Kurs i programvare og applikasjoner
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Mer enn 100 treff ( i Hjelmås ) i Kurs i programvare og applikasjoner

Virtuelt eller personlig Bergen 2 dager 8 300 kr
29 Oct
Kurset passer for dem som ønsker å kunne bruke AutoCAD på en mer avansert og effektiv måte. [+]
Kurset går i dybden på en del standard kommandoer og områder som plotting, målsetting, teksting og skravur. I tillegg gjennomgåes en del nye og avanserte kommandoer som Block og attributter, XREF og import og bruk av PDF filer.    AutoCAD 2D Videregående kurs: Tilpasse AutoCAD til eget brukermiljø Blokker med attributter og uttrekk til tabell/Excel Tabeller og Fields XREF - eksterne referanser Import og håndtering av PDF filer Innsetting av andre filformater som eks. DWF, raster filer og DGN Definering og bruk av annotative objekter ved målsetting og teksting. Avansert plotting Funksjoner i Express Tools   [-]
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Oslo Trondheim Og 1 annet sted 5 dager 34 000 kr
17 Jun
17 Jun
24 Jun [+]
CCNA: Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions [-]
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Webinar + nettkurs 3 dager 12 550 kr
Kurset er rettet mot deg som har vært gjennom Revit Architecture grunnkurs og brukt programmet litt. I løpet av kurset gjøres øvelser for alle emner som blir tatt opp. [+]
UTDANNINGSMÅLDu vil lære avansert bruk av programmet, og skal kunne utføre tilpassninger og oppbygning av egne objekter. Du lærer også om håndtering av prosjekter og utarbeidelse av rapporter. KURSINNHOLD: Tags Families Group Tabeller - dør og vinduslister DWG import - export Terreng /kart Prosjektfaser Worksharing - flere arkitekter i et prosjekt Legend Filter [-]
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Bedriftsintern 3 dager 27 000 kr
In this course, application developers learn how to design, develop, and deploy applications that seamlessly integrate components from the Google Cloud ecosystem. [+]
Through a combination of presentations, demos, and hands-on labs, participants learn how to use GCP services and pre-trained machine learning APIs to build secure, scalable, and intelligent cloud-native applications. Objectives This course teaches participants the following skills: Use best practices for application development Choose the appropriate data storage option for application data Implement federated identity management Develop loosely coupled application components or microservices Integrate application components and data sources Debug, trace, and monitor applications Perform repeatable deployments with containers and deployment services Choose the appropriate application runtime environment; use Google Container Engine as a runtime environment and later switch to a no-ops solution with Google App Engine Flex All courses will be delivered in partnership with ROI Training, Google Cloud Premier Partner, using a Google Authorized Trainer. Course Outline Module 1: Best Practices for Application Development -Code and environment management-Design and development of secure, scalable, reliable, loosely coupled application components and microservices-Continuous integration and delivery-Re-architecting applications for the cloud Module 2: Google Cloud Client Libraries, Google Cloud SDK, and Google Firebase SDK -How to set up and use Google Cloud Client Libraries, Google Cloud SDK, and Google Firebase SDK-Lab: Set up Google Client Libraries, Google Cloud SDK, and Firebase SDK on a Linux instance and set up application credentials Module 3: Overview of Data Storage Options -Overview of options to store application data-Use cases for Google Cloud Storage, Google Cloud Datastore, Cloud Bigtable, Google Cloud SQL, and Cloud Spanner Module 4: Best Practices for Using Cloud Datastore -Best practices related to the following:-Queries-Built-in and composite indexes-Inserting and deleting data (batch operations)-Transactions-Error handling-Bulk-loading data into Cloud Datastore by using Google Cloud Dataflow-Lab: Store application data in Cloud Datastore Module 5: Performing Operations on Buckets and Objects -Operations that can be performed on buckets and objects-Consistency model-Error handling Module 6: Best Practices for Using Cloud Storage -Naming buckets for static websites and other uses-Naming objects (from an access distribution perspective)-Performance considerations-Setting up and debugging a CORS configuration on a bucket-Lab: Store files in Cloud Storage Module 7: Handling Authentication and Authorization -Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles and service accounts-User authentication by using Firebase Authentication-User authentication and authorization by using Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy-Lab: Authenticate users by using Firebase Authentication Module 8: Using Google Cloud Pub/Sub to Integrate Components of Your Application -Topics, publishers, and subscribers-Pull and push subscriptions-Use cases for Cloud Pub/Sub-Lab: Develop a backend service to process messages in a message queue Module 9: Adding Intelligence to Your Application -Overview of pre-trained machine learning APIs such as Cloud Vision API and Cloud Natural Language Processing API Module 10: Using Cloud Functions for Event-Driven Processing -Key concepts such as triggers, background functions, HTTP functions-Use cases-Developing and deploying functions-Logging, error reporting, and monitoring Module 11: Managing APIs with Google Cloud Endpoints -Open API deployment configuration-Lab: Deploy an API for your application Module 12: Deploying an Application by Using Google Cloud Build, Google Cloud Container Registry, and Google Cloud Deployment Manager -Creating and storing container images-Repeatable deployments with deployment configuration and templates-Lab: Use Deployment Manager to deploy a web application into Google App Engine flexible environment test and production environments Module 13: Execution Environments for Your Application -Considerations for choosing an execution environment for your application or service:-Google Compute Engine-Kubernetes Engine-App Engine flexible environment-Cloud Functions-Cloud Dataflow-Lab: Deploying your application on App Engine flexible environment Module 14: Debugging, Monitoring, and Tuning Performance by Using Google Stackdriver -Stackdriver Debugger-Stackdriver Error Reporting-Lab: Debugging an application error by using Stackdriver Debugger and Error Reporting-Stackdriver Logging-Key concepts related to Stackdriver Trace and Stackdriver Monitoring.-Lab: Use Stackdriver Monitoring and Stackdriver Trace to trace a request across services, observe, and optimize performance [-]
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Bedriftsintern 1 dag 11 000 kr
This one-day instructor-led course introduces participants to the big data capabilities of Google Cloud Platform. [+]
Through a combination of presentations, demos, and hands-on labs, participants get an overview of the Google Cloud platform and a detailed view of the data processing and machine learning capabilities. This course showcases the ease, flexibility, and power of big data solutions on Google Cloud Platform. Learning Objectives This course teaches participants the following skills: Identify the purpose and value of the key Big Data and Machine Learning products in the Google Cloud Platform Use Cloud SQL and Cloud Dataproc to migrate existing MySQL and Hadoop/Pig/Spark/Hive workloads to Google Cloud Platform Employ BigQuery and Cloud Datalab to carry out interactive data analysis Train and use a neural network using TensorFlow Employ ML APIs Choose between different data processing products on the Google Cloud Platform Course Outline Module 1: Introducing Google Cloud Platform -Google Platform Fundamentals Overview-Google Cloud Platform Big Data Products Module 2: Compute and Storage Fundamentals -CPUs on demand (Compute Engine)-A global filesystem (Cloud Storage)-CloudShell-Lab: Set up an Ingest-Transform-Publish data processing pipeline Module 3: Data Analytics on the Cloud -Stepping-stones to the cloud-CloudSQL: your SQL database on the cloud-Lab: Importing data into CloudSQL and running queries-Spark on Dataproc-Lab: Machine Learning Recommendations with Spark on Dataproc Module 4: Scaling Data Analysis -Fast random access-Datalab-BigQuery-Lab: Build machine learning dataset Module 5: Machine Learning -Machine Learning with TensorFlow-Lab: Carry out ML with TensorFlow-Pre-built models for common needs-Lab: Employ ML APIs Module 6: Data Processing Architectures -Message-oriented architectures with Pub/Sub-Creating pipelines with Dataflow-Reference architecture for real-time and batch data processing Module 7: Summary -Why GCP?-Where to go from here-Additional Resources [-]
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Trondheim Oslo Og 1 annet sted 5 dager 26 500 kr
09 Sep
09 Sep
30 Sep
AZ-204: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure [+]
AZ-204: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure [-]
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Bedriftsintern 3 dager 27 000 kr
This course introduces participants to deploying and managing containerized applications on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) and the other services provided by Google Cloud... [+]
Through a combination of presentations, demos, and hands-on labs, participants explore and deploy solution elements, including infrastructure components such as pods, containers, deployments, and services; as well as networks and application services. This course also covers deploying practical solutions including security and access management, resource management, and resource monitoring. Objectives This course teaches participants the following skills: Understand how software containers work Understand the architecture of Kubernetes Understand the architecture of Google Cloud Platform Understand how pod networking works in Kubernetes Engine Create and manage Kubernetes Engine clusters using the GCP Console and gcloud/kubectl commands Launch, roll back and expose jobs in Kubernetes Manage access control using Kubernetes RBAC and Google Cloud IAM Managing pod security policies and network policies Using Secrets and ConfigMaps to isolate security credentials and configuration artifacts Understand GCP choices for managed storage services Monitor applications running in Kubernetes Engine   Course Outline Module 1: Introduction to Google Cloud Platform Use the Google Cloud Platform Console Use Cloud Shell Define cloud computing Identify GCP’s compute services Understand regions and zones Understand the cloud resource hierarchy Administer your GCP resources Module 2: Containers and Kubernetes in GCP Create a container using Cloud Build Store a container in Container Registry Understand the relationship between Kubernetes and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Understand how to choose among GCP compute platforms Module 3: Kubernetes Architecture Understand the architecture of Kubernetes: pods, namespaces Understand the control-plane components of Kubernetes Create container images using Google Cloud Build Store container images in Google Container Registry Create a Kubernetes Engine cluster Module 4: Kubernetes Operations Work with the kubectl command Inspect the cluster and Pods View a Pod’s console output Sign in to a Pod interactivelty Module 5: Deployment, Jobs, and Scaling Create and use Deployments Create and run Jobs and CronJobs Scale clusters manually and automatically Configure Node and Pod affinity Get software into your cluster with Helm charts and Kubernetes Marketplace Module 6: GKE Networking Create Services to expose applications that are running within Pods Use load balancers to expose Services to external clients Create Ingress resources for HTTP(S) load balancing Leverage container-native load balancing to improve Pod load balancing Define Kubernetes network policies to allow and block traffic to pods Module 7: Persistent Data and Storage Use Secrets to isolate security credentials Use ConfigMaps to isolate configuration artifacts Push out and roll back updates to Secrets and ConfigMaps Configure Persistent Storage Volumes for Kubernetes Pods Use StatefulSets to ensure that claims on persistent storage volumes persist across restarts Module 8: Access Control and Security in Kubernetes and Kubernetes Engine Understand Kubernetes authentication and authorization Define Kubernetes RBAC roles and role bindings for accessing resources in namespaces Define Kubernetes RBAC cluster roles and cluster role bindings for accessing cluster-scoped resources Define Kubernetes pod security policies Understand the structure of GCP IAM Define IAM roles and policies for Kubernetes Engine cluster administration Module 9: Logging and Monitoring Use Stackdriver to monitor and manage availability and performance Locate and inspect Kubernetes logs Create probes for wellness checks on live applications Module 10: Using GCP Managed Storage Services from Kubernetes Applications Understand pros and cons for using a managed storage service versus self-managed containerized storage Enable applications running in GKE to access GCP storage services Understand use cases for Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL, Cloud Spanner, Cloud Bigtable, Cloud Firestore, and BigQuery from within a Kubernetes application [-]
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Virtuelt eller personlig Bærum Hele landet 4 dager 14 450 kr
12 Aug
16 Sep
04 Nov
Kurset er rettet mot personer som skal konstruere VVS-anlegg i 3D. [+]
  Fleksible kurs for fremtidenNy kunnskap skal gi umiddelbar effekt, og samtidig være holdbar og bærekraftig på lang sikt. NTI AS har 30 års erfaring innen kurs og kompetanseheving, og utdanner årlig rundt 10.000 personer i Nord Europa innen CAD, BIM, industri, design og konstruksjon.   Revit MEP MagiCAD VVS grunnkurs Her er et utvalg av temaene du vil lære på kurset Grunnleggende innføring i Revit Håndtering av Views, etasjer, manøvering i modell, visningsalternativer, redigeringsfunksjoner. Etablering av prosjekt. Linke modeller, sette opp etasjer og Views Prosjektering av ventilasjonsanlegg, varme- og forbruksvannsystem og avløpssystem IFC-eksport Utsparinger Etter kurset kan du bruke grunnleggende funksjoner i Autodesk Revit MEP og MagiCAD for Revit med fokus på å sette opp, importere og linke prosjekter, konstruere VVS-installasjoner, samt dokumentasjon. Lære å utforme en VVS-modell slik at mest mulig informasjon kan utnyttes med hensyn til BIM.   Dette er et populært kurs, meld deg på nå!   Tilpassete kurs for bedrifterVi vil at kundene våre skal være best på det de gjør - hele tiden.  Derfor tenker vi langsiktig om kompetanseutvikling og ser regelmessig kunnskapsløft som en naturlig del av en virksomhet. Vårt kurskonsept bygger på et moderne sett av ulike læringsmiljøer, som gjør det enkelt å finne riktig løsning uansett behov. Ta kontakt med oss på telefon 483 12 300, epost: eller les mer på [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 5 timer 33 000 kr
COURSE OVERVIEW The Implementing and Configuring Cisco Identity Services Engine course shows you how to deploy and use Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) v2.4, an identity and access control policy platform that simplifies the delivery of consistent, highly secure access control across wired, wireless and VPN connections. This hands-on course provides you with the knowledge and skills required to implement and use Cisco ISE, including policy enforcement, profiling services, web authentication and guest access services, BYOD, endpoint compliance services, and TACACS+ device administration. Through expert instruction and hands-on practice, you will learn how to use Cisco ISE to gain visibility into what is happening in your network, streamline security policy management and contribute to operational efficiency.   Delegates will be expected to work in groups and share lab equipment, If you are attending virtually you may also be required to work in virtual breakout rooms. Extended hours may also be required to cover all of the content included in this class.   TARGET AUDIENCE Individuals involved in the deployment and maintenance of the Cisco ISE platform. COURSE OBJECTIVES After completing this course you should be able to: Describe Cisco ISE deployments, including core deployment components and how they interact to create a cohesive security architecture. Describe the advantages of such a deployment and how each Cisco ISE capability contributes to these advantages. Describe concepts and configure components related to 802.1X and MAC Authentication Bypass (MAB) authentication, identity management, and certificate services. Describe how Cisco ISE policy sets are used to implement authentication and authorization, and how to leverage this capability to meet the needs of your organization. Describe third-party network access devices (NADs), Cisco TrustSec®, and Easy Connect. Describe and configure web authentication, processes, operation, and guest services, including guest access components and various guest access scenarios. Describe and configure Cisco ISE profiling services, and understand how to monitor these services to enhance your situational awareness about network-connected endpoints. Describe best practices for deploying this profiler service in your specific environment. Describe BYOD challenges, solutions, processes, and portals. Configure a BYOD solution, and describe the relationship between BYOD processes and their related configuration components. Describe and configure various certificates related to a BYOD solution. Describe the value of the My Devices portal and how to configure this portal. Describe endpoint compliance, compliance components, posture agents, posture deployment and licensing, and the posture service in Cisco ISE. Describe and configure TACACS+ device administration using Cisco ISE, including command sets, profiles, and policy sets. Understand the role of TACACS+ within the authentication, authentication, and accounting (AAA) framework and the differences between the RADIUS and TACACS+ protocols. Migrate TACACS+ functionality from Cisco Secure Access Control System (ACS) to Cisco ISE, using a migration tool. COURSE CONTENT Introducing Cisco ISE Architecture and Deployment Using Cisco ISE as a Network Access Policy Engine Cisco ISE Use Cases Describing Cisco ISE Fucntions Cisco ISE Deployment Models Context Visibility Cisco ISE Policy Enforcement Using 802.1X for Wired and Wireless Access Using MAC Authentication Bypass for Wired and Wireless Access Introducing Identity Management Configuring Certificate Services Introducing Cisco ISE Policy Implementing Third-Party Network Access Device Support Introducing Cisco TrustSec TrustSec Configuration Easy Connect Web Authentication and Guest Services Introducing Web Access with Cisco ISE Introducing Guest Access Components Configuring Guest Access Services Configure Sponsor and Guest Portals Cisco ISE Profiler Introducing Cisco ISE Profiler Profiling Deployment and Best Practices Cisco ISE BYOD Introducing the Cisco ISE BYOD Process Describing BYOD Flow Configuring the My Devices Portal Configuring Certificates in BYOD Scenarios Cisco ISE Endpoint Compliance Services Introducing Endpoint Compliance Services Configuring Client Posture Services and Provisioning Working with Network Access Devices Cisco ISE TACACS+ Device Administration Configure TACACS+ Device Administration Guidelines and Best Practices Migrating from Cisco ACS to Cisco ISE Labs Lab 1: Access the SISE Lab and Install ISE 2.4 Lab 2 : Configure Initial Cisco ISE Setup, Gui Familiarization and System Certificate Usage  Lab 3: Integrate Cisco ISE with Active Directory Lab 4: Configure Cisco ISE Policy Lab 5: Configure Access Policy for Easy Connect Lab 6: Configure Guest Access Lab 7: Configure Guest Access Operations Lab 8: Create Guest Reports Lab 9: Configure Profiling Lab 10: Customize the Cisco ISE Profiling Configuration Lab 11: Create Cisco ISE Profiling Reports Lab 12: Configure BYOD Lab 13: Blacklisting a Device Lab 14: Configure Cisco ISE Compliance Services Lab 15: Configure Client Provisioning Lab 16: Configure Posture Policies Lab 17: Test and Monitor Compliance Based Access Lab 18: Test Compliance Policy Lab 19: Configure Cisco ISE for Basic Device Administration Lab 20: Configure TACACS+ Command Authorization   [-]
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4 dager 25 000 kr
AI-102 Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Solution is intended for software developers wanting to build AI infused applications that leverage Azure Cognitive Services... [+]
TARGET AUDIENCE Software engineers concerned with building, managing and deploying AI solutions that leverage Azure Cognitive Services, Azure Cognitive Search, and Microsoft Bot Framework. They are familiar with C#, Python, or JavaScript and have knowledge on using REST-based APIs to build computer vision, language analysis, knowledge mining, intelligent search, and conversational AI solutions on Azure. COURSE OBJECTIVES After completing this course you should be able to: Describe considerations for creating AI-enabled applications Identify Azure services for AI application development Provision and consume cognitive services in Azure Manage cognitive services security Monitor cognitive services Use a cognitive services container Use the Text Analytics cognitive service to analyze text Use the Translator cognitive service to translate text Use the Speech cognitive service to recognize and synthesize speech Use the Speech cognitive service to translate speech Create a Language Understanding app Create a client application for Language Understanding Integrate Language Understanding and Speech Use QnA Maker to create a knowledge base Use a QnA knowledge base in an app or bot Use the Bot Framework SDK to create a bot Use the Bot Framework Composer to create a bot Use the Computer Vision service to analyze images Use Video Indexer to analyze videos Use the Custom Vision service to implement image classification Use the Custom Vision service to implement object detection Detect faces with the Computer Vision service Detect, analyze, and recognize faces with the Face service Use the Computer Vision service to read text in images and documents Use the Form Recognizer service to extract data from digital forms Create an intelligent search solution with Azure Cognitive Search Implement a custom skill in an Azure Cognitive Search enrichment pipeline Use Azure Cognitive Search to create a knowledge store   COURSE CONTENT Module 1: Introduction to AI on Azure Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly at the core of modern apps and services. In this module, you'll learn about some common AI capabilities that you can leverage in your apps, and how those capabilities are implemented in Microsoft Azure. You'll also learn about some considerations for designing and implementing AI solutions responsibly. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence in Azure Module 2: Developing AI Apps with Cognitive Services Cognitive Services are the core building blocks for integrating AI capabilities into your apps. In this module, you'll learn how to provision, secure, monitor, and deploy cognitive services. Getting Started with Cognitive Services Using Cognitive Services for Enterprise Applications Lab: Get Started with Cognitive Services Lab: Get Started with Cognitive Services Lab: Monitor Cognitive Services Lab: Use a Cognitive Services Container Module 3: Getting Started with Natural Language Processing  Natural Language processing (NLP) is a branch of artificial intelligence that deals with extracting insights from written or spoken language. In this module, you'll learn how to use cognitive services to analyze and translate text. Analyzing Text Translating Text Lab: Analyze Text Lab: Translate Text Module 4: Building Speech-Enabled Applications Many modern apps and services accept spoken input and can respond by synthesizing text. In this module, you'll continue your exploration of natural language processing capabilities by learning how to build speech-enabled applications. Speech Recognition and Synthesis Speech Translation Lab: Recognize and Synthesize Speech Lab: Translate Speech Module 5: Creating Language Understanding Solutions To build an application that can intelligently understand and respond to natural language input, you must define and train a model for language understanding. In this module, you'll learn how to use the Language Understanding service to create an app that can identify user intent from natural language input. Creating a Language Understanding App Publishing and Using a Language Understanding App Using Language Understanding with Speech Lab: Create a Language Understanding App Lab: Create a Language Understanding Client Application Use the Speech and Language Understanding Services Module 6: Building a QnA Solution One of the most common kinds of interaction between users and AI software agents is for users to submit questions in natural language, and for the AI agent to respond intelligently with an appropriate answer. In this module, you'll explore how the QnA Maker service enables the development of this kind of solution. Creating a QnA Knowledge Base Publishing and Using a QnA Knowledge Base Lab: Create a QnA Solution Module 7: Conversational AI and the Azure Bot Service Bots are the basis for an increasingly common kind of AI application in which users engage in conversations with AI agents, often as they would with a human agent. In this module, you'll explore the Microsoft Bot Framework and the Azure Bot Service, which together provide a platform for creating and delivering conversational experiences. Bot Basics Implementing a Conversational Bot Lab: Create a Bot with the Bot Framework SDK Lab: Create a Bot with a Bot Freamwork Composer Module 8: Getting Started with Computer Vision Computer vision is an area of artificial intelligence in which software applications interpret visual input from images or video. In this module, you'll start your exploration of computer vision by learning how to use cognitive services to analyze images and video. Analyzing Images Analyzing Videos Lab: Analyse Images with Computer Vision Lab: Analyze Images with Video Indexer Module 9: Developing Custom Vision Solutions While there are many scenarios where pre-defined general computer vision capabilities can be useful, sometimes you need to train a custom model with your own visual data. In this module, you'll explore the Custom Vision service, and how to use it to create custom image classification and object detection models. Image Classification Object Detection Lab: Classify Images with Custom Vision Lab: Detect Objects in Images with Custom Vision Module 10: Detecting, Analyzing, and Recognizing Faces Facial detection, analysis, and recognition are common computer vision scenarios. In this module, you'll explore the user of cognitive services to identify human faces. Detecting Faces with the Computer Vision Service Using the Face Service Lab:Destect, Analyze and Recognize Faces Module 11: Reading Text in Images and Documents Optical character recognition (OCR) is another common computer vision scenario, in which software extracts text from images or documents. In this module, you'll explore cognitive services that can be used to detect and read text in images, documents, and forms. Reading text with the Computer Vision Service Extracting Information from Forms with the Form Recognizer service Lab: Read Text in IMages Lab: Extract Data from Forms Module 12: Creating a Knowledge Mining Solution Ultimately, many AI scenarios involve intelligently searching for information based on user queries. AI-powered knowledge mining is an increasingly important way to build intelligent search solutions that use AI to extract insights from large repositories of digital data and enable users to find and analyze those insights. Implementing an Intelligent Search Solution Developing Custom Skills for an Enrichment Pipeline Creating a Knowledge Store Lab: Create and Azure Cognitive Search Solution Create a Custom Skill for Azure Cognitive Search Create a Knowledge Store with Azure Cognitive Search   TEST CERTIFICATION Recommended as preparation for the following exams: AI-102 - Designing and Implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution - Part of the requirements for the Microsoft Certified Azure AI Engineer Associate Certification.   HVORFOR VELGE SG PARTNER AS:  Flest kurs med Startgaranti Rimeligste kurs Beste service og personlig oppfølgning Tilgang til opptak etter endt kurs Partner med flere av verdens beste kursleverandører [-]
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Bedriftsintern 4 dager 18 200 kr
The High-Performance Java Persistence training is aimed to level up your data access skills, covering JDBC, Hibernate, and many database essential topics for Oracle, SQL ... [+]
Want to run your data access layer at high speeds? 1. DATABASE ESSENTIALSDo you know how a relational database systems works behind the scenes? 2. JDBCDo you know how the JDBC Driver executes statements and how you can configure it to boost application performance? 3. JPA AND HIBERNATEAdding JPA and Hibernate annotations is fairly easy. But, do you know the performance implications of each JPA or Hibernate feature your application makes heavy use of? Course goals This course is meant to mind the gap between Java developers and database programming. Most often, Java developers are very skilled when it comes to programming languages, design patterns, frameworks and everything that's related to their programming language of choice. However, the database is still uncharted territory, usually treated as a black box that we throw queries at and expect it to respond in no time. With this workshop, I want to get Java developers to know more about RDBMS so that they can design their application data access layer accordingly. After attending this workshop, you'll know all sorts of tips that you can readily apply to your current enterprise project. Taget audience This workshop is for any Java developer that happens to develop software that interacts with a relational database system. Although we are going to cover many aspects related to database systems, JDBC, JPA and Hibernate, it is best if the attendees have at least one or two years experience working with these technologies since the information provided by this training is much easier to be assimilated by middle and senior developers. Prerequisites It is recommended to bring your own notebook so that you can configure and run tests associated with the material we are going to go through this training. It is expected that attendees are familiar with Java, Maven, IDE systems like IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse, as well as database systems like MySQL, PostgreSQL or in-memory databases like HSQLDB. The attendees can set up the test environment we are going to use during the training by following the instructions provided in this GitHub repository. Day 1. Introduction Types and Identifiers Connection Management Relationships Day 2. Inheritance Batching and Statement Caching Persistence Context Fetching Day 3.  Transactions and Concurrency Control Database, Application and Hibernate Caching [-]
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Webinar + nettkurs 2 dager 9 990 kr
Kurset er rettet mot deg som vil lære å prosjektere og dokumentere veger og kryss i Civil 3D. [+]
Kurset er rettet mot deg som vil lære å prosjektere og dokumentere veger og kryss i Civil 3D.  I løpet av kurset gjøres øvelser for alle emner som blir tatt opp. Hensikten med kurset er å gi deg en innføring i vegprosjektering med Civil 3D og Focus CAT. Kursinnhold: Kort oppfriskning av etablering av terrengmodell og prosjektstruktur Linjekonstruksjon med horisontal- og vertikalgeometri Vegmodell med tverrprofil- og masseberegning, samt flatebeskrivelse Breddeutvidelse og tverrfallsberegning Krysskonstruksjon av T-kryss Tegningsproduksjon med plan/profiltegning, normalprofil- og tverrprofiltegning Stikningsdata fra tegning Eksport til InfraWorks Fagmodelleksport [-]
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Nettkurs 2 timer 349 kr
Ta vårt videokurs i Excel fra din datamaskin. Lær så mye du vil, når du vil. Du får gratis hjelp. Du får kursbevis. Du får tilgang til alle kurs. Meld deg på her! [+]
Oppdag kraften i Microsoft Excel med "Excel: Grunnleggende", et detaljert kurs ledet av Espen Faugstad hos Microsoft Excel er et essensielt verktøy for dataanalyse og regnearkbehandling, brukt i en rekke yrker og bransjer. Dette kurset er skreddersydd for å gi deg en solid forståelse av Excel, gjør deg i stand til å bruke programmet effektivt og med selvtillit. Kurset starter med de grunnleggende aspektene av Excel, inkludert navigering i brukergrensesnittet, bruk av hurtigtilgang, båndet, formellinjen og statuslinjen. Du vil lære å legge til og håndtere data, bruke formler og funksjoner for ulike beregninger som summering, gjennomsnitt, maksimum, minimum og mer. I tillegg vil du utforske hvordan du formaterer celler og bruker diagrammer for å presentere data på en visuell og tiltalende måte. Kurset dekker også hvordan du effektivt kan arbeide med arbeidsark og eksportere data. Ved kursets slutt vil du ha en grundig forståelse av Excel og være i stand til å bruke dets mange funksjoner for å utføre en rekke oppgaver, fra enkle beregninger til kompleks dataanalyse.   Innhold: Kapittel 1: Brukergrensesnitt Kapittel 2: Legg til data Kapittel 3: Formler og funksjoner Kapittel 4: Formatere Kapittel 5: Diagrammer Kapittel 6: Arbeidsark Kapittel 7: Eksportere Kapittel 8: Avslutning   Varighet: 2 timer og 15 minutter   Om tilbyr noen av landets beste digitale nettkurs. Tjenesten fungerer på samme måte som strømmetjenester for musikk eller TV-serier. Våre kunder betaler en fast månedspris og får tilgang til alle kursene som er produsert så langt. Plattformen har hatt en god vekst de siste årene og kan skilte med 30.000 registrerte brukere og 1,5 millioner videoavspillinger. Vårt mål er å gjøre kompetanseutvikling moro, spennende og tilgjengelig for alle – og med oss har vi Innovasjon Norge og Forskningsrådet. [-]
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Nettkurs 2 190 kr
På dette kurset ser vi på hvordan man kan lage egne tittelfelt, hvordan informasjonen vi legger inn i partene kan hentes i tittelfelt og stykkliste. Jo mer man kan automa... [+]
Bruker du den vanlige Inventor-malfilen.idw fortsatt, så trenger du kanskje å gjøre den til din egen. Vil du ha A-A (1:20) plassert fast under et view, istedenfor å alltid flytte den under manuelt? Vil du ha lagt til faste skaleringer, eller holder det med de få som ligger i templaten?Er det tykk linjetykkelse i tittelfelt-rammen?Får du Style Conflict- warning hver gang du starter en ny template?Endrer du alltid noe manuelt i tegningen? Du vil få svar på alle disse spørsmålene i dette kurset!   HOVEDPUNKTER: lage eget tittelfelt sette inn logo i tittelfeltet opprette nytt material-bibliotek, og lage nye materialer lage Custom Properties i part, og få dem inn i stykkliste unngå å få Style Conflict-advarselen hver gang du oppretter en ny fil bli kjent med Styles Editor lagre endringer i Styles, dvs endringer i stykkliste, linjetykkelser, stykk-lister, dimensjoner, farger osv. litt om Project-oppsett [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 3 timer 1 750 kr
24 Jun
Vi ser på Excels verktøy for å analysere data og «se inn i fremtiden». Vi lager også nedtrekksmenyer, kontrollerer at brukerne legger inn godkjente data, fjerner duplikat... [+]
Gjennomgang av Excels dataverktøy med eksempler (Data/Dataverktøy) Scenariobehandling Målsøking (La Excel jobbe med å finne løsningen for deg ) Datatabeller Problemløser verktøyet Det er fordelaktig å ha to skjermer - en til å følge kurset og en til å gjøre det kursholder demonstrerer. Kurset gjennomføres i sanntid med nettundervisning via Teams. Det blir mulighet for å stille spørsmål, ha diskusjoner, demonstrasjoner og øvelser. Du vil motta en invitasjon til Teams fra kursholder. [-]
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