUDIENCE This course is aimed at Security Engineers, Security Administrators, Security Operations Specialists, Security Analysts, and Support Staff. COURSE OBJECTIVES After you complete this course, you will be able to: Configure and manage the essential features of Palo Alto Networks next-generation firewalls Configure and manage Security and NAT policies to enable approved traffic to and from zones Configure and manage Threat Prevention strategies to block traffic from known and unknown IP addresses, domains, and URLs Monitor network traffic using the interactive web interface and firewall reports COURSE CONTENT 1 - Palo Alto Networks Portfolio and Architecture 2 - Configuring Initial Firewall Settings 3 - Managing Firewall Configurations 4 - Managing Firewall Administrator Accounts 5 - Connecting the Firewall to Production Networks with Security Zones 6 - Creating and Managing Security Policy Rules 7 - Creating and Managing NAT Policy Rules 8 - Controlling Application Usage with App-ID 9 - Blocking Known Threats Using Security Profiles 10 - Blocking Inappropriate Web Traffic with URL Filtering 11 - Blocking Unknown Threats with Wildfire 12 - Controlling Access to Network Resources with User-ID 13 - Using Decryption to Block Threats in Encrypted Traffic 14 - Locating Valuable Information Using Logs and Reports 15 - What's Next in Your Training and Certification Journey Supplemental Materials Securing Endpoints with GlobalProtect Providing Firewall Redundancy with High Availability Connecting Remotes Sites using VPNs Blocking Common Attacks Using Zone Protection   FURTHER INFORMATION Level: Introductory Duration: 5 days Format: Lecture and hands-on labs Platform support: Palo Alto Networks next-generation firewalls running PAN-OS® operating system version 11.0     [-]
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Nettkurs 5 495 kr
Stadig flere bedrifter har behov for folk med kunnskaper om data og databehandling. Kan du dokumentere at du har slik kunnskap? Datakortet oppnår man ved å gjennomføre og... [+]
Mål med kurset: Deltakeren skal kvalifiseres for syv moduler som inngår i  Datakortet og etter avsluttet kurs skal du kunne jobbe både smartere og mer effektivt. Krav til forkunnskaper: Et innføringskurs i data eller noe erfaring med data fra før er nødvendig. Kurset Datakortet Modul 1-7 - Office 2013 tar for seg: Grunnleggende IT-forståelse Windows 10 Word 2013 Excel 2013 Access 2010 PowerPoint 2013 Outlook 2013 Gjennomføring:  Gjennomføres på Internett, interaktivt. Kurset inneholder tekst, bilder, videofremvisninger, små tester og en mengde oppgaver. Enkelt og fleksibelt. Kursdeltageren har on-line tilgang i 12 måneder fra man starter å ta kurset.  Dette gjør at man har tilstrekkelig tid til å tilegne seg nødvendige kunnskaper. Finansiering: LO organiserte kan søke stipend.  Er du organisert i en annen fagforening eller har spørmål, kontakt oss for nærmere informasjon om dine muligheter for stipend. Ta kontakt med din fagforening for å få mer informasjon. Vi hjelper gjerne med søknaden. Vi fakturerer bedrifter og deltagere som ønsker å betale selv.  Bedrifter som ønsker å melde på et større antall deltagere kan ta kontakt for å avtale dette. [-]
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Bedriftsintern 1 dag 11 000 kr
This course teaches Azure professionals about the core capabilities of Google Cloud in the four technology pillars: networking, compute, storage, and database. [+]
The course is designed for Azure system administrators, solutions architects, and SysOps administrators who are familiar with Azure features and setup and want to gain experience configuring Google Cloud products immediately.  This course uses lectures, demos, and hands-on labs to show you the similarities and differences between the two platforms and teach you about some basic tasks on Google Cloud. Objectives This course teaches participants the following skills: Identify Google Cloud counterparts for Azure IaaS, Azure PaaS, Azure SQL, Azure Blob Storage, Azure Application Insights, and Azure Data Lake Configure accounts, billing, projects, networks, subnets, firewalls, VMs, disks, auto-scaling, load balancing, storage, databases, IAM, and more Manage and monitor applications Explain feature and pricing model differences All courses will be delivered in partnership with ROI Training, Google Cloud Premier Partner, using a Google Authorized Trainer. Course Outline Module 1: Introducing Google Cloud -Explain the advantages of Google Cloud-Define the components of Google’s network infrastructure, including points of presence, data centers, regions, and zones-Understand the difference between Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) Module 2: Getting Started with Google Cloud -Identify the purpose of projects on Google Cloud-Understand how Azure’s resource hierarchy differs from Google Cloud’s-Understand the purpose of and use cases for Identity and Access Management-Understand how Azure AD differs from Google Cloud IAM-List the methods of interacting with Google Cloud-Launch a solution using Cloud Marketplace Module 3: Virtual Machines in the Cloud -Identify the purpose and use cases for Google Compute Engine-Understand the basics of networking in Google Cloud-Understand how Azure VPC differs from Google VPC-Understand the similarities and differences between Azure VM and Google Compute Engine-Understand how typical approaches to load-balancing in Google Cloud differ from those in AzureDeploy applications using Google Compute Engine Module 4: Storage in the Cloud -Understand the purpose of and use cases for: Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL, Cloud Bigtable and Cloud Datastore-Understand how Azure Blob compares to Cloud Storage-Compare Google Cloud’s managed database services with Azure SQL-Learn how to choose among the various storage options on Google Cloud-Load data from Cloud Storage into BigQuery Module 5: Containers in the Cloud -Define the concept of a container and identify uses for containers-Identify the purpose of and use cases for Google Container Engine and Kubernetes-Understand how Azure Kubernetes Service differs from Google Kubernetes Engine-Provision a Kubernetes cluster using Kubernetes Engine-Deploy and manage Docker containers using kubectl Module 6: Applications in the Cloud -Understand the purpose of and use cases for Google App Engine-Contrast the App Engine Standard environment with the App Engine Flexible environment-Understand how App Engine differs from Azure App Service-Understand the purpose of and use cases for Google Cloud Endpoints Module 7: Developing, Deploying and Monitoring in the Cloud -Understand options for software developers to host their source code-Understand the purpose of template-based creation and management of resources-Understand how Cloud Deployment Manager differs from Azure Resource Manager-Understand the purpose of integrated monitoring, alerting, and debugging-Understand how Google Monitoring differs from Azure Application Insights and Azure Log Analytics-Create a Deployment Manager deployment-Update a Deployment Manager deployment-View the load on a VM instance using Google Monitoring Module 8: Big Data and Machine Learning in the Cloud -Understand the purpose of and use cases for the products and services in the Google Cloud big data and machine learning platforms-Understand how Google Cloud BigQuery differs from Azure Data Lake-Understand how Google Cloud Pub/Sub differs from Azure Event Hubs and Service Bus-Understand how Google Cloud’s machine-learning APIs differ from Azure’s-Load data into BigQuery from Cloud Storage-Perform queries using BigQuery to gain insight into data Module 9: Summary and Review -Review the products that make up Google Cloud and remember how to choose among them-Understand next steps for training and certification-Understand, at a high level, the process of migrating from Azure to Google Cloud [-]
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Bedriftsintern 3 dager 13 500 kr
The SQL Master Class for Java Developers training is aimed to level up your SQL skills with techniques such as Window Functions, recursive queries, Pivoting, JSON process... [+]
Throughout four years of teaching my High-Performance Java Persistence course, I came to realize that there is so much Java developers can learn about the latest SQL features introduced by Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, or MySQL.This training spans over the course of 2 days and covers the Top 4 relational database systems: Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and MySQL.From execution plans to the best way to paginate data, this training explains lesser-known techniques such as LATERAL JOIN, CROSS APPLY, as well as Derived Tables, Common Table Expressions, recursive queries, and the amazing Window Functions, PIVOT, or UPSERT statements.Last but not least, we are going to learn that, not only modern databases support JSON column types, but you can combine JSON structures with the traditional relational ones, therefore getting the best of both worlds.All examples are inspired by real-life scenarios, and they come in a GitHub repository for which attendees have exclusive and unlimited time access.At the end of these two days of training, the attendees will be better prepared to solve various data-intensive tasks using all these awesome SQL features that have been over the past 20 years.Agenda  Day 1Introduction - 1h 30m    - Beyond SQL:92    - SQL Parsing    - SQL Operation Order    - TOP-N queries    - OFFSET pagination    - Keyset PaginationSubqueries - 1h 15m    - EXISTS and NOT EXISTS    - IN and NOT IN    - ANY and ALL    - INSERT with subqueries    - Aggregation with subqueries   Joins - 1h 15m    - CROSS JOIN    - INNER and LEFT/RIGHT OUTER JOIN    - FULL OUTER JOIN    - NATURAL JOIN    - LATERAL JOIN and CROSS APPLYDay 2Window Functions - 1h 30m    - Analytics queries and window frame processing    - ROW_NUMBER, RANK, and DENSE_RANK    - FIRST_VALUE, LAST_VALUE, LEAD and LAG    - CUME_DIST and PERCENT_RANK    - PERCENTILE_DISC and PERCENTILE_CONTDerived Tables, CTE, Hierarchical Queries - 1h 30m    - Derived Tables    - CTE (Common Table Expressions)    - Recursive CTE    - Hierarchical queries   PIVOT, UNPIVOT, FILTER, and CASE - 1h    - CASE Expressions    - PostgreSQL FILTER Expressions    - PIVOT    - UNPIVOTDay 3UPSERT and MERGE - 30m- MERGE statements- UPSERT statements   JSON processing - 1h 30m    - Schemaless data structures and JSON    - JSON queries    - EAV Model   Transactions and Concurrency Control - 2h    - ACID, 2PL, MVCC    - Isolation Levels and anomalies    - Pessimistic and optimistic locking    - SKIP_LOCKED, NOWAIT [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 4 dager 24 000 kr
This course provides students with the skills and knowledge required to successfully create and maintain the cloud and edge portions of an Azure IoT solution. The course ... [+]
  An Azure IoT Developer is responsible for implementing and then maintaining the cloud and edge portions of an Azure IoT solution. In addition to configuring and maintaining devices by using Azure IoT services and other Microsoft tools, the IoT Developer also sets up the physical devices and is responsible for maintaining the devices throughout the life cycle. The IoT Developer implements designs for IoT solutions, including device topology, connectivity, debugging and security. For Edge device scenarios, the IoT Developer also deploys compute/containers and configures device networking, which could include various edge gateway implementations. The IoT Developer implements designs for solutions to manage data pipelines, including monitoring and data transformation as it relates to IoT. The IoT Developer works with data engineers and other stakeholders to ensure successful business integration. IoT Developers should have a good understanding of Azure services, including data storage options, data analysis, data processing, and the Azure IoT PaaS versus SaaS options. After completing this course, students will be able to: Create, configure, and manage an Azure IoT hub. Provision devices by using IoT Hub and DPS, including provisioning at scale. Establish secure 2-way communication between devices and IoT Hub. Implement message processing by using IoT Hub routing and Azure Stream Analytics. Configure the connection to Time Series Insights and support business integration requirements. Implement IoT Edge scenarios using marketplace modules and various edge gateway patterns. Implement IoT Edge scenarios that require developing and deploying custom modules and containers. Implement device management using device twins and direct methods. Implement solution monitoring, logging, and diagnostics testing. Recognize and address security concerns and implement Azure Security Center for IoT. Build an IoT Solution by using Azure IoT Central and recongize SaaS opportunities for IoT. Course prerequisites IoT Developers should have basic programming skills in at least one Azure-supported language, including C#, Node.js, C, Python, or Java. Software development experience is a prerequisite for this course, but no specific software language is required, and the experience does not need to be at a professional level. Data Processing Experience: General understanding of data storage and data processing is a recommended but not required.  Cloud Solution Awareness: Students should have a basic understanding of PaaS, SaaS, and IaaS implementations. Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (M-AZ-900T00/M-AZ900), or equivalent skills, is recommended.  This course helps to prepare for exam AZ-220.   Agenda Module 1: Introduction to IoT and Azure IoT Services -Business Opportunities for IoT-Introduction to IoT Solution Architecture-IoT Hardware and Cloud Services Module 2: Devices and Device Communication -IoT Hub and Devices-IoT Developer Tools-Device Configuration and Communication Module 3: Device Provisioning at Scale -Device Provisioning Service Terms and Concepts-Configure and Manage the Device Provisioning Service-Device Provisioning Tasks Module 4: Message Processing and Analytics -Messages and Message Processing-Data Storage Options-Azure Stream Analytics Module 5: Insights and Business Integration -Business Integration for IoT Solutions-Data Visualization with Time Series Insights-Data Visualization with Power BI Module 6: Azure IoT Edge Deployment Process -Introduction to Azure IoT Edge-Edge Deployment Process-Edge Gateway Devices Module 7: Azure IoT Edge Modules and Containers -Develop Custom Edge Modules-Offline and Local Storage Module 8: Device Management -Introduction to IoT Device Management-Manage IoT and IoT Edge Devices-Device Management at Scale Module 9: Solution Testing, Diagnostics, and Logging -Monitoring and Logging-Troubleshooting Module 10: Azure Security Center and IoT Security Considerations -Security Fundamentals for IoT Solutions-Introduction to Azure Security Center for IoT-Enhance Protection with Azure Security Center for IoT Agents Module 11: Build an IoT Solution with IoT Central -Introduction to IoT Central-Create and Manage Device Templates-Manage Devices in Azure IoT Central [-]
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Oslo Trondheim Og 1 annet sted 4 dager 23 900 kr
04 Jun
25 Jun
12 Nov
Vue.js, Vuex & Router Course [+]
Vue.js, Vuex & Router Course [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 5 dager 28 000 kr
The Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions course provides a broad range of fundamental knowledge for all IT careers. [+]
COURSE OVERVIEW  Through a combination of lecture and hands-on labs, you will learn how to install, operate, configure, and verify a basic IPv4 and IPv6 network. The course covers configuring network components such as switches, routers, and Wireless LAN Controllers; managing network devices; and identifying basic security threats. Network programmability, automation, and software-defined networking are also covered at a foundational level.   This course helps you prepare to take the 200-301 Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) exam.   Please note that this course is a combination of Instructor-Led and Self-Paced Study - 5 days in the classroom and approx 3 days of self study. The self-study content will be provided as part of the digital courseware that you recieve at the beginning of the course and should be part of your preparation for the exam. Lab access is provided for both the class and the self- study sections, lab access is valid for 60 hours or 90 days whichever is the shorter, so please ensure you exit the lab exercises when not in use. TARGET AUDIENCE Anyone looking to start a career in networking or wishing to achieve the Cisco CCNA Certification. COURSE OBJECTIVES After completing this course you should be able to: Identify the components of a computer network and describe their basic characteristics Understand the model of host-to-host communication Describe the features and functions of the Cisco IOS Software Describe LANs and the role of switches within LANs Describe Ethernet as the network access layer of TCP/IP and describe the operation of switches Install a switch and perform the initial configuration Describe the TCP/IP internet Layer, IPv4, its addressing scheme, and subnetting Describe the TCP/IP Transport layer and Application layer Explore functions of routing Implement basic configuration on a Cisco router Explain host-to-host communications across switches and routers Identify and resolve common switched network issues and common problems associated with IPv4 addressing Describe IPv6 main features, addresses and configure and verify basic IPv6 connectivity Describe the operation, benefits, and limitations of static routing Describe, implement and verify VLANs and trunks Describe the application and configuration of inter-VLAN routing Explain the basics of dynamic routing protocols and describe components and terms of OSPF Explain how STP and RSTP work Configure link aggregation using EtherChannel Describe the purpose of Layer 3 redundancy protocols Describe basic WAN and VPN concepts Describe the operation of ACLs and their applications in the network Configure internet access using DHCP clients and explain and configure NAT on Cisco routers Describe the basic QoS concepts Describe the concepts of wireless networks, which types of wireless networks can be built and how to use WLC Describe network and device architectures and introduce virtualization Introduce the concept of network programmability and SDN and describe the smart network management solutions like Cisco DNA Center, SD-Access and SD-WAN Configure basic IOS system monitoring tools Describe the management of Cisco devices Describe the current security threat landscape Describe threat defense technologies Implement a basic security configuration of the device management plane Implement basic steps to harden network devices COURSE CONTENT Exploring the Functions of Networking Introducing the Host-To-Host Communications Model Operating Cisco IOS Software Introducing LANs Exploring the TCP/IP Link Layer Starting a Switch Introducing the TCP/IP Internet Layer, IPv4 Addressing, and Subnets Explaining the TCP/IP Transport Layer and Application Layer Exploring the Functions of Routing Configuring a Cisco Router Exploring the Packet Delivery Process Troubleshooting a Simple Network Introducing Basic IPv6 Configuring Static Routing Implementing VLANs and Trunks Routing Between VLANs Introducing OSPF Building Redundant Switched Topologies (Self-Study) Improving Redundant Switched Topologies with EtherChannel Exploring Layer 3 Redundancy (Self-Study) Introducing WAN Technologies (Self-Study) Explaining Basics of ACL Enabling Internet Connectivity Introducing QoS (Self-Study) Explaining Wireless Fundamentals (Self-Study) Introducing Architectures and Virtualization (Self-Study) Explaining the Evolution of Intelligent Networks Introducing System Monitoring Managing Cisco Devices Examining the Security Threat Landscape (Self-Study) Implementing Threat Defense Technologies (Self-Study) Securing Administrative Access Implementing Device Hardening Labs: Get Started with Cisco CLI Observe How a Switch Operates Perform Basic Switch Configuration Inspect TCP/IP Applications Configure an Interface on a Cisco Router Configure and Verify Layer 2 Discovery Protocols Configure Default Gateway Explore Packet Forwarding Troubleshoot Switch Media and Port Issues Troubleshoot Port Duplex Issues Configure Basic IPv6 Connectivity Configure and Verify IPv4 Static Routes Configure IPv6 Static Routes Configure VLAN and Trunk Configure a Router on a Stick Configure and Verify Single-Area OSPF Configure and Verify EtherChannel Configure and Verify IPv4 ACLs Configure a Provider-Assigned IPv4 Address Configure Static NAT Configure Dynamic NAT and PAT Log into the WLC Monitor the WLC Configure a Dynamic (VLAN) Interface Configure a DHCP Scope Configure a WLAN Define a RADIUS Server Explore Management Options Explore the Cisco DNA Center Configure and Verify NTP Create the Cisco IOS Image Backup Upgrade Cisco IOS Image Configure WLAN Using WPA2 PSK Using the GUI Secure Console and Remote Access Enable and Limit Remote Access Connectivity Secure Device Administrative Access Configure and Verify Port Security Implement Device Hardening TEST CERTIFICATION Recommended as preparation for the following exams:  200-301 -  Cisco Certified Network Associate Exam (CCNA) [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 3 dager 20 000 kr
Learn how to operate machine learning solutions at cloud scale using Azure Machine Learning. [+]
 This course teaches you to leverage your existing knowledge of Python and machine learning to manage data ingestion and preparation, model training and deployment, and machine learning solution monitoring in Microsoft Azure. TARGET AUDIENCE This course is designed for data scientists with existing knowledge of Python and machine learning frameworks like Scikit-Learn, PyTorch, and Tensorflow, who want to build and operate machine learning solutions in the cloud. COURSE CONTENT Module 1: Introduction to Azure Machine Learning In this module, you will learn how to provision an Azure Machine Learning workspace and use it to manage machine learning assets such as data, compute, model training code, logged metrics, and trained models. You will learn how to use the web-based Azure Machine Learning studio interface as well as the Azure Machine Learning SDK and developer tools like Visual Studio Code and Jupyter Notebooks to work with the assets in your workspace. Getting Started with Azure Machine Learning Azure Machine Learning Tools Lab : Creating an Azure Machine Learning WorkspaceLab : Working with Azure Machine Learning Tools After completing this module, you will be able to Provision an Azure Machine Learning workspace Use tools and code to work with Azure Machine Learning Module 2: No-Code Machine Learning with Designer This module introduces the Designer tool, a drag and drop interface for creating machine learning models without writing any code. You will learn how to create a training pipeline that encapsulates data preparation and model training, and then convert that training pipeline to an inference pipeline that can be used to predict values from new data, before finally deploying the inference pipeline as a service for client applications to consume. Training Models with Designer Publishing Models with Designer Lab : Creating a Training Pipeline with the Azure ML DesignerLab : Deploying a Service with the Azure ML Designer After completing this module, you will be able to Use designer to train a machine learning model Deploy a Designer pipeline as a service Module 3: Running Experiments and Training Models In this module, you will get started with experiments that encapsulate data processing and model training code, and use them to train machine learning models. Introduction to Experiments Training and Registering Models Lab : Running ExperimentsLab : Training and Registering Models After completing this module, you will be able to Run code-based experiments in an Azure Machine Learning workspace Train and register machine learning models Module 4: Working with Data Data is a fundamental element in any machine learning workload, so in this module, you will learn how to create and manage datastores and datasets in an Azure Machine Learning workspace, and how to use them in model training experiments. Working with Datastores Working with Datasets Lab : Working with DatastoresLab : Working with Datasets After completing this module, you will be able to Create and consume datastores Create and consume datasets Module 5: Compute Contexts One of the key benefits of the cloud is the ability to leverage compute resources on demand, and use them to scale machine learning processes to an extent that would be infeasible on your own hardware. In this module, you'll learn how to manage experiment environments that ensure consistent runtime consistency for experiments, and how to create and use compute targets for experiment runs. Working with Environments Working with Compute Targets Lab : Working with EnvironmentsLab : Working with Compute Targets After completing this module, you will be able to Create and use environments Create and use compute targets Module 6: Orchestrating Operations with Pipelines Now that you understand the basics of running workloads as experiments that leverage data assets and compute resources, it's time to learn how to orchestrate these workloads as pipelines of connected steps. Pipelines are key to implementing an effective Machine Learning Operationalization (ML Ops) solution in Azure, so you'll explore how to define and run them in this module. Introduction to Pipelines Publishing and Running Pipelines Lab : Creating a PipelineLab : Publishing a Pipeline After completing this module, you will be able to Create pipelines to automate machine learning workflows Publish and run pipeline services Module 7: Deploying and Consuming Models Models are designed to help decision making through predictions, so they're only useful when deployed and available for an application to consume. In this module learn how to deploy models for real-time inferencing, and for batch inferencing. Real-time Inferencing Batch Inferencing Lab : Creating a Real-time Inferencing ServiceLab : Creating a Batch Inferencing Service After completing this module, you will be able to Publish a model as a real-time inference service Publish a model as a batch inference service Module 8: Training Optimal Models By this stage of the course, you've learned the end-to-end process for training, deploying, and consuming machine learning models; but how do you ensure your model produces the best predictive outputs for your data? In this module, you'll explore how you can use hyperparameter tuning and automated machine learning to take advantage of cloud-scale compute and find the best model for your data. Hyperparameter Tuning Automated Machine Learning Lab : Tuning HyperparametersLab : Using Automated Machine Learning After completing this module, you will be able to Optimize hyperparameters for model training Use automated machine learning to find the optimal model for your data Module 9: Interpreting Models Many of the decisions made by organizations and automated systems today are based on predictions made by machine learning models. It's increasingly important to be able to understand the factors that influence the predictions made by a model, and to be able to determine any unintended biases in the model's behavior. This module describes how you can interpret models to explain how feature importance determines their predictions. Introduction to Model Interpretation using Model Explainers Lab : Reviewing Automated Machine Learning ExplanationsLab : Interpreting Models After completing this module, you will be able to Generate model explanations with automated machine learning Use explainers to interpret machine learning models Module 10: Monitoring Models After a model has been deployed, it's important to understand how the model is being used in production, and to detect any degradation in its effectiveness due to data drift. This module describes techniques for monitoring models and their data. Monitoring Models with Application Insights Monitoring Data Drift Lab : Monitoring a Model with Application InsightsLab : Monitoring Data Drift After completing this module, you will be able to Use Application Insights to monitor a published model Monitor data drift   [-]
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Oslo 2 dager 14 500 kr
03 Jun
03 Jun
MB-210: Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales [+]
MB-210: Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales [-]
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Nettkurs 1 time
Instruktørbasert opplæring: Vi gir deg Excel kurs gratis, få en effektiv og god innføring i Excel! Godt egnet for deg som ikke kjenner til så mye mer enn Summer-knap... [+]
Vi gir deg Excel kurs gratis, få en effektiv og god innføring i Excel! Godt egnet for deg som ikke kjenner til så mye mer enn Summer-knappen, og ønsker å utvide horisonten litt. Om du trenger Excel hjelp, er vårt online Excel kurs på nett stedet å starte.   Kursinnhold:   Gjennomgang av båndet, programvinduet og viktige begreper  Kategorier, grupper, knapper, dialogboksvelger Vise / skjule båndet Navneboks, formlinje, statuslinje m.m.   Nyttig bruk av autofyll  Lage serier med ukedager og måneder Autofylle tall og datoer Kopiere tekst, tall, format, formler og funksjoner   Lage et enkelt «privatbudsjett»  Forklaring av de grunnleggende konseptene i Excel Funksjoner som SUMMER, GJENNOMSNITT Formatering av utsende   Grafisk fremstilling av data - stolpe diagram  Grunnleggende gjennomgang av diagramverktøy Oppdatering av data   Veien videre  Se hvor enkelt kan du opprette rapporter ved å bruke tabellfunksjonalitet og filter Se hvor raskt kan du opprette rapporter ved å bruke Pivottabell [-]
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Virtuelt eller personlig Bergen 2 dager 8 300 kr
22 May
Kurset passer for dem som ønsker å kunne bruke AutoCAD på en mer avansert og effektiv måte. [+]
Kurset går i dybden på en del standard kommandoer og områder som plotting, målsetting, teksting og skravur. I tillegg gjennomgåes en del nye og avanserte kommandoer som Block og attributter, XREF og import og bruk av PDF filer.    AutoCAD 2D Videregående kurs: Tilpasse AutoCAD til eget brukermiljø Blokker med attributter og uttrekk til tabell/Excel Tabeller og Fields XREF - eksterne referanser Import og håndtering av PDF filer Innsetting av andre filformater som eks. DWF, raster filer og DGN Definering og bruk av annotative objekter ved målsetting og teksting. Avansert plotting Funksjoner i Express Tools   [-]
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Nettkurs 2 timer 1 990 kr
Forsiden på området er det første brukerne møter. På dette webinaret lærer du hvordan man kan løfte frem SharePoint-innhold på forsiden via forsideredigering, sam... [+]
Forsiden på området er det første brukerne møter. På dette webinaret lærer du hvordan man kan løfte frem SharePoint-innhold på forsiden via forsideredigering, samt hvordan man lager gode område-forsider generelt. Webinaret varer i 2 timer og består av to økter à 45 min. Etter hver økt er det 10 min spørsmålsrunde. Mellom øktene er det 10 min pause. Webinaret kan også spesialtilpasses og holdes bedriftsinternt kun for din bedrift.   Kursinnhold:   Forstå SharePoint håndtering av forsider Wiki bibliotek Legge til flere sider Versjonering Områdets startside   Bli kjent med formateringsvalg Generelle sideoppsett Tabeller for å styre layout   Håndtere bilder og grafikk Områdeinnhold   Tilpass webdeler for å løfte frem innhold fra forskjellige kilder Sette inn app-del App-/webdel-spesifike visninger Webdel-side   Eksempler på anvendelse av webdeler Appdel for bibliotek basert på visning Medlemmer Presentere person   [-]
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