IT kompetanse
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29 treff ( i Hordaland ) i IT kompetanse

Bedriftsintern 1 dag 7 500 kr
Data science og maskinlæring er blitt en viktig drivkraft bak mange forretnings beslutninger. Men fortsatt er mange usikre på hva begrepene innebærer og hvilke muligheter... [+]
Dette kurset tilbys som bedriftsinternt kurs   Maskinlæring handler om sette datamaskiner i stand til å lære fra og utvikle atferd basert på data. Det vil si at en datamaskin kan løse en oppgave den ikke er eksplisitt programmert for å håndtere. I stedet er den i stand til å automatisk lære gjenkjenning av komplekse mønstre i data og gjøre beslutninger basert på dette disse. Maskinlæring gir store muligheter, men mange bedrifter har problemer med å ta teknologien i bruk. Nøyaktig hvilke oppgaver kan maskinlæring utføre, og hvordan kommer man i gang? Dette kurset gir oversikt over mulighetene som ligger i maskinlæring, og hvordan i tillegg til kunnskap om hvordan teknologien kan løse oppgaver og skape resultater i praksis. Hva er maskinlæring, datavitenskap og kunstig intelligens og hvordan det er relatert til statistikk og dataanalyse? Hvordan å utvinne kunnskap fra dataene dine? Hva betyr Big data og hvordan analyseres det? Hvor og hvordan skal du bruke maskinlæring til dine daglige forretningsproblemer? Hvordan bruke datamønstre til å ta avgjørelser og spådommer med eksempler fra den virkelige verden? Hvilke typer forretningsproblemer kan en maskinen lære å håndtere Muligheter som maskinlæring gir din bedrift Hva er de teoretiske aspekter på metoder innen maskinlæring? Hvilke ML-metoder som er relevante for ulike problemstillinger innen dataanalyse? Hvordan evaluere styrker og svakheter mellom disse algoritmene og velge den beste? Anvendt data science og konkrete kunde eksempler i praksis   Målsetning Kurset gir kunnskap om hvordan maskinlæring kan løse et bestemt problem og hvilke metoder som egner seg i en gitt situasjon. Du blir i stand til å kan skaffe deg innsikt i data, og vil kunne identifisere egenskapene som representerer dem best. Du kjenner de viktigste maskinlæringsalgoritmene og hvilke metoder som evaluerer ytelsen deres best. Dette gir grunnlag for kontinuerlig forbedring av løsninger basert på maskinlæring.   [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 2 dager 15 000 kr
This course will provide foundational level knowledge of cloud services and how those services are provided with Microsoft Azure. The course can be taken as an optional f... [+]
The course will cover general cloud computing concepts as well as general cloud computing models and services such as Public, Private and Hybrid cloud and Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service(PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). It will also cover some core Azure services and solutions, as well as key Azure pillar services concerning security, privacy, compliance and trust. It will finally cover pricing and support services available.   Agenda Module 1: Cloud Concepts -Learning Objectives-Why Cloud Services?-Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)-Public, Private, and Hybrid cloud models Module 2: Core Azure Services -Core Azure architectural components-Core Azure Services and Products-Azure Solutions-Azure management tools Module 3: Security, Privacy, Compliance and Trust -Securing network connectivity in Azure-Core Azure Identity services-Security tools and features-Azure governance methodologies-Monitoring and Reporting in Azure-Privacy, Compliance and Data Protection standards in Azure Module 4: Azure Pricing and Support -Azure subscriptions-Planning and managing costs-Support options available with Azure-Service lifecycle in Azure [-]
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Oslo 5 dager 30 000 kr
27 May
27 May
30 Sep
AI-102: Designing and Implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution [+]
AI-102: Designing and Implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution [-]
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Oslo Trondheim Og 1 annet sted 2 dager 16 900 kr
27 Jun
26 Sep
10 Oct
Modern Application Architecture [+]
Modern Application Architecture [-]
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5 000 kr
5G Security [+]
5G Security [-]
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Oslo 5 dager 30 000 kr
03 Jun
02 Sep
02 Sep [+]
DP-203: Data Engineering on Microsoft Azure [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 2 dager 14 000 kr
In this course, the students will design various data platform technologies into solutions that are in line with business and technical requirements. This can include on-... [+]
The students will also explore how to design data security including data access, data policies and standards. They will also design Azure data solutions which includes the optimization, availability and disaster recovery of big data, batch processing and streaming data solutions. Agenda Module 1: Data Platform Architecture Considerations. -Core Principles of Creating Architectures-Design with Security in Mind-Performance and Scalability-Design for availability and recoverability-Design for efficiency and operations-Case Study Module 2: Azure Batch Processing Reference Architectures. -Lambda architectures from a Batch Mode Perspective-Design an Enterprise BI solution in Azure-Automate enterprise BI solutions in Azure-Architect an Enterprise-grade Conversational Bot in Azure Module 3: Azure Real-Time Reference Architectures. -Lambda architectures for a Real-Time Perspective-Lambda architectures for a Real-Time Perspective-Design a stream processing pipeline with Azure Databricks-Create an Azure IoT reference architecture Module 4: Data Platform Security Design Considerations. -Defense in Depth Security Approach-Network Level Protection-Identity Protection-Encryption Usage-Advanced Threat Protection Module 5: Designing for Resiliency and Scale. -Design Backup and Restore strategies-Optimize Network Performance-Design for Optimized Storage and Database Performance-Design for Optimized Storage and Database Performance-Incorporate Disaster Recovery into Architectures-Design Backup and Restore strategies Module 6: Design for Efficiency and Operations. -Maximizing the Efficiency of your Cloud Environment-Use Monitoring and Analytics to Gain Operational Insights-Use Automation to Reduce Effort and Error [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 3 dager 24 500 kr
In this course students will gain the knowledge and skills needed to implement security controls, maintain the security posture, and identify and remediate vulnerabilitie... [+]
Objectives Describe specialized data classifications on Azure Identify Azure data protection mechanisms Implement Azure data encryption methods Secure Internet protocols and how to implement them on Azure Describe Azure security services and features Agenda Module 1: Identity and Access -Configure Azure Active Directory for Azure workloads and subscriptions-Configure Azure AD Privileged Identity Management-Configure security for an Azure subscription Module 2: Platform Protection -Understand cloud security-Build a network-Secure network-Implement host security-Implement platform security-Implement subscription security Module 3: Security Operations -Configure security services-Configure security policies by using Azure Security Center-Manage security alerts-Respond to and remediate security issues-Create security baselines Module 4: Data and applications -Configure security policies to manage data-Configure security for data infrastructure-Configure encryption for data at rest-Understand application security-Implement security for application lifecycle-Secure applications-Configure and manage Azure Key Vault       [-]
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Nettkurs 375 kr
I dette kurset gir Inga Strümke deg en innføring i hva kunstig intelligens er, og hva du bør tenke på når din bedrift skal ta i bruk kunstig intelligens. [+]
Inga Strümke gir deg en innføring i kunstig intelligens og maskinlæring som gjør det lettere å ta bedre beslutninger. Kunstig intelligens (AI) er mer i vinden enn noensinne, men visste du at det har eksistert som akademisk fagfelt siden 1950-tallet? I dette kurset får du en innføring i hva kunstig intelligens egentlig er for noe, hvordan det brukes i dag og hvordan du kan anvende det for å ta bedre beslutninger. Du lærer om maskinlæring og nevrale nettverk, og hvordan dyp læring brukes til komplekse problemer som språkforståelse og bildegjenkjenning. Du får innsikt i fallgruver, hvorfor de oppstår og hvordan de kan unngås, og ikke minst – hva du bør tenke på når din bedrift skal ta i bruk kunstig intelligens.  HVA VIL DU LÆRE: Kunstig intelligens Maskinlæring, dyp læring og nevrale nettverk Data Bildegjenkjenning og språkforståelse Proxyvariabler og korrelasjon i modeller Forklaringer: Hva og for hvem? Integrering i bedriften Leksjoner Introduksjon til kurset Innføring i kunstig intelligens og algoritmer Maskinlæring Data  Nevrale nettverk og dyp læring Bildegjenkjenning Språkmodeller Proxy-variabler og et eksempel fra forsikring Korrelasjon og kausalitet  Forklaring - hva og for hvem? Eksempler på bruk Helhetlig integrering  Oppsummering [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 3 dager 20 000 kr
In this course, the students will implement various data platform technologies into solutions that are in line with business and technical requirements including on-premi... [+]
The students will also explore how to implement data security including authentication, authorization, data policies and standards. They will also define and implement data solution monitoring for both the data storage and data processing activities. Finally, they will manage and troubleshoot Azure data solutions which includes the optimization and disaster recovery of big data, batch processing and streaming data solutions. Agenda Module 1: Azure for the Data Engineer -Explain the evolving world of data-Survey the services in the Azure Data Platform-Identify the tasks that are performed by a Data Engineer-Describe the use cases for the cloud in a Case Study Module 2: Working with Data Storage. -Choose a data storage approach in Azure-Create an Azure Storage Account-Explain Azure Data Lake storage-Upload data into Azure Data Lake Module 3: Enabling Team Based Data Science with Azure Databricks. -Explain Azure Databricks and Machine Learning Platforms-Describe the Team Data Science Process-Provision Azure Databricks and workspaces-Perform data preparation tasks Module 4: Building Globally Distributed Databases with Cosmos DB. -Create an Azure Cosmos DB database built to scale-Insert and query data in your Azure Cosmos DB database-Provision a .NET Core app for Cosmos DB in Visual Studio Code-Distribute your data globally with Azure Cosmos DB Module 5: Working with Relational Data Stores in the Cloud. -SQL Database and SQL Data Warehouse-Provision an Azure SQL database to store data-Provision and load data into Azure SQL Data Warehouse Module 6: Performing Real-Time Analytics with Stream Analytics. Module 7: Orchestrating Data Movement with Azure Data Factory. -Explain how Azure Data Factory works-Create Linked Services and datasets-Create pipelines and activities-Azure Data Factory pipeline execution and triggers Module 8: Securing Azure Data Platforms. -Configuring Network Security-Configuring Authentication-Configuring Authorization-Auditing Security Module 9: Monitoring and Troubleshooting Data Storage and Processing. -Data Engineering troubleshooting approach-Azure Monitoring Capabilities-Troubleshoot common data issues-Troubleshoot common data processing issues Module 10: Integrating and Optimizing Data Platforms. -Integrating data platforms-Optimizing data stores-Optimize streaming data-Manage disaster recovery [-]
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1 dag 6 200 kr
Data genereres i stadig større mengder - av mennesker, av sensorer og av innebygde dataenheter. Mottak, behandling og analyse av store datamengder krever distribuerte tek... [+]
Data genereres i stadig større mengder - av mennesker, av sensorer og av innebygde dataenheter. Mottak, behandling og analyse av store datamengder krever distribuerte teknologier og lagringsformater. Big Data er blitt et fellesbegrep på disse teknologiene og dataene de behandler. Det er i dag forretningskritisk innenfor flere og flere bransjer å kunne håndtere Big Data. Men hvor skal man begynne? Kursinnhold Hvordan defineres Big Data? Hvilke problemstillinger kan løses med Big Data Hvilke Big Data teknologier finnes og hvilke bør vi satse på? Hva er hovedutfordringene med å ta i bruk Big Data? Kurset gjennomføres som en serie foredrag med rom for spørsmål og utdypninger innen hvert emne. De mest brukte teknologiene innen Big Data lagring, datahåndtering og analyse blir gjennomgått og vurdert, inkludert Hadoop, Spark, Hive, HBase, Cassandra, Kafka, MongoDB og en rekke andre. [-]
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Nettstudie 1 semester 4 980 kr
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Datamaskinarkitektur: De viktigste komponentene og deres virkemåte og oppbygging: CPU, buss, lagerteknologier (cache og ulike typer primær- og sekundærlager), kontrollere... [+]
  Studieår: 2013-2014   Gjennomføring: Vår Antall studiepoeng: 5.0 Forutsetninger: Ingen Innleveringer: For å kunne gå opp til eksamen må 8 utvalgte øvingsoppgaver være godkjente. Det settes krav til at studenten har tilgang til en PC som kan brukes til praktiske maskinvare- og programvareendringer for å trene på feildiagnostisering og feilretting. Maskinen kan gjerne være en eldre og utdatert maskin, men den må virke. Personlig veileder: ja Vurderingsform: Skriftlig eksamen, individuell, 3 timer. Ansvarlig: Geir Ove Rosvold Eksamensdato: 20.12.13 / 23.05.14         Læremål: KUNNSKAPER:Kandidaten:- har innsikt i datamaskinens virkemåte både fra et teoretisk og praktisk ståsted- kjenner godt til de enkelte komponenter i datamaskinen og hvordan de virker sammen- kjenner til de grunnleggende matematikk- og informatikktema (tallsystemer, datarepresentasjon, lokalitet) som er relevante for emnets tekniske hovedtemaer FERDIGHETER:Kandidaten:- kan gjøre nytte av sine teoretiske kunnskaper inne emnets tema i relevant praktisk problemløsing- kan optimalisere, oppgradere og holde ved like en datamaskin, samt diagnostisere, feilsøke og reparere en datamaskin ved de vanligste feilsituasjoner GENERELL KOMPETANSE:Kandidaten:- har kompetanse til selvstendig både å formidle og å ta i bruk sine kunnskaper og ferdigheter innen emnets tema- kan i en praktisk driftssituasjon, forklare og gjøre bruk av sin kunnskap både innen hvert enkelt tema i faget og på tvers av temaene Innhold:Datamaskinarkitektur: De viktigste komponentene og deres virkemåte og oppbygging: CPU, buss, lagerteknologier (cache og ulike typer primær- og sekundærlager), kontrollere og io-utstyr, avbruddsmekanismen, DMA, brikkesett og moderne systemarkitektur, ulike maskinklasser. Prosessorarkitektur: Pipeline, superskalaritet, dynamisk utføring, mikrooperasjoner, kontrollenheten, hardkoding kontra mikroprogrammering, RISC og CISC. Teori-tema: Tallsystemer. Datarepresentasjon og -aritmetikk. Buss- og lagerhierarki. Cache og lokalitet. Høynivåspråk kontra assembly. Praktisk driftsarbeid: Kabinett, hovedkort, ulike prosessorer, buss, RAM, cache, BIOS. Lyd-, nettverks-og skjermkort. Sekundærminne (Harddisk, CD-ROM, DVD, tape og andre typer). Avbruddsmekanismen, I/O, DMA og busmastering. Å oppdage og rette feil. Boot-prosessen. Formatering, partisjonering.Les mer om faget her [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 3 dager 20 000 kr
Learn how to operate machine learning solutions at cloud scale using Azure Machine Learning. [+]
 This course teaches you to leverage your existing knowledge of Python and machine learning to manage data ingestion and preparation, model training and deployment, and machine learning solution monitoring in Microsoft Azure. TARGET AUDIENCE This course is designed for data scientists with existing knowledge of Python and machine learning frameworks like Scikit-Learn, PyTorch, and Tensorflow, who want to build and operate machine learning solutions in the cloud. COURSE CONTENT Module 1: Introduction to Azure Machine Learning In this module, you will learn how to provision an Azure Machine Learning workspace and use it to manage machine learning assets such as data, compute, model training code, logged metrics, and trained models. You will learn how to use the web-based Azure Machine Learning studio interface as well as the Azure Machine Learning SDK and developer tools like Visual Studio Code and Jupyter Notebooks to work with the assets in your workspace. Getting Started with Azure Machine Learning Azure Machine Learning Tools Lab : Creating an Azure Machine Learning WorkspaceLab : Working with Azure Machine Learning Tools After completing this module, you will be able to Provision an Azure Machine Learning workspace Use tools and code to work with Azure Machine Learning Module 2: No-Code Machine Learning with Designer This module introduces the Designer tool, a drag and drop interface for creating machine learning models without writing any code. You will learn how to create a training pipeline that encapsulates data preparation and model training, and then convert that training pipeline to an inference pipeline that can be used to predict values from new data, before finally deploying the inference pipeline as a service for client applications to consume. Training Models with Designer Publishing Models with Designer Lab : Creating a Training Pipeline with the Azure ML DesignerLab : Deploying a Service with the Azure ML Designer After completing this module, you will be able to Use designer to train a machine learning model Deploy a Designer pipeline as a service Module 3: Running Experiments and Training Models In this module, you will get started with experiments that encapsulate data processing and model training code, and use them to train machine learning models. Introduction to Experiments Training and Registering Models Lab : Running ExperimentsLab : Training and Registering Models After completing this module, you will be able to Run code-based experiments in an Azure Machine Learning workspace Train and register machine learning models Module 4: Working with Data Data is a fundamental element in any machine learning workload, so in this module, you will learn how to create and manage datastores and datasets in an Azure Machine Learning workspace, and how to use them in model training experiments. Working with Datastores Working with Datasets Lab : Working with DatastoresLab : Working with Datasets After completing this module, you will be able to Create and consume datastores Create and consume datasets Module 5: Compute Contexts One of the key benefits of the cloud is the ability to leverage compute resources on demand, and use them to scale machine learning processes to an extent that would be infeasible on your own hardware. In this module, you'll learn how to manage experiment environments that ensure consistent runtime consistency for experiments, and how to create and use compute targets for experiment runs. Working with Environments Working with Compute Targets Lab : Working with EnvironmentsLab : Working with Compute Targets After completing this module, you will be able to Create and use environments Create and use compute targets Module 6: Orchestrating Operations with Pipelines Now that you understand the basics of running workloads as experiments that leverage data assets and compute resources, it's time to learn how to orchestrate these workloads as pipelines of connected steps. Pipelines are key to implementing an effective Machine Learning Operationalization (ML Ops) solution in Azure, so you'll explore how to define and run them in this module. Introduction to Pipelines Publishing and Running Pipelines Lab : Creating a PipelineLab : Publishing a Pipeline After completing this module, you will be able to Create pipelines to automate machine learning workflows Publish and run pipeline services Module 7: Deploying and Consuming Models Models are designed to help decision making through predictions, so they're only useful when deployed and available for an application to consume. In this module learn how to deploy models for real-time inferencing, and for batch inferencing. Real-time Inferencing Batch Inferencing Lab : Creating a Real-time Inferencing ServiceLab : Creating a Batch Inferencing Service After completing this module, you will be able to Publish a model as a real-time inference service Publish a model as a batch inference service Module 8: Training Optimal Models By this stage of the course, you've learned the end-to-end process for training, deploying, and consuming machine learning models; but how do you ensure your model produces the best predictive outputs for your data? In this module, you'll explore how you can use hyperparameter tuning and automated machine learning to take advantage of cloud-scale compute and find the best model for your data. Hyperparameter Tuning Automated Machine Learning Lab : Tuning HyperparametersLab : Using Automated Machine Learning After completing this module, you will be able to Optimize hyperparameters for model training Use automated machine learning to find the optimal model for your data Module 9: Interpreting Models Many of the decisions made by organizations and automated systems today are based on predictions made by machine learning models. It's increasingly important to be able to understand the factors that influence the predictions made by a model, and to be able to determine any unintended biases in the model's behavior. This module describes how you can interpret models to explain how feature importance determines their predictions. Introduction to Model Interpretation using Model Explainers Lab : Reviewing Automated Machine Learning ExplanationsLab : Interpreting Models After completing this module, you will be able to Generate model explanations with automated machine learning Use explainers to interpret machine learning models Module 10: Monitoring Models After a model has been deployed, it's important to understand how the model is being used in production, and to detect any degradation in its effectiveness due to data drift. This module describes techniques for monitoring models and their data. Monitoring Models with Application Insights Monitoring Data Drift Lab : Monitoring a Model with Application InsightsLab : Monitoring Data Drift After completing this module, you will be able to Use Application Insights to monitor a published model Monitor data drift   [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 5 dager 28 500 kr
This course teaches Solutions Architects how to translate business requirements into secure, scalable, and reliable solutions. Lessons include virtualization, automation,... [+]
Agenda Module 1: Implement VMs for Windows and Linux -Select Virtual Machine Size-Configure High Availability-Implement Azure Dedicated Hosts-Deploy and Configure Scale Sets-Configure Azure Disk Encryption Module 2: Automate Deployment and Configuration of Resources -Azure Resource Manager Templates-Save a Template for a VM-Evaluate Location of New Resources-Configure a Virtual Hard Disk Template-Deploy from a Template-Create and Execute an Automation Runbook Module 3: Implement Virtual Networking -Virtual Network Peering-Implement VNet Peering Module 4: Implement Load Balancing and Network Security -Implement Azure Load Balancer-Implement an Application Gateway-Understand Web Application Firewall-Implement Azure Firewall-Implement Azure Front Door-Implementing Azure Traffice Manager-Implement Network Security Groups and Application Security Grou-Implement Azure Bastion Module 5: Implement Storage Accounts -Storage Accounts-Blob Storage-Storage Security-Managing Storage-Accessing Blobs and Queues using AAD-Configure Azure Storage Firewalls and Virtual Networks Module 6: Implement Azure Active Directory -Overview of Azure Active Directory-Users and Groups-Domains and Custom Domains-Azure AD Identity Protection-Implement Conditional Access-Configure Fraud Alerts for MFA-Implement Bypass Options-Configure Trusted IPs-Configure Guest Users in Azure AD-Manage Multiple Directori Module 7: Implement and Manage Azure Governance -Create Management Groups, Subscriptions, and Resource Groups-Overview of Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)-Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Roles-Azure AD Access Reviews-Implement and Configure an Azure Policy-Azure Blueprints Module 8: Implement and Manage Hybrid Identities -Install and Configure Azure AD Connect-Configure Password Sync and Password Writeback-Configure Azure AD Connect Health Module 9: Manage Workloads in Azure -Migrate Workloads using Azure Migrate-VMware - Agentless Migration-VMware - Agent-Based Migration-Implement Azure Backup-Azure to Azure Site Recovery-Implement Azure Update Management Module 10: Implement Cloud Infrastructure Monitoring -Azure Infrastructure Security Monitoring-Azure Monitor-Azure Workbooks-Azure Alerts-Log Analytics-Network Watcher-Azure Service Health-Monitor Azure Costs-Azure Application Insights-Unified Monitoring in Azure Module 11: Manage Security for Applications -Azure Key Vault-Azure Managed Identity Module 12: Implement an Application Infrastructure -Create and Configure Azure App Service-Create an App Service Web App for Containers-Create and Configure an App Service Plan-Configure Networking for an App Service-Create and Manage Deployment Slots-Implement Logic Apps-Implement Azure Functions Module 13: Implement Container-Based Applications -Azure Container Instances-Configure Azure Kubernetes Service Module 14: Implement NoSQL Databases -Configure Storage Account Tables-Select Appropriate CosmosDB APIs Module 15: Implement Azure SQL Databases -Configure Azure SQL Database Settings-Implement Azure SQL Database Managed Instances-High-Availability and Azure SQL Database [-]
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Oslo Bergen Og 1 annet sted 2 dager 16 900 kr
20 Jun
20 Jun
03 Oct
Modern Service Oriented Architecture [+]
Modern Service Oriented Architecture [-]
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