Norsk Olje og Gass
Sogn og Fjordane
Du har valgt: Høyanger kommune


2 treff ( i Høyanger kommune ) i Norsk Olje og Gass

BES-vakt krus [+]
Dette er kurset for deg som skal stå BES-vakt. Det gir deg generell informasjon om dine oppgaver som vakt for personell som jobber i trange rom eller lignende. Å være en god vakt kommer en langt med, en får oversikt, kontroll og gir deg god kjennskap til utstyr å materiell som blir brukt på arbeidsområdet.   Prisen er 2200kr   For å komme til vårt nettkurs, trykk på linken som ligger under.   [-]
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This online introductory course provides the drilling personnel with basic understanding of well control. Completion of this course will provide you with a completion cer... [+]
Course Content: Course is in English and oilfield units (API) only. The content follow the syllabus issued from IWCF. ·         General well control principles ·         Risk assessment ·         Hydrostatic pressure ·         Formation pressures ·         Primary & secondary well control ·         Well control equipment ·         Subsea and surface equipment ·         Well barrier concept ·         Kick causes ·         Kick detection ·         Influx characteristics and behavior ·         Well control methods ·         Inflow testing Course Objectives To be able to: ·         Understand the negative consequences associated with loss of well control ·         Understand the need for detection ·         Recognize the warning signs of abnormal pressure ·         Know the actions that should be taken when kick indicators are present ·         Be familiar with the functions of the bop equipment ·         Be able to select well control method to regain control ·         Be able to fill in a IWCF surface and/or subsea kill sheet ·         Be able to calculate kill mud weight, initial circulation pressure and final circulation pressure ·         Correctly obtain shut in pressures in the well ·         Understand the barrier concept ·         Know the impact pumping cement could have on well control ·         Obtain sufficient knowledge to pass a written IWCF test with minimum 70% score [-]
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