Kurs i programvare og applikasjoner
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Webinar + nettkurs 3 dager 12 550 kr
Kurset er rettet mot de som vil lære grunnprinsippene og arbeidsmetodikk i AutoCAD Civil 3D. I løpet av kurset gjøres øvelser for alle emner som blir tatt opp. [+]
UTDANNINGSMÅLDu vil lære grunnleggende teknikk for bruk av programmet, og skal kunne bruke programmet til å lage 3D-modeller av terreng, veier, VA. Hente ut informasjon fra modellen og kunne produsere 2D-arbeidstegninger basert på 3D-modellen. KURSINNHOLD: Norsk kursdokumentasjon Introduksjon av Civil 3D Brukergrensesnitt Behandling av visninger Etabler og arbeide med en terrengmodell Masseberegning Punktgrupper Planering av områder med tilhørende skråningsutslag Grunnleggende vegprosjektering, konstruksjon av senterlinje, lengdeprofil, tverrprofil og vegmodell med skjæring og fylling mot terreng Bearbeide terreng ved hjelp av data fra vegmodellen Grunnleggende bruk av VA funksjonaliteten med opptegning i plan og profil, og presentasjon av data Landmåling; import av feltbokfiler fra målestasjon, og produksjon av punktgrupper og terrengmodeller av dataene Tekst/Tittelfelt Detaljering Utskrift [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 3 timer 1 600 kr
Webinaret passer for deg som allerede vet hvordan du skal lage enkle presentasjoner i PowerPoint, men som ønsker å gå et trinn videre. [+]
  Webinaret passer for deg som allerede vet hvordan du skal lage enkle presentasjoner i PowerPoint, men som ønsker å gå et trinn videre. Vi vil gi deg gode tips om hvordan du kan lage bedre presentasjoner, og jobbe mer effektivt med å lage lysbilder som engasjerer publikum og får frem budskapet. Temaer på webinaret: Bruk av maler og lysbildeoppsett Gjenbruk av eksisterende lysbilder Inndelinger i presentasjonen Effektiv bruk av punktmerker SmartArt – hvordan presentere mer grafisk Innsetting og redigering av fotografier og andre illustrasjoner, samt informasjon om bildebibliotek og opphavsrett Innsetting av film Bruk av fotoalbumoverganger mellom lysbildene Mål med webinaret: Etter endt webinar skal du kunne jobbe mer smart og effektivt i PowerPoint. Forkunnskap: Du må ha brukt PowerPoint på et grunnleggende nivå. Kurset passer for deg som ønsker å jobbe smartere med å lage lysbildepresentasjoner i PowerPoint.  Målgruppe: Dette kurset er for deg som vet litt om PowerPoint og som ønsker å lære mer effektiv bruk av verktøyet. Undervisningsform: Dette er et webinar som du følger via din PC eller nettbrett. Vi vil sende deg påloggingsinformasjon etter at du har meldt deg på kurset. Pris: 1600 kroner (Ansatte og studenter ved UiS har egne betingelser) Varighet: 3 timer [-]
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3 dager 8 200 kr
Vil du lære å lage visittkort, annonser, brosjyrer og plakater i InDesign? Enten du jobber i en markedsavdeling, grafisk bedrift, avis eller magasin, er InDesign det pr..... [+]
Vil du lære å lage visittkort, annonser, brosjyrer og plakater i InDesign? Enten du jobber i en markedsavdeling, grafisk bedrift, avis eller magasin, er dette det profesjonelle programmet du bruker til jobben.  Arbeider du med markedsføring og layout, vil du ha stor nytte av å kunne sette sammen tekst og bilder selv. Du slipper å sette ut arbeidet,  får større kontroll på layouten og mer ut av markedsbudsjettet. Du velger dette kurset for å lære alt du trenger for å komme igang med programmet InDesign. Hvem passer kurset for? Kurset passer for deg som har liten eller ingen erfaring med å jobbe i InDesign. InDesign er bransjestandarden for å lage annonser, brosjyrer, magasiner, plakater, DM, rapporter og bøker. Uansett hva du skal bruke programme til, så passer dette kurset for deg! Dette lærer du: Bli kjent med menyer og verktøy Effektiv jobbing med tekst- og sidemaler Grunnleggende typografi Importere og tilpasse bilder og tekst Plassere bilder med tekst rundt Lage egne farger Bruk av effekter Kontroll av dokumenter og eksport til pdf [-]
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Virtuelt eller personlig 3 timer 12 480 kr
Vi tilbyr kurs i Revit Structure basis 1. Du vil få en en grunnleggende kjennskap til å arbeide med Revit Structure, og til prosessen i samarbeidet med en arkitekt basert... [+]
Agenda:• Introduksjon til BIM• Link av Revit-modeller• Koordinering av modeller• Utarbeidelse av generisk modell• Arbeide med eksisterende families• Håndtering av forandringer i grunnlaget• Snitt og detaljer• Skjemaer og uttrekk• Oppsetning til print [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 5 dager 33 000 kr
VMware Horizon 8: Deploy and Manage is a five-day combination course of VMware Horizon 8: Skills for Virtual Desktop Management & VMware Horizon 8: Infrastructure Adm... [+]
COURSE OVERVIEW . This training collection gives you the hands-on skills to deliver virtual desktops and applications through a single virtual desktop infrastructure platform. You will build on your skills in configuring and managing VMware Horizon® 8 through a combination of lecture and hands-on labs. You learn how to configure and deploy pools of virtual machines and how to provide a customized desktop environment to end-users. Additionally, you will learn how to install and configure a virtual desktop infrastructure platform. You learn how to install and configure VMware Horizon® Connection Server™, VMware Unified Access Gateway™, how to configure a load balancer for use with Horizon, and how to establish Cloud Pod Architecture.  Product Alignment: VMware Horizon 8 V2006 TARGET AUDIENCE Operators, administrators, and architects for VMware Horizon should enroll in this course. These individuals are responsible for the creation, maintenance, and or delivery of remote and virtual desktop services. Additional duties can include the implementation, support, and administration of an organization's end-user computing infrastructure. COURSE OBJECTIVES By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives: Recognize the features and benefits of Horizon Use VMware vSphere® to create VMs to be used as desktops for Horizon Create and optimize Windows VMs to create Horizon desktops Install and configure Horizon Agent on Horizon desktop Configure and manage the VMware Horizon® Client™ systems and connect the client to a VMware Horizon desktop Configure, manage, and entitle desktop pools of full VMs Configure, manage, and entitle pools of instant-clone desktops Create and use Remote Desktop Services (RDS) desktops and application pools Monitor the Horizon environment using Horizon Console Dashboard and Horizon Help Desk Tool Identify Horizon Connection Server installation, architecture, and requirements. Describe the authentication and certification options for a Horizon environment Recognize the integration process and benefits of VMware Workspace ONE® Access™ and Horizon 8 Discuss performance and scalability options available in Horizon 8 Describe different security options for the Horizon environment COURSE CONTENT 1  Course Introduction Introductions and course logistics Course objectives 2  Introduction to VMware Horizon Recognize the features and benefits of Horizon Describe the conceptual and logical architecture of Horizon 3  Introduction to Use Case Define a use case for your virtual desktop and application infrastructure Convert customer requirements to use-case attributes 4  vSphere for Horizon 8 Explain basic virtualization concepts Use VMware vSphere® Client™ to access your vCenter Server system and VMware ESXi™ hosts Create, provision, and remove a virtual machine 5  VMware Horizon Desktops Create a Windows and a Linux virtual machine using vSphere Optimize and prepare Windows and Linux virtual machines to set up Horizon desktop VMs 6  VMware Horizon Agents Outline the configuration choices when installing Horizon Agent on Windows and Linux virtual machines Create a gold master for Windows Horizon desktops 7  VMware Horizon Pools Identify the steps to set up a template for desktop pool deployment List the steps to add desktops to the VMware Horizon® Connection Server™ inventory Compare dedicated-assignment and floating-assignment pools Outline the steps to create an automated pool Define user entitlement Explain the hierarchy of global, pool-level, and user-level policies 8  VMware Horizon Client Options Describe the different clients and their benefits Access Horizon desktop using various Horizon clients and HTML Configure integrated printing, USB redirection, and the shared folders option Configure session collaboration and media optimization for Microsoft Teams 9  Creating and Managing Instant-Clone Desktop Pools List the advantages of instant clones Explain the provisioning technology used for instant clone desktop pools Set up an automated pool of instant clones Push updated images to instant clone desktop pools 10  Creating RDS Desktop and Application Pools Explain the difference between an RDS desktop pool and an automated pool Compare and contrast an RDS session host pool, a farm, and an application pool Create an RDS desktop pool and an application pool Access RDS desktops and application from Horizon Client Use the instant clone technology to automate the build-out of RDSH farms Configure load-balancing for RDSHs on a farm 11  Monitoring VMware Horizon Monitor the status of the Horizon components using the Horizon Administrator console dashboard Monitor desktop sessions using the HelpDesk tool 12  Course Introduction Introductions and course logistics Course objectives 13  Horizon Connection Server Recognize VMware Horizon reference architecture Identify the Horizon Connection Server supported features Identify the recommended system requirements for Horizon Connection Server Configure the Horizon event database Outline the steps for the initial configuration of Horizon Connection Server Discuss the ADAM database as a critical component of Horizon Connection Server installation 14  VMware Horizon Authentication and Certificates Compare the authentication options that Horizon Connection Server supports Describe the Smartcard authentication options that Horizon Connection Server supports Outline the steps to create a Horizon administrator and custom roles Describe the roles available in a Horizon environment Explain the role that certificates play for Horizon Connection Server Install and configure certificates for Horizon Connection Server Install and configure True SSO in a Horizon environment 15  Workspace ONE Access & Virtual Application Management Recognize the features and benefits of Workspace ONE Access Recognize the Workspace ONE Access console features Explain identity management in Workspace ONE Access Explain access management in Workspace ONE Access Describe the Workspace ONE Access directory integration Describe the Workspace ONE Access directory integration Deploy virtual applications with Workspace services 16  VMware Horizon Performance and Scalability Describe the purpose of a replica connection server Explain how multiple Horizon Connection Server instances in a pod maintain synchronization Describe the 3D rendering options available in Horizon 8 List the steps to configure graphics cards for use in a Horizon environment Configure a load balancer for use in a Horizon environment Explain Horizon Cloud Pod Architecture LDAP replication and VIPA Explain Horizon Cloud Pod Architecture scalability options 17  Managing VMware Horizon Security Explain concepts relevant to secure Horizon connections Describe how to restrict Horizon connections. Discuss the benefits of using Unified Access Gateway List the two-factor authentication options that are supported by Unified Access Gateway List Unified Access Gateway firewall rules Describe the situation in which you might deploy Unified Access Gateway instances with one, two, or three network interfaces TEST CERTIFICATION VMware Certified Professional – Desktop and Mobility 2020 (VCP-DTM 2020) [-]
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Webinar 2 timer 1 690 kr
På webinaret vil vi vise deg hvordan du kan lage nettbaserte spørreundersøkelse og tester ved hjelp av Microsoft Forms. [+]
På webinaret vil vi vise deg hvordan du kan lage nettbaserte spørreundersøkelse, tester og påmeldingsskjemaer ved hjelp av Microsoft Forms. Microsoft Forms er en enkel og elegant app i Microsoft 365 familien for opprettelse av undersøkelser og tester. Du kan lage skjema med flere språk i samme skjema. Du kan ha forgreninger til ulike svarretninger alt etter hva som velges som svar. Det er mange ulike spørsmålsalternativer å velge mellom. Svarene kan være anonyme om ønskelig. Du kan også sette inn undersøkelser (poll) i et Teams-møte eller som en del av en presentasjon i PowerPoint. Resultatene behandler og analyserer du enkelt i Excel. Hva er Forms | Forskjell undersøkelser og tester | Personlige skjema vs gruppeskjema | Opprette skjema | Spørsmålstyper | Forgreninger | Innstillinger | Flere språk i samme skjema | Simulere skjema | Delingsmåter (samle inn svar) | Samarbeide om samme skjema eller duplisere skjema (gi kopi til andre) | Resultater og analyser | Forms og Teams | Forms og PowerPoint Pris: 1690 kroner [-]
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5 dager 25 500 kr
MS-100: Microsoft 365 Identity and Services [+]
MS-100: Microsoft 365 Identity and Services [-]
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Bedriftsintern 4 dager 18 200 kr
The High-Performance Java Persistence training is aimed to level up your data access skills, covering JDBC, Hibernate, and many database essential topics for Oracle, SQL ... [+]
Want to run your data access layer at high speeds? 1. DATABASE ESSENTIALSDo you know how a relational database systems works behind the scenes? 2. JDBCDo you know how the JDBC Driver executes statements and how you can configure it to boost application performance? 3. JPA AND HIBERNATEAdding JPA and Hibernate annotations is fairly easy. But, do you know the performance implications of each JPA or Hibernate feature your application makes heavy use of? Course goals This course is meant to mind the gap between Java developers and database programming. Most often, Java developers are very skilled when it comes to programming languages, design patterns, frameworks and everything that's related to their programming language of choice. However, the database is still uncharted territory, usually treated as a black box that we throw queries at and expect it to respond in no time. With this workshop, I want to get Java developers to know more about RDBMS so that they can design their application data access layer accordingly. After attending this workshop, you'll know all sorts of tips that you can readily apply to your current enterprise project. Taget audience This workshop is for any Java developer that happens to develop software that interacts with a relational database system. Although we are going to cover many aspects related to database systems, JDBC, JPA and Hibernate, it is best if the attendees have at least one or two years experience working with these technologies since the information provided by this training is much easier to be assimilated by middle and senior developers. Prerequisites It is recommended to bring your own notebook so that you can configure and run tests associated with the material we are going to go through this training. It is expected that attendees are familiar with Java, Maven, IDE systems like IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse, as well as database systems like MySQL, PostgreSQL or in-memory databases like HSQLDB. The attendees can set up the test environment we are going to use during the training by following the instructions provided in this GitHub repository. Day 1. Introduction Types and Identifiers Connection Management Relationships Day 2. Inheritance Batching and Statement Caching Persistence Context Fetching Day 3.  Transactions and Concurrency Control Database, Application and Hibernate Caching [-]
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Oslo 1 dag 9 500 kr
03 Jun
03 Jun
AI-050: Develop Generative AI Solutions with Azure OpenAI Service [+]
AI-050: Develop Generative AI Solutions with Azure OpenAI Service [-]
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Webinar + nettkurs 2 dager 9 990 kr
Kurset er rettet mot deg som vil lære å prosjektere Vann- og Avløp i AutoCAD Civil 3D. [+]
Kurset er rettet mot deg som vil lære å prosjektere Vann- og Avløp i AutoCAD Civil 3D. I løpet av kurset gjøres øvelser for alle emner som blir tatt opp. Du vil ved endt kurs kunne bruke programmet til å lage 3D-modeller av terreng og VA-anlegg, hente ut informasjon fra modellen og kunne produsere 2D-arbeidstegninger basert på 3D-modellen. Det følger med norsk kursdokumentasjon som dekker alle aspekter for VA-prosjektering i Civil 3D med Focus CAT VA. Kursinnhold: Bruk av malfiler i henhold til norsk VA-norm og håndbok R700 Brukergrensesnitt for Focus CAT VA Repetisjon av å etablere og arbeide med en terrengmodell Innhenting av eksisterende ledningsnettverk Prosjektere 3D-ledningsnettverk Opptegningsregler i henhold til norm Verktøy for å redigere og modifisere ledningsnettverket Kollisjonskontroll Deleliste og tekniske tabeller/rapporter Overvannsanalyser (Storm and Sanitary analysis) Stikningsdata/maskinstyring 2D-tegninger i plan, profil og tverrprofil Fagmodeller [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 4 dager 26 000 kr
In this course, the student will learn about the data engineering patterns and practices as it pertains to working with batch and real-time analytical solutions using Azu... [+]
The students will learn how to interactively explore data stored in files in a data lake. They will learn the various ingestion techniques that can be used to load data using the Apache Spark capability found in Azure Synapse Analytics or Azure Databricks, or how to ingest using Azure Data Factory or Azure Synapse pipelines. The students will also learn the various ways they can transform the data using the same technologies that is used to ingest data. The student will spend time on the course learning how to monitor and analyze the performance of analytical system so that they can optimize the performance of data loads, or queries that are issued against the systems. They will understand the importance of implementing security to ensure that the data is protected at rest or in transit. The student will then show how the data in an analytical system can be used to create dashboards, or build predictive models in Azure Synapse Analytics. After completing this course, students will be able to: Explore compute and storage options for data engineering workloads in Azure Design and Implement the serving layer Understand data engineering considerations Run interactive queries using serverless SQL pools Explore, transform, and load data into the Data Warehouse using Apache Spark Perform data Exploration and Transformation in Azure Databricks Ingest and load Data into the Data Warehouse Transform Data with Azure Data Factory or Azure Synapse Pipelines Integrate Data from Notebooks with Azure Data Factory or Azure Synapse Pipelines Optimize Query Performance with Dedicated SQL Pools in Azure Synapse Analyze and Optimize Data Warehouse Storage Support Hybrid Transactional Analytical Processing (HTAP) with Azure Synapse Link Perform end-to-end security with Azure Synapse Analytics Perform real-time Stream Processing with Stream Analytics Create a Stream Processing Solution with Event Hubs and Azure Databricks Build reports using Power BI integration with Azure Synpase Analytics Perform Integrated Machine Learning Processes in Azure Synapse Analytics Course prerequisites Successful students start this course with knowledge of cloud computing and core data concepts and professional experience with data solutions.Recommended prerequisites:M-DP900 - Microsoft Azure Data FundamentalsM-AZ900 - Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Agenda Module 1: Explore compute and storage options for data engineering workloads This module provides an overview of the Azure compute and storage technology options that are available to data engineers building analytical workloads. This module teaches ways to structure the data lake, and to optimize the files for exploration, streaming, and batch workloads. The student will learn how to organize the data lake into levels of data refinement as they transform files through batch and stream processing. Then they will learn how to create indexes on their datasets, such as CSV, JSON, and Parquet files, and use them for potential query and workload acceleration. Module 2: Design and implement the serving layer This module teaches how to design and implement data stores in a modern data warehouse to optimize analytical workloads. The student will learn how to design a multidimensional schema to store fact and dimension data. Then the student will learn how to populate slowly changing dimensions through incremental data loading from Azure Data Factory. Module 3: Data engineering considerations for source files This module explores data engineering considerations that are common when loading data into a modern data warehouse analytical from files stored in an Azure Data Lake, and understanding the security consideration associated with storing files stored in the data lake. Module 4: Run interactive queries using Azure Synapse Analytics serverless SQL pools In this module, students will learn how to work with files stored in the data lake and external file sources, through T-SQL statements executed by a serverless SQL pool in Azure Synapse Analytics. Students will query Parquet files stored in a data lake, as well as CSV files stored in an external data store. Next, they will create Azure Active Directory security groups and enforce access to files in the data lake through Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and Access Control Lists (ACLs). Module 5: Explore, transform, and load data into the Data Warehouse using Apache Spark This module teaches how to explore data stored in a data lake, transform the data, and load data into a relational data store. The student will explore Parquet and JSON files and use techniques to query and transform JSON files with hierarchical structures. Then the student will use Apache Spark to load data into the data warehouse and join Parquet data in the data lake with data in the dedicated SQL pool. Module 6: Data exploration and transformation in Azure Databricks This module teaches how to use various Apache Spark DataFrame methods to explore and transform data in Azure Databricks. The student will learn how to perform standard DataFrame methods to explore and transform data. They will also learn how to perform more advanced tasks, such as removing duplicate data, manipulate date/time values, rename columns, and aggregate data. Module 7: Ingest and load data into the data warehouse This module teaches students how to ingest data into the data warehouse through T-SQL scripts and Synapse Analytics integration pipelines. The student will learn how to load data into Synapse dedicated SQL pools with PolyBase and COPY using T-SQL. The student will also learn how to use workload management along with a Copy activity in a Azure Synapse pipeline for petabyte-scale data ingestion. Module 8: Transform data with Azure Data Factory or Azure Synapse Pipelines This module teaches students how to build data integration pipelines to ingest from multiple data sources, transform data using mapping data flowss, and perform data movement into one or more data sinks. Module 9: Orchestrate data movement and transformation in Azure Synapse Pipelines In this module, you will learn how to create linked services, and orchestrate data movement and transformation using notebooks in Azure Synapse Pipelines. Module 10: Optimize query performance with dedicated SQL pools in Azure Synapse In this module, students will learn strategies to optimize data storage and processing when using dedicated SQL pools in Azure Synapse Analytics. The student will know how to use developer features, such as windowing and HyperLogLog functions, use data loading best practices, and optimize and improve query performance. Module 11: Analyze and Optimize Data Warehouse Storage In this module, students will learn how to analyze then optimize the data storage of the Azure Synapse dedicated SQL pools. The student will know techniques to understand table space usage and column store storage details. Next the student will know how to compare storage requirements between identical tables that use different data types. Finally, the student will observe the impact materialized views have when executed in place of complex queries and learn how to avoid extensive logging by optimizing delete operations. Module 12: Support Hybrid Transactional Analytical Processing (HTAP) with Azure Synapse Link In this module, students will learn how Azure Synapse Link enables seamless connectivity of an Azure Cosmos DB account to a Synapse workspace. The student will understand how to enable and configure Synapse link, then how to query the Azure Cosmos DB analytical store using Apache Spark and SQL serverless. Module 13: End-to-end security with Azure Synapse Analytics In this module, students will learn how to secure a Synapse Analytics workspace and its supporting infrastructure. The student will observe the SQL Active Directory Admin, manage IP firewall rules, manage secrets with Azure Key Vault and access those secrets through a Key Vault linked service and pipeline activities. The student will understand how to implement column-level security, row-level security, and dynamic data masking when using dedicated SQL pools. Module 14: Real-time Stream Processing with Stream Analytics In this module, students will learn how to process streaming data with Azure Stream Analytics. The student will ingest vehicle telemetry data into Event Hubs, then process that data in real time, using various windowing functions in Azure Stream Analytics. They will output the data to Azure Synapse Analytics. Finally, the student will learn how to scale the Stream Analytics job to increase throughput. Module 15: Create a Stream Processing Solution with Event Hubs and Azure Databricks In this module, students will learn how to ingest and process streaming data at scale with Event Hubs and Spark Structured Streaming in Azure Databricks. The student will learn the key features and uses of Structured Streaming. The student will implement sliding windows to aggregate over chunks of data and apply watermarking to remove stale data. Finally, the student will connect to Event Hubs to read and write streams. Module 16: Build reports using Power BI integration with Azure Synapase Analytics In this module, the student will learn how to integrate Power BI with their Synapse workspace to build reports in Power BI. The student will create a new data source and Power BI report in Synapse Studio. Then the student will learn how to improve query performance with materialized views and result-set caching. Finally, the student will explore the data lake with serverless SQL pools and create visualizations against that data in Power BI. Module 17: Perform Integrated Machine Learning Processes in Azure Synapse Analytics This module explores the integrated, end-to-end Azure Machine Learning and Azure Cognitive Services experience in Azure Synapse Analytics. You will learn how to connect an Azure Synapse Analytics workspace to an Azure Machine Learning workspace using a Linked Service and then trigger an Automated ML experiment that uses data from a Spark table. You will also learn how to use trained models from Azure Machine Learning or Azure Cognitive Services to enrich data in a SQL pool table and then serve prediction results using Power BI. [-]
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Virtuelt eller personlig 1 dag 5 950 kr
Gir alle deltakere i et prosjekt innsyn til å oppdatere data uansett programvare, tid og sted. [+]
  Fleksible kurs for fremtidenNy kunnskap skal gi umiddelbar effekt, og samtidig være holdbar og bærekraftig på lang sikt. NTI AS har 30 års erfaring innen kurs og kompetanseheving, og utdanner årlig rundt 10.000 personer i Nord Europa innen CAD, BIM, industri, design og konstruksjon.   Navisworks grunnkurs   Her er et utvalg av temaene du vil lære på kurset: forstå hvordan tverrfaglige modeller settes sammen analysere modellen gjennom visualisering og navigering håndtering av objekter sette inn målsetting legg inn snitt finne informasjon på objektene Navisworks håndterer et stort antall filformater og det er viktig å forstå hvordan tverrfaglige modeller settes sammen slik at dette muligjør analyse av modellen gjennom visualisering, navigering, håndtering av objekter, sette inn målsetting, legge inn snitt og finne informasjon på objektene.   Tilpassete kurs for bedrifterVi vil at kundene våre skal være best på det de gjør - hele tiden.  Derfor tenker vi langsiktig om kompetanseutvikling og ser regelmessig kunnskapsløft som en naturlig del av en virksomhet. Vårt kurskonsept bygger på et moderne sett av ulike læringsmiljøer, som gjør det enkelt å finne riktig løsning uansett behov. Ta kontakt med oss på telefon 483 12 300, epost: eller les mer på [-]
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4 dager 23 000 kr
This course teaches Azure administrators how to plan, deliver, and manage virtual desktop experiences and remote apps, for any device, on Azure. [+]
 Students will learn through a mix of demonstrations and hands-on lab experiences deploying virtual desktop experiences and apps on Windows Virtual Desktop and optimizing them to run in multi-session virtual environments.Students for AZ-140: Configuring and Operating Windows Virtual Desktop on Microsoft Azure are interested in delivering applications on Windows Virtual Desktop and optimizing them to run in multi-session virtual environments. As a Windows Virtual Desktop administrator, you will closely with the Azure Administrators and Architects, along with Microsoft 365 Administrators. Windows Virtual Desktop administrator responsibilities include planning, deploying, packaging, updating, and maintaining the Azure Windows Virtual Desktop infrastructure. They also create session host images, implement and manage FSLogix, monitor Windows Virtual Desktop performance, and automate Windows Virtual Desktop management tasks. COURSE OBJECTIVES   Select an appropriate licensing model for Windows Virtual Desktop Implement networking for Windows Virtual Desktop Manage Windows Virtual Desktop session hosts by using Azure Bastion Configure storage for FSLogix components Create and manage session host images Implement Azure roles and role-based access control (RBAC) for Windows Virtual Desktop Configure user Windows Virtual Desktop experience settings Install and configure apps on a session host Implement business continuity and disaster recovery Monitor and manage Windows Virtual Desktop performance     COURSE CONTENT Module 1: Plan a Windows Virtual Desktop Architecture In this module, you will learn how to assess existing physical and virtual desktop environments, plan and configure name resolution for Active Directory (AD) and Azure Active Directory Domain Services (Azure AD DS), and plan for Windows Virtual Desktop client deployments. LESSONS M1 Windows Virtual Desktop Architecture Design the WVD architecture Design for user identities and profiles LAB: PREPARE FOR DEPLOYMENT OF AZURE WINDOWS VIRTUAL DESKTOP (AZURE AD DS) LAB: PREPARE FOR DEPLOYMENT OF AZURE WINDOWS VIRTUAL DESKTOP (AD DS) After completing module 1, students will be able to: Understand Windows Virtual Desktop Components Understand personal and pooled desktops Recommend an operating system for a WVD implementation Plan a host pools architecture Module 2: Implement a WVD Infrastructure In this module, you will learn how to manage connectivity to the internet and on-premises networks, create a host pool by using the Azure portal, deploy host pools and hosts by using Azure Resource Manager templates, apply OS and application updates to a running WVD host, and create a master image. LESSONS M2 Implement and manage networking for WVD Implement and manage storage for WVD Create and configure host pools and session hosts Create and manage session host image LAB: CREATE AND CONFIGURE HOST POOLS AND SESSION HOSTS (AZURE AD DS) LAB: DEPLOY HOST POOLS AND SESSION HOSTS BY USING THE AZURE PORTAL (AD DS) LAB: IMPLEMENT AND MANAGE STORAGE FOR WVD (AZURE AD DS) LAB: DEPLOY HOST POOLS AND HOSTS BY USING AZURE RESOURCE MANAGER TEMPLATES LAB: DEPLOY AND MANAGE HOST POOLS AND HOSTS BY USING POWERSHELL After completing module 2, students will be able to: Implement Azure virtual network connectivity Manage connectivity to the internet and on-premises networks Understanding Windows Virtual Desktop network connectivity Configure WVD session hosts using Azure Bastion Configure storage for FSLogix components Configure disks and file shares Modify a session host image Create and use a Shared Image Gallery (SIG) Module 3: Manage Access and Security In this module, you will learn how to plan and implement Azure roles and RBAC for WVD, implement Conditional Access policies for connections, plan and implement MFA, and manage security by using Azure Security Center. LESSONS M3 Manage access Manage security LAB: CONFIGURE CONDITIONAL ACCESS POLICIES FOR CONNECTIONS TO WVD (AD DS) After completing module 3, students will be able to: Manage local roles, groups and rights assignment on WVD session hosts. Configure user restrictions by using AD group policies and Azure AD policies Understand Conditional Access policy components Prepare for Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)-based Conditional Access for Windows Virtual Desktop Implement Azure AD-based Conditional Access for Windows Virtual Desktop Module 4: Manage User Environments and Apps In this module, you will learn how to plan for FSLogix, install FSLogix, configure Cloud Cache, deploy an application as a RemoteApp, and implement and manage OneDrive for Business for a multi-session environment. LESSONS M4 Implement and manage FSLogix Configure user experience settings Install and configure apps on a session host LAB: WINDOWS VIRTUAL DESKTOP PROFILE MANAGEMENT (AZURE AD DS) LAB: WINDOWS VIRTUAL DESKTOP PROFILE MANAGEMENT (AD DS) LAB: WINDOWS VIRTUAL DESKTOP APPLICATION PACKAGING (AD DS) After completing module 4, students will be able to: Configure Profile Containers Configure Azure Files to store profile containers for WVD in an AAD DS environment Implement FSLogix based profiles for Windows Virtual Desktop in Azure AD DS environment Implement FSLogix based profiles for Windows Virtual Desktop Prepare for and create MSIX app packages Implement MSIX app attach container for Windows Virtual Desktop in AD DS environmen Module 5: Monitor and maintain a WVD infrastructure In this module, you will learn how to plan and implement a disaster recovery plan for WVD, configure automation for WVD, implement autoscaling in host pools, and optimize session host capacity and performance. LESSONS M5 Plan and implement business continuity and disaster recovery Automate WVD management tasks Monitor and manage performance and health LAB: IMPLEMENT AUTOSCALING IN HOST POOLS (AD DS) After completing module 5, students will be able to: Plan and implement a disaster recovery plan for WVD Configure automation for WVD Monitor WVD by using Azure Monitor Customize Azure Workbooks for WVD monitoring Configure autoscaling of Windows Virtual Desktop session hosts Verify autoscaling of Windows Virtual Desktop session host [-]
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Nettkurs 2 timer 3 120 kr
Bluebeam Revu er en komplett PDF-løsning, som lar deg opprette og redigere PDF-dokumenter og tegninger. Videre kan du markere opp og gjøre mengdeuttak fra tegningene, sam... [+]
På dette online-kurset vil du lære: Publisering, redigering, kommentering og markering Sikkerhet, digitale stempler og digital signatur Opprette og lagre symboler og tilpassede markeringsverktøy i Tool Chest Skybasert samarbeid og deling av dokumenter i Bluebeam Studio eXtreme-funksjoner (OCR – Tekstfjerning - Skjema-opprettelse - Batch Link) Noen eXtreme-funksjoner blir vist/nevnt i kurset [-]
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Bedriftsintern 2 dager 8 500 kr
Bli funksjonell og skriv konsis, deklarativ kode med Javas Stream API. Workshopen retter seg primært mot Java-utviklere som vil lære mer om funksjonell programmering, lam... [+]
Dette kurset tilbys som bedriftsinternt kurs   Workshopen består av et minimum med teori og et maksimum av praktiske øvelser hvor vi lager streams av  Arrays, List, Set, Map og Files - filtrerer, mapper til nye objekter, utfører aggregeringer og konverterer tilbake til nye collections mm.   Workshopen vil dekke bl.a. Sette opp en stream, med Stream.of(), IntStream.of() og DoubleStream.of() Konvertere et Array til en stream med Konvertere en collection av typen List, Set eller Map til en stream med stream() Filtrere ut verdier med filter() Mappe til nye objekter med map() og flatMap() Sortere med sorted() og ulike typer Comparators Aggregere med reduce() og collect() Behandle hvert element med forEach() og forEachOrdered() Gruppere og telle opp forekomster i hver gruppe med collect() Konvertere tilbake til en collection med collect() Konvertere til et objekt med get() Begrense reultatet med limit() Hente enkel statistikk (min, max, average, sum) med reduce() og collect() og bl.a. summarizingInt() Bruke :: til metodereferanser Lese en fil inn i en stream med Files.lines() Behandle hvert element med forEach() og forEachOrdered() Workshopen holdes på norsk og går over 2 dager, fra 10.00-14.00, for tiden online, med dedikert lærer og Microsoft Teams som kommunikasjonsplattform.   [-]
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