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76 treff ( i Voss ) i Systemutvikling

1 år 72 000 kr
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Er du spesielt interessert i datamaskinar, programvare og internett? [+]
Har du lyst på meir kunnskap, inspirasjon og ferdigheitar? Utvikle gode og kreative websider, grafikk, 3D og mye anna?    Eit år på data- og internettlinja er nyttig for deg som planlegg ei yrkeskarriere innan data. Det er også nyttig for deg som vil bruke datamaskinen som ei fritidssyssel. Data- og internettlinja gir deg nemleg tid til spesialisering, samtidig som vi går i breidda. Gjennom året blir du kjend med ulike standardprogramvarer, LAN, maskinvare, operativsystem, språk og metodar. Alt som trengst for å utvikle web-sider, spel og liknande. Elevane brukar sine eigne datamaskinar. Data- og internettlinja Data- og internettlinja er eit allsidig og kreativt tilbod med grunnleggjande opplæring in-nan data, programvare og utvikling av gode websider. Her lærer du mellom anna om digi-talbildebehandling, lyd, videoredigering, flash, animering, html, PHP.  Du vil også jobbe ein del med programmering og 3D teikning, samt sjølvvalde tema og fordjupingar. Vi brukar dei mest vanlege verktøy for data i privat - og arbeidsliv.  Klasserommet er samla i eit felles 100Mb-nettverk. Skulen har breiband og klasserommet vårt er utstyr med videokanon, scanner, digital kamera/video, skrivarar med meir.  Elevane tar med seg sin eigen datamaskin og bruker den i studia. Mange bygger om på eigen datamaskin når dei kjem til skulen.     Målet er at du etter eit år på Voss FHS skal ha testa ut nye og kreative måtar å bruke datamaskinen på. Slik får du eit godt grunnlag for å bruke verktøya/programma vidare i utdanning, jobb eller fritid.     UndervisningaNokon er sterke på det grafiske, nokre på koding og andre på innhald. Moderne webut-vikling er difor ofte basert på at ein jobbar i team. Det skal vi også gjere. Slik lærer vi best – og får det kjekt saman.    Ulike kunnskapsnivåHovedutfordinga vår er at elevane er på svært ulike kunnskapsnivå. Difor er behovet ulikt frå tema til tema, frå elev til elev. Noen kan mykje frå før mens andre er nybegynnarar. Dei som kan mykje om eit tema ønsker gjerne å utvikle denne kunnskapen, kan hende med meir fokus på det faglege. Vi gjer alt vi kan for å følgje opp dei individuelle behova på best mulig måte.   InndelingOmlag halvparten av undervisninga er felles for heile klassa. Her går vi gjennom tema som er nye for alle. Omlag ein fjerdedel av tida brukast på tema du kanskje mestrar frå før. Da kan du i tilfelle velje å bruke denne tida på eigne prosjekt. Den siste fjerdedelen er sett av til eigne eller felles prosjekt innafor tema de finn mest interessant. Samarbeid med Film- og fotolinja eller Musikklinja er også mogeleg her. På same måte som på dei andre linjene, kan elevane bruke lokala og utstyret så mykje dei vil på fritida.   TemaFør jul vil vi ha ein klar struktur. Etter jul kjem tema som kan stå meir aleine. I starten set vi oss inn i html, bildebehandlingsprogram og teikneprogram. Neste steg er mellom anna Dreamweaver, PHP, Flash og animeringer. Vi brukar grunnleggjande programmering i Visual Basic eller Flash og greie program for å teikne i 3D. Dessutan er vi innom tema som Windows, Linuxs, OSX, nettverk / LAN, kontor-programmer, modding av spel, re-digering av musikk, lyd og video samt bygging av maskinar. I og med at spelindustrien har blitt større enn filmindustrien i omsetning, vil vi dessutan jobbe ein del med gaming og modifisering av spel. Er dette ting du allerede kan mykje om, får du god tid til å jobbe deg vidare inn i dei ulike tema.    BigBenStudieturDet har blitt ein tradisjon at klassen reiser til utlandet, for eksempel London, for å sjå på datamaskinen som kreativt verktøy.  [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 5 dager 30 000 kr
Agile approaches such as eXtreme Programming, Scrum and Lean Software Development are becoming increasingly mainstream. [+]
COURSE OVERVIEW They describe how to successfully deliver in complex situations when requirements and possible solutions are subject to continuous change; but they stop short of describing a full project lifecycle with defined Phases, Work Products, Roles and Responsibilities. This course covers how to operate in such an agile fashion within an overall project framework and is based on the DSDM Agile Project Framework (DSDM APF) approach. Through practical experience of the agile style of working, case studies and example scenarios from a highly experienced trainer, it provides delegates with an understanding of how the Agile Project Management process can enable planning, management and control for predictable Agile project deliveries.   This is an APMG accredited course. TARGET AUDIENCE The course is aimed at Project Managers and others involved in Project Management who want to understand how to apply agile approaches within an overall project management lifecycle framework. COURSE OBJECTIVES   Understand the fundamentals of Agile Project Management Understand the key Agile Project Management practices and how to manage Agile Project teams Fully describe and relate the Agile Project Management process Understand project control in the Agile environment COURSE CONTENT   Agile Project Management Fundamentals What is Agile Project Management? Benefits of Agile Project Management When to use Agile Project Management Preparing for a successful Agile project Agile Project Management Principles The Agile Project Management Process Agile Project Management Framework Configuring the Agile Project Lifecycle Work Products and Deliverables Management Products and Deliverables Business Work Products and Deliverables Technical Products and Deliverables Agile Project Teams Agile Project Roles and Responsibilities Agile Project Team Empowerment Agile Project Team Structure Agile Project Management Practices Facilitated Workshops MoSCoW Prioritisation Modelling Iterative Development Timeboxing Project Management and Control Agile Planning Agile Risk Management Agile Estimating and Measurement Agile Configuration Management Other Agile Project Management Concerns Agile Requirements (Functional and Non-functional Requirements) Agile Testing Quality Management and Quality Control Ensuring Maintainability and Scalability TEST CERTIFICATION Agile Project Management Foundation exam Simple multiple choice exam – 40-minute exam 50 questions, pass mark is 25 (50%) Taken at the end of Day 2 of training Agile Project Management Practitioner exam Complex multiple choice – Objective Test – 2.5-hour exam Open book exam (reference to Agile PM Handbook allowed) Four questions worth 20 marks each (80 marks), pass mark is 40 (50%) You must pass the Agile Project Management Foundation certificate on Day 2 to progress to this exam taken at the end of Day 5 of training     HVORFOR VELGE SG PARTNER AS:  Flest kurs med Startgaranti Rimeligste kurs Beste service og personlig oppfølgning Tilgang til opptak etter endt kurs Partner med flere av verdens beste kursleverandører   [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 4 dager 28 000 kr
TOGAF® V9.2 is the foremost generic framework in the field of Enterprise Architecture (EA). [+]
COURSE OVERVIEW TOGAF® V9.2  is the foremost generic framework in the field of Enterprise Architecture (EA). This course provides guidance on what to do to establish an architecture practice and how to use it in connection with planning the longer-term transformation of the enterprise (strategic architecture), and designing capabilities to support and sustain the transformation. This course will benefit: Practicing architects from complex organizations looking for a set of defined processes to help in the organization, governance and management of architecture teams and multiple architecture projects. Experienced architects looking for details on the elements of sound architectural process and practice. Senior managers, such as Project Managers and Service Managers, who wish to gain a full appreciation of architecture practice. Aspiring architects commencing their career wishing to obtain recognized EA certification. This TOGAF® accredited course examines how practitioners can base their activities on a set of well-defined processes. It examines the framework as a whole, including the numerous techniques to assist in organizing, governing and now in this version, describing, architecture. It incorporates recommendations on how to adapt the framework to deal with issues such as Security and Service-oriented Architecture. The course prepares participants to take the combined TOGAF® 9.2 Foundation and Certified exams (Level 1 & 2). During the course, delegates will be helped to prepare for this combined exam. This TOGAF® for Practitioners Level 1&2 course is being run by Global Knowledge and is accredited by The Open Group. For full details of the TOGAF® certification scheme, visit the following link: COURSE OBJECTIVES This workshop has been designed to enable participants to: Understand the basic concepts of enterprise architecture and TOGAF® Explain the features of TOGAF® and its methodology Implement TOGAF® in their work to maximum effect Develop an understanding of the necessary body of knowledge to achieve certification by examination for TOGAF® COURSE CONTENT Day 1 Introduction TOGAF® Basic / Core Concepts Introduction to the ADM Enterprise Continuum ADM Phases ADM Guidelines Architecture Governance Daily Wrap up / Q&A Day Two Architecture Views, Viewpoints, and Stakeholders Building Blocks ADM Deliverables TOGAF® Reference Models Preliminary Phase The Architecture Governance Framework Architecture Content Framework TOGAF® Content Metamodel Stakeholder Management Architecture Implementation Techniques Daily Wrap up / Q&A Day Three Phase A: Architecture Business Scenarios Technique Phase B: Business Architecture Phase C: Information Systems Architectures – Data Architecture Phase C: Information Systems Architectures – Application Architecture TOGAF®Foundation Architecture: Technical Reference Model Integrated Information Infrastructure Reference Model Phase D: Technology Architecture Daily Wrap up / Q&A Day Four Phase E: Opportunities and Solutions Migration Planning Techniques Phase F: Migration Planning Phase G: Implementation Governance Phase H: Architecture Change Management ADM Requirements Management Architecture Partitioning Guidelines for Adapting the ADM: Iteration and Levels Guidelines for Adapting the ADM: Security Guidelines for Adapting the ADM: SOA Architecture Maturity Models Architecture Skills Framework Daily Wrap up / Q&A TEST CERTIFICATION Once you have completed the course and are ready to book your exam at a Test Centre, please contact Global Knowledge and we will email your exam voucher code so that you can redeem it.  Exams can also be sat online Achieving this level of Certification also qualifies delegates to take the BCS Practitioner Certificate in Enterprise and Solution Architecture without the need for the BCS Intermediate Certificate. [-]
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Oslo 5 dager 28 500 kr
17 Jun
17 Jun
02 Sep
DP-100: Designing and Implementing a Data Science Solution on Azure [+] [-]
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Oslo 5 dager 26 900 kr
27 May
27 May
30 Sep
Java SE Programming (Course I for exam 1Z0-819) [+]
Java SE Programming (Course I for exam 1Z0-819) [-]
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Oslo 5 dager 26 900 kr
10 Jun
10 Jun
07 Oct
Java SE Advanced Techniques (Course II for exam 1Z0-819) [+]
Java SE Advanced Techniques (Course II for exam 1Z0-819) [-]
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5 dager 26 900 kr
SPA Web Development in ASP.NET Core [+]
SPA Web Development in ASP.NET Core [-]
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Oslo Trondheim 5 dager 26 900 kr
27 May
24 Jun
24 Jun
C++ Programming - 5 days hands-on [+]
C++ Programming - 5 days hands-on [-]
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Oslo 5 dager 26 900 kr
24 Jun
24 Jun
16 Sep
Modern C++20 Development [+]
Modern C++20 Development [-]
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Oslo Bergen Og 1 annet sted 5 dager 26 900 kr
27 May
27 May
26 Aug
Spring Cloud Development [+]
Spring Cloud Development [-]
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Oslo Bergen 5 dager 26 900 kr
17 Jun
17 Jun
17 Jun
Spring Boot Development [+]
Spring Boot Development [-]
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Oslo 4 dager 25 900 kr
18 Jun
18 Jun
01 Oct
Python Programming [+]
Python Programming [-]
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Oslo 4 dager 25 900 kr
25 Jun
25 Jun
17 Sep
Advanced Python Development [+]
Advanced Python Development [-]
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Oslo 3 dager 25 900 kr
24 Jun
24 Jun
28 Oct
Secure coding in C and C++ [+]
Secure coding in C and C++ [-]
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Oslo Bergen Og 1 annet sted 5 dager 25 900 kr
27 May
27 May
01 Jul
C# 12 Development and .NET 8 [+]
C# 12 Development and .NET 8 [-]
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