Managing Successful Programs - MSP
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9 treff ( i Oslo ) i Managing Successful Programs - MSP

Nettkurs 60 minutter 5 600 kr
MSP er et globalt anerkjent rammeverk for beste praksis i programledelse. [+]
Du vil få tilsendt en «Core guidance» bok og sertifiserings-voucher i en e-post fra Peoplecert. Denne vil være gyldig i ett år. Tid for sertifiseringstest avtales som beskrevet i e-post med voucher. Eksamen overvåkes av en web-basert eksamensvakt.   Eksamen er på engelsk. Eksamensformen er multiple choice 60 spørsmål skal besvares, og du består ved 60% korrekte svar (dvs 36 riktige av 60 spørsmål). Deltakerne har 60 minutter til rådighet på eksamen.  Ingen hjelpemidler er tillatt.     [-]
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3 dager 10 500 kr
Managing Successful Programmes (MSP®) was developed as a best practice guide on Programme Management. The guide comprises a set of Principles and a set of Processes for .... [+]
Kursinnhold Delivered by fully accredited trainers and industry leading experts who have extensive experience using MSP, the course includes a relevant, modern case study to help delegates understand how to apply the MSP way of managing programmes in the real world. There is also plenty of opportunity for participants to present their exercise results and discuss them with the rest of the class, thus gaining further knowledge from many different points of view, in many different industries. About MSPManaging Successful Programmes (MSP®) was developed as a best practice guide on Programme Management. The guide comprises a set of Principles and a set of Processes for use when managing a program. MSP represents proven programme management best practice in the successful delivery of transformational change through the application of programme management. MSP is very flexible and designed to be adapted to meet the needs of local circumstances. The MSP framework is based on three core concepts: MSP Principles. These are derived from positive and negative lessons learned from programme experiences. They are the common factors that underpin the success of any transformational change. MSP Governance Themes. These define an organization's approach to programme management. They allow an organization to put in place the right leadership, delivery team, organization structures and controls, giving the best chance for success. MSP Transformational Flow. This provides a route through the lifecycle of a programme from its conception through to the delivery of the new capability, outcomes and benefits. Audience Newly appointed programme managers who may have a background in managing projects, but have not previously operated in a transformational change environment. Senior managers who will “sponsor” the change, or perhaps be held accountable for its success. Operational managers charged with embedding the change in their area. Operational staff undertaking a role in the programme or related projects. Programme office staff (PMO) wishing to build upon their project management knowledge. Experienced project managers. Those seeking a professional qualification in programme management. Learning ObjectivesAt the end of this course, participants will gain in the ability to: Understand the principles and structure of MSP. Understand the benefits of a structured method in a changing environment. Explain the MSP process model. Understand the MSP themes. Draft a Programme brief and Vision Statement. Propose a Programme organisation structure. Engage with stakeholders at all levels. Understand the vision and the blueprint and how they can be applied to the best advantage. Apply progress control mechanisms. Appreciate the principles of programme level quality and risk management. Realize the importance of configuration management PrerequisitesDelegates should ideally have experience of managing or working in programmes prior to attending. Knowledge of the PRINCE2® project management method is advantageous but by no means mandatory; some exposure to a project management method will aid understanding of how the programme works with these projects. Course MaterialParticipants receive a copy of the MSP 2011 manual, a copy of the classroom presentation materials and the Participant Workbook, which contains reference material. About the ExaminationThe exam fee is NOK 2.500,- + VAT This course includes the cost of the foundation examination which is set at 3:00 p.m. during the third day of the course. Exam details include: 75 multiple-choice questions 1-hour Closed-book Candidates require a minimum of 35 correct answers (50%) to pass Bouvet delivers the MSP® courses in collaboration with ITPreneurs   The MSP Approved Licensed Affiliate logo is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved. [-]
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Oslo 2 dager 15 900 kr
15 Aug
15 Aug
31 Oct
MSP® Practitioner 5th Edition [+]
MSP® Practitioner 5th Edition [-]
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2 dager 14 900 kr
Managing Successful Programmes Practitioner is for those delegates who have already passed the Foundation level qualification.The course equips delegates with a realistic... [+]
Kursinnhold This course includes, but is not limited to: Introduction & principles Governance themes Transformational flow processes including: Identifying the aim of the programme & envisaged benefits to the organisation Defining the programme, and specifying how the organisation will be different afterwards Managing the tranches to establish and run the programme Delivering the capability to monitor and coordinate the projects Realising the benefits to embed the change through adequate transitionactivities Closing the programme and ensuring the ‘End Goal’ has been achieved. Please noteTo assist your learning there is some pre-course reading and activities that must be completed prior to attending your course.  In addition whilst attending your course there will also be some examination preparation evening work . Target AudienceThis course is intended for organisations or individuals seeking to manage transformational change or those seeking a professionally recognised qualification, such as: Programme managers Senior Managers who will ‘sponsor’ the change, or perhaps be held accountable for its success Operational Managers charged with embedding the change in their area Operational staff undertaking a role in the programme or related projects Programme office staff (PMO) wishing to build upon their project management knowledge Experienced Project Managers Those seeking a professional qualification in programme management Course Prerequisites Students must have passed the MSP Foundation exam Students should ideally have some experience of the programme and project environment though this is not essential   Cetification exam Objective testing Eight questions per paper, 80 marks available in total 40 marks required to pass – 50% Two-and-a-half hours duration (3 hours for candidates whose first language is not English) Open-book (only the MSP guide is allowed) [-]
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Oslo 3 dager 16 900 kr
12 Aug
12 Aug
28 Oct
MSP® 5th Edition Foundation [+]
MSP® 5th Edition Foundation [-]
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3 dager 14 900 kr
En sertifisering som lærer deg beste praksis for styring og ledelse av programmer. [+]
Kort om kurset For å lykkes må organisasjoner kontinuerlig sette strategiske mål som responderer på endringer i sine omgivelser. Ledere må beslutte hvilke investeringer og endringer som må gjøres for å drive organisasjonen videre eller beskytte sin posisjon eller eksistens. Slike endringsinvesteringer er ofte omfattende, komplekse, tvetydige og har høy usikkerhet. Managing Successful Programmes (MSP) er et globalt anerkjent rammeverk for beste praksis programledelse. MSP gir programledere, endringsledere og prosjektledere i programmer en mulighet til å forbedre sin kunnskap og evne til å styre, lede og levere endringer til organisasjonen, enten dette gjennomføres som programmer, mega-prosjekter, strategisk endringsprosjekter eller flere gjensidig avhengige prosjekter.   Hva kommer jeg til å lære? Hva et program er og når bør programledelse benyttes Kunne og forstå MSP prinsippene, som er drivende og er kontinuerlig nødvendig for å sikre verdi ved en investering i programmer Kunne bruke MSP temaene, som hjelper organisasjonen med å identifisere roller, ansvar og informasjon som trengs for å utføre programledelse Kunne bruke MSP temaene, som hjelper organisasjonen med å identifisere roller, ansvar og informasjon som trengs for å utføre programledelse [-]
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3 dager 26 950 kr
3-dagers instruktør-ledet kurs som fører frem til MSP Foundation sertifisering. [+]
MSP®-kurs og -sertifisering | Sopra Steria Akademiet Kurset forutsetter selvstudium i forkant av gjennomføringen, og begynner med en overordnet gjennomgang av MSP før man tar Foundation-sertifiseringen. Resten av kurset er en detaljert gjennomgang av MSP®, i hovedsak i form av øvelser og oppgaveløsing, hvor deltakerne øves i å tilpasse metoden til et gitt prosjekt beskrevet i et scenario. Kurset avsluttes med Practitioner-sertifiseringen. MSP (Managing Successful Programmes) er en beste praksis for alle organisasjoner - store eller små, i offentlig eller privat sektor - og bidrar til å styre strategiske initiativer. MSP bidrar til å utvikle organisasjonen ved å forbedre prosesser, tilby bedre tjenester og forbedre evnen til å møte fremtidens krav. Programstyring Et prosjekt eksisterer sjelden i total isolasjon. Det er svært vanlig at flere prosjekter leverer hver sin del av en endring som er så stor og kompleks at den ikke kan håndteres av ett enkelt prosjekt. Da er det behov for en sentral enhet som koordinerer alle prosjektene og aktivitetene som er involvert, slik at det endelige resultatet svarer til forventningene. Programstyring er en disiplin knyttet til gjennomføringen av flere prosjekter som jobber mot et felles mål. Programmer har normalt som mål å innføre større endringer eller produsere større resultater enn det som kan oppnås gjennom ett enkelt prosjekt. På samme måte som med prosjektstyring vil en systematisk tilnærming til programstyring basert på et etablert metodeverk bidra til å øke sjansen for å nå de overordnede målene. God programstyring vil også legge til rette for å redusere dobbeltarbeid, utnytte ressurser på en mer effektiv måte og sørge for at prosjektene leverer i henhold til helheten. Fordeler ved MSP MSP-rammeverket er en beste praksis som hjelper organisasjoner til å utforme, planlegge og implementere programmer, der hensikten er å understøtte selskapets strategiske endringer.  - Dele opp ulike initiativer i klart definerte prosjekter gjennom programstyring - Definere ansvar og kommunikasjonslinjer - Styre risiko gjennom programmets livssyklus - Sikre involvering av sentrale interessenter - Sikre gevinstrealisering på tvers av prosjektene - Sikre leveransene innenfor omfang, tid og kost - Kontrollere og sikre kvaliteten på leveransene MSP® Foundation-kurs MSP® Foundation-kurset er en grunnleggende innføring i metodeverket MSP (Managing Successful Programmes) og dekker blant annet følgende emner: Innføring i programmer og programstyring med MSP som metodeverk og prinsippene, prosessene og temaene i MSP. Kurset passer for Programledere, medlemmer i programkomiteer, ledere av prosjektkontorer, ledere og ansatte som jobber med programmerersoner som jobber i og med programmer KursdokumentasjonOmfattende kursdokumentasjon utdeles ved kursets oppstart. For detaljert oversikt over pensum klikk her   Praktisk informasjon Kurset varer i 3 dager. Undervisningen er på norsk, materiell og eksamen er på engelsk. Foundation eksamen varer i 75 minutter, og Practitioner eksamen varer i 150 minutter. Det anbefales 16 timer selvstudium. ITIL®/PRINCE2®/MSP®/MoP® are registered trademarks of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved. [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 5 timer 33 000 kr
MSP® is a best-practice guide from the Home Office, describing a structured approach for managing programmes. [+]
COURSE OVERVIEW  It has been developed using the collective expertise and practical experience of some of the leading practitioners in the field. This means that it not only reflects best practice, but is also an accessible, workable technique that has been tested by those working in the real world. TARGET AUDIENCE This course is aimed at Programme Managers, Business Change Managers, Account Managers, Project Directors, Business Strategists, Consultants.     COURSE OBJECTIVES After you complete this course you will be able to: Plan for and gain crucial "buy-in" from the key stakeholders in your programme. Align projects to your strategy. Keep the focus on your change objectives. Provide your senior management colleagues with a flexible and relevant framework, so they can work with you to direct the change process. Achieve more efficient use of your resources. Better control the risks that may be hidden in the detail of activities and projects. Realise benefits during and after your programme through a formal process. Improve your control of costs, standards and quality. Effectively manage your programme's business case. Gain efficient control of a whole range of complex activities. Use clear role definitions to avoid confusion and conflict. Manage better the smooth transition from current to future operations. Be better briefed to work within programmes and Gateway Reviews. Gain a recognised Programme Management qualification. COURSE CONTENT Building your own map of a programme lifecycle Designing your programme team How leaders lead a programme Drafting a Programme Brief How to make sure benefits are realised by good transition management Engaging the stakeholders; communications in a programme Risk and Issue management Ensure the quality of the final capability Planning, tracking and controlling progress in the programme Presenting a Programme Definition Managing the developing new business capability and controlling changes Integrating the processes, information and roles in the programme Programme Management Processes Identifying a Programme Defining a Programme Governing a Programme Managing the Benefits Closing a Programme Fitting it all together with a Case Study Examinations Mock Examinations Examination Tips Daily review questions Foundation Examination - web proctored voucher provided part of the course fee Practitioner Examination - web proctored voucher provided part of the course fee TEST CERTIFICATION Recommended preparation for exam(s): Managing Successful Programmes Foundation Exam Managing Successful Programmes Practitioner Exam This course is based upon the Guide leading to the Axelos Examination in Programme Management. The Foundation exam consists of 60 multiple choice questions, to be completed closed book within 60 minutes. Candidates must score a minimum of 60% (36 marks) out of 60 to pass. The Practitioner exam is objective marking style, open book paper which consists of 58 questions to be completed within 150 minutes (2.5 hours). Candidates must score at least 60% (42 marks) out of a possible 70 to pass. Web proctored exam vouchers are provided with this course. These will have a validity of 12 months, you will need to schedule your exams within this time frame. Exams are included in the course fee.   FOLLOW ON COURSES The following courses are recommended for further study: MSPAP - Managing Successful Programmes Advanced Practitioner [-]
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3 dager 14 900 kr
Learn to deliver complex business changes! [+]
Over the last decades, many organisations have introduced a multitude of Project Management methods. These methods have many advantages, but also limitations as projects get larger, longer and business changes become more complex. To deliver complex business change, an organisation generates a multitude of projects with interconnections and dependencies. In other words, many projects may be needed over a long period of time to meet a common strategic business objective. Strategies for managing these projects coherently to achieve the required business benefits require more than traditional project management techniques. You will learn:The Managing Successful Programs certification will provide the participants with a detailed knowledge of the MSP® methodology, covering how programs are set up and managed throughout their lifecycle. The course includes detailed coverage of the program documentation, including how to develop strategies to manage benefits, and how to provide assurance to stakeholders that the program is delivering as planned. In addition, it includes techniques to identify stakeholders and benefits.The objective of the MSP® Foundation training is to get insight into the MSP elements, get a clear understanding of MSP® principles, be able to apply MSP® best practice, and be well prepared for the MSP® Foundation exam.Contents of the course: Introduction to Program Management Introduction to the MSP® best practice MSP® Theory – principles and processes Case Study  [-]
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