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Mer enn 100 treff ( i Skien ) i IT-kurs

Nettkurs 12 måneder 9 000 kr
ITIL® 4 Specialist: Create, Deliver and Support dekker «kjernen» i ITIL®, aktiviteter rundt administrasjon av tjenester, og utvider omfanget av ITIL® til å omfatte «oppre... [+]
Kurset fokuserer på integrering av forskjellige verdistrømmer og aktiviteter for å lage, levere og støtte IT-aktiverte produkter og tjenester, samtidig som den dekker støtte for praksis, metoder og verktøy. Kurset gir kandidatene forståelse for tjenestekvalitet og forbedringsmetoder. E-læringskurset inneholder 18 timer med undervisning, og er delt inn i 8 moduler. Les mer om ITIL® 4 på AXELOS sine websider. Inkluderer: Tilgang til ITIL® 4 Specialist: Create, Deliver and Support e-læring (engelsk) i 12 måneder. ITIL® 4 Specialist: Create, Deliver and Support online voucher til sertifiseringstest.   ITIL®/PRINCE2®/MSP®/MoP® are registered trademarks of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved. [-]
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Bedriftsintern 1 dag 11 000 kr
This course will teach you how to containerize workloads in Docker containers, deploy them to Kubernetes clusters provided by Google Kubernetes Engine, and scale those wo... [+]
Objectives Understand how software containers work Understand the architecture of Kubernetes Understand the architecture of Google Cloud Understand how pod networking works in Google Kubernetes Engine Create and manage Kubernetes Engine clusters using the Google Cloud Console and gcloud/kubectl commands   Course Outline Module 1: Introduction to Google Cloud -Use the Google Cloud Console-Use Cloud Shell-Define Cloud Computing-Identify Google Cloud compute services-Understand Regions and Zones-Understand the Cloud Resource Hierarchy-Administer your Google Cloud Resources Module 2: Containers and Kubernetes in Google Cloud -Create a Container Using Cloud Build-Store a Container in Container Registry-Understand the Relationship Between Kubernetes and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)-Understand how to Choose Among Google Cloud Compute Platforms Module 3: Kubernetes Architecture -Understand the Architecture of Kubernetes: Pods, Namespaces-Understand the Control-plane Components of Kubernetes-Create Container Images using Cloud Build-Store Container Images in Container Registry-Create a Kubernetes Engine Cluster Module 4: Introduction to Kubernetes Workloads -The kubectl Command-Introduction to Deployments-Pod Networking-Volumes Overview [-]
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Webinar 2 timer 1 690 kr
På webinaret vil vi vise deg hvordan du kan lage nettbaserte spørreundersøkelse og tester ved hjelp av Microsoft Forms. [+]
På webinaret vil vi vise deg hvordan du kan lage nettbaserte spørreundersøkelse, tester og påmeldingsskjemaer ved hjelp av Microsoft Forms. Microsoft Forms er en enkel og elegant app i Microsoft 365 familien for opprettelse av undersøkelser og tester. Du kan lage skjema med flere språk i samme skjema. Du kan ha forgreninger til ulike svarretninger alt etter hva som velges som svar. Det er mange ulike spørsmålsalternativer å velge mellom. Svarene kan være anonyme om ønskelig. Du kan også sette inn undersøkelser (poll) i et Teams-møte eller som en del av en presentasjon i PowerPoint. Resultatene behandler og analyserer du enkelt i Excel. Hva er Forms | Forskjell undersøkelser og tester | Personlige skjema vs gruppeskjema | Opprette skjema | Spørsmålstyper | Forgreninger | Innstillinger | Flere språk i samme skjema | Simulere skjema | Delingsmåter (samle inn svar) | Samarbeide om samme skjema eller duplisere skjema (gi kopi til andre) | Resultater og analyser | Forms og Teams | Forms og PowerPoint Pris: 1690 kroner [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 4 dager 23 000 kr
Python is an object oriented rapid development language deployed in many scenarios in the modern world. [+]
COURSE OVERVIEW   This Python Programming 1 course is designed to give delegates the knowledge to develop and maintain Python scripts using the current version (V3) of Python. There are many similarities between Python V2 and Python V3. The skills gained on this course will allow the delegate to develop their own skills further using Python V2 or V3 to support the development and maintenance of scripts. The Python Programming 1 course comprises sessions dealing with syntax,variables and data types,operators and expressions,conditions and loops,functions,objects,collections,modules and packages,strings,pattern matching,exception handling,binary and text files,and databases. Exercises and examples are used throughout the course to give practical hands-on experience with the techniques covered. TARGET AUDIENCE The Python Programming 1 course course is aimed at those who want to improve their Python programming skills,and for developers/engineers who want to migrate to Python from another language,particularly those with little or no object-oriented knowledge. For those wishing to learn Python and have no previous knowledge of programming,they should look to attend our foundation course Introduction to Programming - Python. COURSE OBJECTIVES This course aims to provide the delegate with the knowledge to be able to produce Python scripts and applications that exploit all core elements of the language including variables,expressions,selection and iteration,functions,objects,collections,strings,modules,pattern matching,exception handling,I/O,and classes. COURSE CONTENT DAY 1 COURSE INTRODUCTION Administration and Course Materials Course Structure and Agenda Delegate and Trainer Introductions SESSION 1: GETTING STARTED About Python Python versions Python documentation Python runtimes Installing Python The REPL shell Python editors SESSION 2: PYTHON SCRIPTS & SYNTAX Script naming Comments Docstring Statements The backslash Code blocks Whitespace Console IO (to enable the writing of simple programs) A first Python program Script execution SESSION 3: VARIABLES & DATA TYPES Literals Identifiers Assignment Numbers (bool,int,float,complex) Binary,octal,and hexadecimal numbers Floating point accuracy Collections (str,list,tuple,set,dict) None Implicit and explicit type conversion (casting) The type function SESSION 4: OPERATORS & EXPRESSIONS Arithmetic Operators Assignment Operators Comparison Operators Logical Operators Membership Operators Bitwise Operators Identity Operators SESSION 5: CONDITIONS & LOOPS Conditional statements (if,elif,else) Nested conditional statements Short hand if/if else Python's alternative to the ternary operator Iterative statements (while,for,else) The range function Iterating over a list Break Continue Nested conditional/iterative statements COURSE CONTENTS - DAY 2 SESSION 6: FUNCTIONS Declaration Invocation Default values for parameters Named arguments args and kwargs Returning multiple values None returned Variable scope Masking and shadowing The pass keyword Recursive functions SESSION 7: OBJECTS AND CLASSES About objects Attributes and the dot notation The dir function Dunder attributes Mutability The id function Pass by reference Introduction to Classes Class Declaration and Instantiation Data attributes Methods Composition SESSION 8: LISTS About lists List syntax including slicing Getting and setting list elements Iterating over a list Checking for the presence of a value The len function List methods incl. append,insert,remove,pop,clear,copy,sort,reverse etc. The del keyword Appending to and combining lists List comprehension SESSION 9: TUPLES About tuples Tuple syntax Getting tuple elements including unpacking Iterating over a tuple Checking for the presence of a value The len function Appending to and combining tuples SESSION 10: SETS About Sets Dictionary syntax Creating,adding and removing set elements Iterating over a set Membership Testing Sorting Copying Set methods incl. union,intersection,difference,symmetric_difference etc. COURSE CONTENTS - DAY 3 SESSION 11: DICTIONARIES About dictionaries Dictionary syntax Getting and setting dictionary elements Iterating over a dictionary (keys,values,and items) Checking for the presence of a key The len function Dictionary methods incl. keys,values,items,get,pop,popitem,clear etc. The del keyword Dictionary comprehension SESSION 12: STRINGS About strings String syntax including slicing Escape characters Triple-quoted strings Concatenation Placeholders The format method Other methods e.g. endswith,find,join,lower,replace,split,startswith,strip,upper etc. A string as a list of bytes SESSION 13: MODULES & PACKAGES About modules Inbuilt modules math,random and platform the dir() and help() functions Creating and using modules the __pycache__ and the .pyc files The module search path Importing modules Namespaces Importing module objects The import wildcard Aliases Importing within a function Executable modules Reloading a module About packages Importing packaged modules Importing packaged module objects Package initialisation Subpackages Referencing objects in sibling packages The Standard Library Installing modules and packages using pip SESSION 14: PATTERN MATCHING About regular expressions Regular expression special characters Raw strings About the re module re module functions incl. match,search,findall,full match,split,sub   COURSE CONTENTS - DAY 4 SESSION 15: EXCEPTION HANDLING About exceptions and exception handling Handling exceptions (try,except,else,finally) Exception types The exception object Raising exceptions Custom exception types Built-in exceptions hierarchy SESSION 16: FILES & THE FILESYSTEM The open function Methods for seeking (seekable,seek) Methods for reading from a file (readable,read,readline,readlines) Iterating over a file Methods for writing to a file (writable,write,writelines) Introduction to context managers Text encoding schemes,codepoints,codespace ASCII and UNICODE (UTF schemes) UTF-8,binary and hexadecimal representations The ord() and chr() functions Binary files,bytes and bytearray I/O layered abstraction. About the os module os module functions incl. getcwd,listdir,mkdir,chdir,remove,rmdir etc. OSError numbers and the errno module SESSION 17: DATABASES The DB-API DP-API implementations Establishing a connection Creating a cursor Executing a query Fetching results Transactions Inserting,updating,and deleting records FOLLOW ON COURSES Python Programming 2  Data Analysis Python  Apache Web Server PHP Programming  PHP & MySQL for Web Development  PHP & MariaDB for Web Development  Perl Programming  Ruby Programming  Introduction to MySQL  Introduction to MariaDB [-]
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3 dager 8 200 kr
Vil du lære å lage visittkort, annonser, brosjyrer og plakater i InDesign? Enten du jobber i en markedsavdeling, grafisk bedrift, avis eller magasin, er InDesign det pr..... [+]
Vil du lære å lage visittkort, annonser, brosjyrer og plakater i InDesign? Enten du jobber i en markedsavdeling, grafisk bedrift, avis eller magasin, er dette det profesjonelle programmet du bruker til jobben.  Arbeider du med markedsføring og layout, vil du ha stor nytte av å kunne sette sammen tekst og bilder selv. Du slipper å sette ut arbeidet,  får større kontroll på layouten og mer ut av markedsbudsjettet. Du velger dette kurset for å lære alt du trenger for å komme igang med programmet InDesign. Hvem passer kurset for? Kurset passer for deg som har liten eller ingen erfaring med å jobbe i InDesign. InDesign er bransjestandarden for å lage annonser, brosjyrer, magasiner, plakater, DM, rapporter og bøker. Uansett hva du skal bruke programme til, så passer dette kurset for deg! Dette lærer du: Bli kjent med menyer og verktøy Effektiv jobbing med tekst- og sidemaler Grunnleggende typografi Importere og tilpasse bilder og tekst Plassere bilder med tekst rundt Lage egne farger Bruk av effekter Kontroll av dokumenter og eksport til pdf [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 3 timer 1 200 kr
Microsoft 365 er abonnement på Office-programmer og andre produktivitetstjenester som du får tilgang til via Internett (skytjenester). [+]
Microsoft 365 er abonnement på Office-programmer og andre produktivitetstjenester som du får tilgang til via Internett (skytjenester). Tidligere var dette kjent under navnet Office 365, men Microsoft har nå endret navnet til Microsoft 365. Fordelen er at du alltid har tilgang til Office-programmer og dine dokumenter, og kan dele dem med andre fra hvilken som helst enhet. Dette betyr at du har tilgang på dine dokumenter og verktøy via PC, mobil eller nettbrett. På kurset vil du lære om samhandling, kommunikasjon og tilgjengelighet. Om Microsoft 365Microsoft 365 er abonnement på Office-programmer og andre produktivitetstjenester som du får tilgang til via Internett (skytjenester). I abonnementet har du tilgang på en rekke applikasjoner, slik som Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Teams og lagring i OneDrive, samt mange andre nyttige verktøy. Fordelen er at du alltid har tilgang til Office-programmer og dine dokumenter, og kan dele dem med andre fra hvilken som helst enhet. Vi viser deg hvordan du kan jobbe effektivt med ditt Microsoft 365 abonnement. Pris: 1200 kroner Ansatte ved UiS har egne prisbetingelser.   Etter at du har meldt deg på webinaret, vil du få tilsendt praktisk informasjon om pålogging. Webinarene gjennomføres fra din PC eller nettbrett.    [-]
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Webinar + nettkurs 1 dag 5 590 kr
Jobber du med reguleringsplaner? Lær å lage planer i AutoCAD ved hjelp av Focus Arealplan. [+]
Kurset passer både for deg som skal i gang med Focus Arealplan eller som har brukt programmet litt fra før.   Hensikten med kurset er å gi deg en grunnleggende forståelse i bruken av AutoCAD-applikasjonen Focus Arealplan. Kurset er nødvendig for å komme raskt i gang med med å bruke programmet, og for å få den nødvendige forståelse for de mulighetene programmet gir. Kursinnhold: På kurset vi deltagerne lære å hente inn SOSI-filer og å utarbeide reguleringsplaner iht. Miljøverndepartementets veiledere med Focus Arealplan. Vi legger spesielt vekt på riktig arbeidsmetodikk. Kurset gjennomgår også hvordan man overfører ferdig plan til SOSI-format og kontroll av SOSI-filen med programmet 'SOSI-vis'. Vi vil også gå gjennom typiske problemstillinger hvor vi har erfart at ting kan gå galt eller ting som oppleves vanskelig hvis man benytter feil arbeidsmetodikk. [-]
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Oslo 1 dag 9 900 kr
07 Jun
07 Jun
09 Sep
ITIL® 4 Practitioner: Incident Management [+]
ITIL® 4 Practitioner: Incident Management [-]
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Nettstudie 2 semester 4 980 kr
På forespørsel
Installasjon av tjenermaskin og tilkobling av arbeidsstasjoner med Windows 7/8. Brukeradministrasjon og hvordan sikkerheten i Windows 2008/2012 nettverk settes opp med br... [+]
  Studieår: 2013-2014   Gjennomføring: Høst og vår Antall studiepoeng: 5.0 Forutsetninger: God kjennskap til Windows XP/Windows 7/Windows 8 eller god generell kunnskap om andre operativsystemer. Innleveringer: Innleverte øvinger. Det blir gitt 12 øvinger og 8 må være godkjent for å kunne gå opp til eksamen Personlig veileder: ja Vurderingsform: 3-timers individuell skriftlig eksamen Ansvarlig: Jostein Lund Eksamensdato: 05.12.13 / 08.05.14         Læremål: Etter å ha gjennomført emnet Windows server for systemansvarlige skal studenten ha følgende læringsutbytte: KUNNSKAPER:Kandidaten:- har innsikt i drift av nettverk basert på Windows Server, programvaredistribusjon, virtualisering og overvåking. FERDIGHETER:Kandidaten kan:- installere Windows Server med roller og tjenester- lage/opprette og konfigurere Active Directory- opprette brukere, grupper og tilgangskontroll- benytte Group Policy til utrulling av skrivere og programvare, implementere innloggings-script og sette passordpolicy- opprette og konfigurere lokale og vandrende (roaming) profiler- utvikle, tilpasse og implementere innloggingsscript for brukerne- sette opp og drifte lokale og delte skrivere- rulle ut operativsystemer og applikasjoner- opprette og administrere virtuelle maskiner og nettverk GENERELL KOMPETANSE:Kandidaten har:- perspektiv og kompetanse i å velge riktige og tilpassete driftsløsninger- kompetanse i å formidle driftsterminologi, både muntlig og skriftlig Innhold:Installasjon av tjenermaskin og tilkobling av arbeidsstasjoner med Windows 7/8. Brukeradministrasjon og hvordan sikkerheten i Windows 2008/2012 nettverk settes opp med bruk av Active Directory, DNS, deling, NTFS, grupper, domener og Group Policy. Oppsett av profiler, loginscript for brukere, utskriftmiljøet, distribusjon av OS og programvare, fjerndrifting og virtualisering (server 2008/2012).Les mer om faget her Påmeldingsfrist: 25.08.13 / 25.01.14         Velg semester:  Høst 2013    Vår 2014     Fag Windows server for systemansvarlige 4980,-         Semesteravgift og eksamenskostnader kommer i tillegg.    [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 5 timer 33 000 kr
COURSE OVERVIEW The Implementing and Configuring Cisco Identity Services Engine course shows you how to deploy and use Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) v2.4, an identity and access control policy platform that simplifies the delivery of consistent, highly secure access control across wired, wireless and VPN connections. This hands-on course provides you with the knowledge and skills required to implement and use Cisco ISE, including policy enforcement, profiling services, web authentication and guest access services, BYOD, endpoint compliance services, and TACACS+ device administration. Through expert instruction and hands-on practice, you will learn how to use Cisco ISE to gain visibility into what is happening in your network, streamline security policy management and contribute to operational efficiency.   Delegates will be expected to work in groups and share lab equipment, If you are attending virtually you may also be required to work in virtual breakout rooms. Extended hours may also be required to cover all of the content included in this class.   TARGET AUDIENCE Individuals involved in the deployment and maintenance of the Cisco ISE platform. COURSE OBJECTIVES After completing this course you should be able to: Describe Cisco ISE deployments, including core deployment components and how they interact to create a cohesive security architecture. Describe the advantages of such a deployment and how each Cisco ISE capability contributes to these advantages. Describe concepts and configure components related to 802.1X and MAC Authentication Bypass (MAB) authentication, identity management, and certificate services. Describe how Cisco ISE policy sets are used to implement authentication and authorization, and how to leverage this capability to meet the needs of your organization. Describe third-party network access devices (NADs), Cisco TrustSec®, and Easy Connect. Describe and configure web authentication, processes, operation, and guest services, including guest access components and various guest access scenarios. Describe and configure Cisco ISE profiling services, and understand how to monitor these services to enhance your situational awareness about network-connected endpoints. Describe best practices for deploying this profiler service in your specific environment. Describe BYOD challenges, solutions, processes, and portals. Configure a BYOD solution, and describe the relationship between BYOD processes and their related configuration components. Describe and configure various certificates related to a BYOD solution. Describe the value of the My Devices portal and how to configure this portal. Describe endpoint compliance, compliance components, posture agents, posture deployment and licensing, and the posture service in Cisco ISE. Describe and configure TACACS+ device administration using Cisco ISE, including command sets, profiles, and policy sets. Understand the role of TACACS+ within the authentication, authentication, and accounting (AAA) framework and the differences between the RADIUS and TACACS+ protocols. Migrate TACACS+ functionality from Cisco Secure Access Control System (ACS) to Cisco ISE, using a migration tool. COURSE CONTENT Introducing Cisco ISE Architecture and Deployment Using Cisco ISE as a Network Access Policy Engine Cisco ISE Use Cases Describing Cisco ISE Fucntions Cisco ISE Deployment Models Context Visibility Cisco ISE Policy Enforcement Using 802.1X for Wired and Wireless Access Using MAC Authentication Bypass for Wired and Wireless Access Introducing Identity Management Configuring Certificate Services Introducing Cisco ISE Policy Implementing Third-Party Network Access Device Support Introducing Cisco TrustSec TrustSec Configuration Easy Connect Web Authentication and Guest Services Introducing Web Access with Cisco ISE Introducing Guest Access Components Configuring Guest Access Services Configure Sponsor and Guest Portals Cisco ISE Profiler Introducing Cisco ISE Profiler Profiling Deployment and Best Practices Cisco ISE BYOD Introducing the Cisco ISE BYOD Process Describing BYOD Flow Configuring the My Devices Portal Configuring Certificates in BYOD Scenarios Cisco ISE Endpoint Compliance Services Introducing Endpoint Compliance Services Configuring Client Posture Services and Provisioning Working with Network Access Devices Cisco ISE TACACS+ Device Administration Configure TACACS+ Device Administration Guidelines and Best Practices Migrating from Cisco ACS to Cisco ISE Labs Lab 1: Access the SISE Lab and Install ISE 2.4 Lab 2 : Configure Initial Cisco ISE Setup, Gui Familiarization and System Certificate Usage  Lab 3: Integrate Cisco ISE with Active Directory Lab 4: Configure Cisco ISE Policy Lab 5: Configure Access Policy for Easy Connect Lab 6: Configure Guest Access Lab 7: Configure Guest Access Operations Lab 8: Create Guest Reports Lab 9: Configure Profiling Lab 10: Customize the Cisco ISE Profiling Configuration Lab 11: Create Cisco ISE Profiling Reports Lab 12: Configure BYOD Lab 13: Blacklisting a Device Lab 14: Configure Cisco ISE Compliance Services Lab 15: Configure Client Provisioning Lab 16: Configure Posture Policies Lab 17: Test and Monitor Compliance Based Access Lab 18: Test Compliance Policy Lab 19: Configure Cisco ISE for Basic Device Administration Lab 20: Configure TACACS+ Command Authorization   [-]
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Nettstudie 2 semester 4 980 kr
På forespørsel
Introduksjon til ITIL v3 med utgangspunkt i tjenestelivssyklusmodellen. Gjennomgang av livssyklusfasene tjenestestrategi, tjenestedesign, tjenesteovergang, tjenesteadmini... [+]
  Studieår: 2013-2014   Gjennomføring: Høst og vår Antall studiepoeng: 5.0 Forutsetninger: Ingen Innleveringer: Av totalt 12 øvinger må 4 tekstbaserte øvinger og 4 flervalgstester (totalt 8 øvinger) være godkjent for å få gå opp til eksamen. Øvingene som blir godkjent må dekke et bredt spekter av de temaene som gjennomgås i emnet. Nærmere opplysninger ved studiestart. Personlig veileder: ja Vurderingsform: Skriftlig, individuell, 3 timer,  Ansvarlig: Knut Arne Strand Eksamensdato: 17.12.13 / 20.05.14         Læremål: KUNNSKAPER:Kandidaten kan:- tegne opp og forklare livssyklusmodellen til ITIL versjon 3- gjengi suksessfaktorer knyttet til innføring av ITIL- forklare hva som menes med begrepene tjenestestrategi, tjenestedesign, tjenesteovergang, tjenesteadministrasjon og kontinuerlig tjenesteforbedring- beskrive utvalgte prosesser som inngår i ITIL-standarden og hvilke arbeidsoppgaver som utføres av de aktuelle prosessene FERDIGHETER:Kandidaten kan:- redegjøre for hvordan utvalgte ITIL-prosesser typisk kan implementeres og forvaltes i en gitt organisasjon- redegjøre for hvordan utvalgte prosesser fungerer sammen og hvilken informasjon som flyter mellom dem- lage en plan for innføring av utvalgte ITIL-prosesser i en konkret bedrift- implementere utvalgte deler av ITIL-standarden i en konkret bedrift GENERELL KOMPETANSE:Kandidaten har:- grunnleggende forståelse av ITIL som beste praksis for drift av IT-systemer- forståelse for at ITIL kan implementeres i små trinn og med noen få prosesser, samt utvides til å være svært omfattende, med mange operative prosesser og funksjoner Innhold:Introduksjon til ITIL v3 med utgangspunkt i tjenestelivssyklusmodellen. Gjennomgang av livssyklusfasene tjenestestrategi, tjenestedesign, tjenesteovergang, tjenesteadministrasjon og kontinuerlig tjenesteforbedring med tilhørende prosesser og funksjoner.Les mer om faget herDemo: Her er en introduksjonsvideo for faget Påmeldingsfrist: 25.08.13 / 25.01.14         Velg semester:  Høst 2013    Vår 2014     Fag ITIL v3 4980,-         Semesteravgift og eksamenskostnader kommer i tillegg.  [-]
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Nettstudie 2 semester 4 980 kr
På forespørsel
Installering av Linux, hva er Linux, distribusjoner, GNU, GPL, Linus Torvalds etc. Historikk, Linux skrivebordsmiljø inkl. Filbehandler, Linux-programmer, kommandobasert ... [+]
Studieår: 2013-2014   Gjennomføring: Høst og vår Antall studiepoeng: 5.0 Forutsetninger: Kunnskaper tilsvarende emnet IINI1001 IT-Introduksjon Innleveringer: 6 av 10 øvinger er obligatoriske. Vurderingsform: 1-timers eksamen på nett av typen flervalgsprøve Ansvarlig: Geir Maribu Eksamensdato: 09.12.13 / 12.05.14         Læremål: KUNNSKAPER:Kandidaten:- kan forklare hva Linux er, dvs. historikk, kultur og hvilken rolle og hvilken påvirkning Linux har i dag.- kan redegjøre for hva som menes med åpen og fri programvare og hvordan Linux er en del av denne kulturen. FERDIGHETER:Kandidaten kan:- installere Linux aleine på maskin, i dualboot med Windows eller inni et virtualiseringssystem.- bruke Linux skrivebordsmiljø (GUI) og tilhørende applikasjoner som et reelt alternativ til MS Windows- bruke kommandogrensesnittet til de vanligste fil- og mappeoperasjonene, og til kommandoer der GUI-et ikke er det beste valget- utføre vanlig systemarbeid på egen Linux-maskin som vedlikehold, installering, oppdatering- vise i praksis hvordan Linux kan integreres med Window og Mac GENERELL KOMPETANSE:Kandidaten:- er bevisst på hva slags utviklingsmiljø Linux er en del av Innhold:Installering av Linux, hva er Linux, distribusjoner, GNU, GPL, Linus Torvalds etc. Historikk, Linux skrivebordsmiljø inkl. Filbehandler, Linux-programmer, kommandobasert Linux, omdirigering, kanaler etc Tilgangsrettigheter, prosesser kommandoskallet, skallprogrammering, filsystemer, installering av programmer, oppdatering, brukere og brukeradministrasjon, remote login, cron-jobber, loggfiler, backupLes mer om faget herDemo: Her er en introduksjonsvideo for faget Påmeldingsfrist: 25.08.13 / 25.01.14         Velg semester:  Høst 2013    Vår 2014     Fag Praktisk Linux 4980,-         Semesteravgift og eksamenskostnader kommer i tillegg.  [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 4 dager 23 000 kr
This course prepares students with the background to design and evaluate cybersecurity strategies in the following areas: Zero Trust, Governance Risk Compliance (GRC), se... [+]
. Students will also learn how to design and architect solutions using zero trust principles and specify security requirements for cloud infrastructure in different service models (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS). TARGET AUDIENCE IT professionals with advanced experience and knowledge in a wide range of security engineering areas, including identity and access, platform protection, security operations, securing data, and securing applications. They should also have experience with hybrid and cloud implementations. COURSE OBJECTIVES Design a Zero Trust strategy and architecture Evaluate Governance Risk Compliance (GRC) technical strategies and security operations strategies Design security for infrastructure Design a strategy for data and applications COURSE CONTENT Module 1: Build an overall security strategy and architecture Learn how to build an overall security strategy and architecture. Lessons M1 Introduction Zero Trust overview Develop Integration points in an architecture Develop security requirements based on business goals Translate security requirements into technical capabilities Design security for a resiliency strategy Design a security strategy for hybrid and multi-tenant environments Design technical and governance strategies for traffic filtering and segmentation Understand security for protocols Exercise: Build an overall security strategy and architecture Knowledge check Summary After completing module 1, students will be able to: Develop Integration points in an architecture Develop security requirements based on business goals Translate security requirements into technical capabilities Design security for a resiliency strategy Design security strategy for hybrid and multi-tenant environments Design technical and governance strategies for traffic filtering and segmentation Module 2: Design a security operations strategy Learn how to design a security operations strategy. Lessons M2 Introduction Understand security operations frameworks, processes, and procedures Design a logging and auditing security strategy Develop security operations for hybrid and multi-cloud environments Design a strategy for Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and Security Orchestration, Evaluate security workflows Review security strategies for incident management Evaluate security operations strategy for sharing technical threat intelligence Monitor sources for insights on threats and mitigations After completing module 2, students will be able to: Design a logging and auditing security strategy Develop security operations for hybrid and multi-cloud environments. Design a strategy for Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and Security Orchestration, A Evaluate security workflows. Review security strategies for incident management. Evaluate security operations for technical threat intelligence. Monitor sources for insights on threats and mitigations. Module 3: Design an identity security strategy Learn how to design an identity security strategy. Lessons M3 Introduction Secure access to cloud resources Recommend an identity store for security Recommend secure authentication and security authorization strategies Secure conditional access Design a strategy for role assignment and delegation Define Identity governance for access reviews and entitlement management Design a security strategy for privileged role access to infrastructure Design a security strategy for privileged activities Understand security for protocols After completing module 3, students will be able to: Recommend an identity store for security. Recommend secure authentication and security authorization strategies. Secure conditional access. Design a strategy for role assignment and delegation. Define Identity governance for access reviews and entitlement management. Design a security strategy for privileged role access to infrastructure. Design a security strategy for privileged access. Module 4: Evaluate a regulatory compliance strategy Learn how to evaluate a regulatory compliance strategy. Lessons M4 Introduction Interpret compliance requirements and their technical capabilities Evaluate infrastructure compliance by using Microsoft Defender for Cloud Interpret compliance scores and recommend actions to resolve issues or improve security Design and validate implementation of Azure Policy Design for data residency Requirements Translate privacy requirements into requirements for security solutions After completing module 4, students will be able to: Interpret compliance requirements and their technical capabilities Evaluate infrastructure compliance by using Microsoft Defender for Cloud Interpret compliance scores and recommend actions to resolve issues or improve security Design and validate implementation of Azure Policy Design for data residency requirements Translate privacy requirements into requirements for security solutions Module 5: Evaluate security posture and recommend technical strategies to manage risk Learn how to evaluate security posture and recommend technical strategies to manage risk. Lessons M5 Introduction Evaluate security postures by using benchmarks Evaluate security postures by using Microsoft Defender for Cloud Evaluate security postures by using Secure Scores Evaluate security hygiene of Cloud Workloads Design security for an Azure Landing Zone Interpret technical threat intelligence and recommend risk mitigations Recommend security capabilities or controls to mitigate identified risks After completing module 5, students will be able to: Evaluate security postures by using benchmarks Evaluate security postures by using Microsoft Defender for Cloud Evaluate security postures by using Secure Scores Evaluate security hygiene of Cloud Workloads Design security for an Azure Landing Zone Interpret technical threat intelligence and recommend risk mitigations Recommend security capabilities or controls to mitigate identified risks Module 6: Understand architecture best practices and how they are changing with the Cloud Learn about architecture best practices and how they are changing with the Cloud. Lessons M6 Introduction Plan and implement a security strategy across teams Establish a strategy and process for proactive and continuous evolution of a security strategy Understand network protocols and best practices for network segmentation and traffic filtering After completing module 6, students will be able to: Describe best practices for network segmentation and traffic filtering. Plan and implement a security strategy across teams. Establish a strategy and process for proactive and continuous evaluation of security strategy. Module 7: Design a strategy for securing server and client endpoints Learn how to design a strategy for securing server and client endpoints. Lessons M7 Introduction Specify security baselines for server and client endpoints Specify security requirements for servers Specify security requirements for mobile devices and clients Specify requirements for securing Active Directory Domain Services Design a strategy to manage secrets, keys, and certificates Design a strategy for secure remote access Understand security operations frameworks, processes, and procedures Understand deep forensics procedures by resource type After completing module 7, students will be able to: Specify security baselines for server and client endpoints Specify security requirements for servers Specify security requirements for mobile devices and clients Specify requirements for securing Active Directory Domain Services Design a strategy to manage secrets, keys, and certificates Design a strategy for secure remote access Understand security operations frameworks, processes, and procedures Understand deep forensics procedures by resource type Module 8: Design a strategy for securing PaaS, IaaS, and SaaS services Learn how to design a strategy for securing PaaS, IaaS, and SaaS services. Lessons M8 Introduction Specify security baselines for PaaS services Specify security baselines for IaaS services Specify security baselines for SaaS services Specify security requirements for IoT workloads Specify security requirements for data workloads Specify security requirements for web workloads Specify security requirements for storage workloads Specify security requirements for containers Specify security requirements for container orchestration After completing module 8, students will be able to: Specify security baselines for PaaS, SaaS and IaaS services Specify security requirements for IoT, data, storage, and web workloads Specify security requirements for containers and container orchestration Module 9: Specify security requirements for applications Learn how to specify security requirements for applications. Lessons M9 Introduction Understand application threat modeling Specify priorities for mitigating threats to applications Specify a security standard for onboarding a new application Specify a security strategy for applications and APIs After completing module 9, students will be able to: Specify priorities for mitigating threats to applications Specify a security standard for onboarding a new application Specify a security strategy for applications and APIs Module 10: Design a strategy for securing data Learn how to design a strategy for securing data. Lessons M10 Introduction Prioritize mitigating threats to data Design a strategy to identify and protect sensitive data Specify an encryption standard for data at rest and in motion After completing module 10, students will be able to: Prioritize mitigating threats to data Design a strategy to identify and protect sensitive data Specify an encryption standard for data at rest and in motion [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 5 dager 33 000 kr
COURSE OVERVIEW The Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) is the most globally recognized certification in the cybersecurity market. CISSP validates a cybersecurity professional’s deep technical and managerial knowledge and experience to effectively design, engineer and manage an organization’s overall security posture. Please note an exam voucher is included as part of this course TARGET AUDIENCE Cybersecurity professionals with at least 5 years in the information security field. Member data has shown that amajority of CISSP holders are in middle management and a much smaller proportion are in senior or junior/entry-level positions. Roles include:• Chief Information Officer• Chief Information Security Officer• Chief Technology Officer• Compliance Manager / Officer• Director of Security• Information Architect• Information Manager / Information RiskManager or Consultant• IT Specialist / Director / Manager• Network / System Administrator• Security Administrator• Security Architect / Security Analyst• Security Consultant• Security Manager• Security Systems Engineer / Security EngineerSectorsCISSP is relevant across all sectors and industries, including:• Aerospace• Automotive• Banking, financial services, insurance (BFSI)• Construction• Cybersecurity• Energy• Engineering• Government• Healthcare, IT products, services, consulting• Manufacturing• Pharma• Retail• Telecom COURSE OBJECTIVESAfter completing this course you should be able to: Understand and apply fundamental concepts and methods related to the fields of information technology and security Align overall organizational operational goals with security functions and implementations. Understand how to protect assets of the organization as they go through their lifecycle. Understand the concepts, principles, structures and standards used to design, implement, monitor and secure operating systems, equipment, networks, applications and those controls used to enforce various levels of confidentiality, integrity and availability. Implement system security through the application of security design principles and application of appropriate security control mitigations for vulnerabilities present in common information system types and architectures. Understand the importance of cryptography and the security services it can provide in today’s digital and information age. Understand the impact of physical security elements on information system security and apply secure design principles to evaluate or recommend appropriate physical security protections. Understand the elements that comprise communication and network security coupled with a thorough description of how the communication and network systems function. List the concepts and architecture that define the associated technology and implementation systems and protocols at Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model layers 1-7. Identify standard terms for applying physical and logical access controls to environments related to their security practice. Appraise various access control models to meet business security requirements. Name primary methods for designing and validating test and audit strategies that support business requirements. Enhance and optimize an organization’s operational function and capacity by applying and utilizing appropriate security controls and countermeasures. Recognize risks to an organization’s operational endeavours and assess specific threats, vulnerabilities and controls. Understand the System Lifecycle (SLC) and the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) and how to apply security to it; identify which security control(s) are appropriate for the development environment; and assess the effectiveness of software security. COURSE CONTENT Domain 1: Security and Risk Management Domain 2: Asset Security Domain 3: Security Architecture and Engineering Domain 4: Communication and Network Security Domain 5: Identity and Access Management (IAM) Domain 6: Security Assessment and Testing Domain 7: Security Operations Domain 8: Software Development Security TEST CERTIFICATION Recommended as preparation for the following exam: (ISC)2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional Gaining this accreditation is not just about passing the exam, there are a number of other criteria that need to be met including 5 years of cumulative, paid work experience in two or more of the eight domains of the (ISC)²® CISSP CBK . Full details can be found at Those without the required experience can take the exam to become an Associate of (ISC)²  while working towards the experience needed for full certification Please note an exam voucher is included as part of this course   [-]
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Oslo 3 dager 21 000 kr
07 Oct
07 Oct
ITIL® Specialist - Drive Stakeholder Value [+]
ITIL® Specialist - Drive Stakeholder Value [-]
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