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Mer enn 100 treff i Kurs i programvare og applikasjoner

3 dager 1 500 kr
PowerPoint 2010 er et presentasjonsprogram som brukes når vi skal vise fram data – enten det er tekst, bilder, tall eller tegninger. [+]
PowerPoint 2010 er et presentasjonsprogram som brukes når vi skal vise fram data – enten det er tekst, bilder, tall eller tegninger. Programmet kan brukes til å lage lysark som skrives ut, eller vi kan vise presentasjonen ved hjelp av PC + videokanon. På kurset vil grunnleggende funksjoner vektlegges, men vi vil og se på hvordan en bygger opp og setter sammen en presentasjon. Forkunnskaper: Du må ha kunnskaper tilsvarende PC-begynnerkurs. Brukere av Powerpoint 2007 kan og følge dette kurset. [-]
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Nettkurs 40 minutter 5 600 kr
MoP®, er et rammeverk og en veiledning for styring av prosjekter og programmer i en portefølje. Sertifiseringen MoP Foundation gir deg en innføring i porteføljestyring me... [+]
Du vil få tilsendt en «Core guidance» bok og sertifiserings-voucher slik at du kan ta sertifiseringstesten for eksempel hjemme eller på jobb. Denne vil være gyldig i ett år. Tid for sertifiseringstest avtales som beskrevet i e-post med voucher. Eksamen overvåkes av en web-basert eksamensvakt.   Eksamen er på engelsk. Eksamensformen er multiple choice - 50 spørsmål skal besvares, og du består ved 50% korrekte svar (dvs 25 av 50 spørsmål). Deltakerne har 40 minutter til rådighet på eksamen.  Ingen hjelpemidler er tillatt.   Nødvendige forkunnskaper: Ingen [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 3 timer 1 600 kr
Med pivottabeller kan du på en rask og elegant måte summere, analysere, granske og presentere dine data med få klikk. [+]
Med pivottabeller kan du på en rask og elegant måte summere, analysere, granske og presentere dine data med få klikk. Har du store mengder data i Excel? Med verktøyet pivottabeller i Excel har du et kraftig verktøy som gjør at du raskt og enkelt sammenfatter hovedtall for store mengder data. I databehandling er en pivottabell et datavisualiseringsverktøy, og i Excel er dette verktøyet ypperlig for å trekke ut konklusjoner fra store mengder data. Blant andre funksjoner kan en pivottabell automatisk sortere, telle, summere totaler eller gjennomsnitt av de data som er lagret i en tabell eller regneark, og resultatene vises i en annen tabell som viser sammenfattet data. Med pivottabeller kan du på en rask og elegant måte summere, analysere, granske og presentere dine data med få klikk. Pivottabeller gir deg en svært effektiv måte å justere hvordan dine resultater skal vises. På basis av dine pivottabeller kan du også opprette flotte pivotdiagrammer som automatisk oppdateres når det gjøres endringer i dine pivottabeller.  Forkunnskap: Du bør være godt kjent med å jobbe i Microsoft Excel tidligere, og ha forståelse for bruk av formler og funksjoner. Hva er en pivottabell Forstå de ulike datatypene i Excel Opprettet pivottabeller basert på lister eller tabeller Jobbe med pivottabellrapporter Bruk av felt Gruppering i pivottabeller Pivottabelldiagrammer Slicers Tidslinjer Oppdatering av pivottabeller Lag egne kalkyler i pivottabeller Formatering og endring av utseende i pivottabeller Datamodeller & spørringer [-]
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Nettkurs 2 timer 1 690 kr
Tekst er ikke alltid best egnet til å kommunisere ditt budskap. Dette webinaret viser deg hvordan du enkelt og effektivt benytter figurer, smart art modeller, diagrammer.... [+]
Tekst er ikke alltid best egnet til å kommunisere ditt budskap. Dette webinaret viser deg hvordan du enkelt og effektivt benytter figurer, smart art modeller, diagrammer, bilder og video. Du får en rekke tips som vil bidra til at du sparer mye tid.  Webinaret varer i 2 timer og består av to økter à 45 min. Etter hver økt er det 10 min spørsmålsrunde. Mellom øktene er det 10 min pause.  Webinaret kan også spesialtilpasses og holdes bedriftsinternt kun for din bedrift.    Kursinnhold:   Innsetting av ulike objekter Figurer og SmartArt Bilder Video - ha kontroll på avspilling   Bruk av diagrammer Koblinger til Excel Håndtere koblinger   Håndtering av objekter Justere og fordele Fordeler og ulemper ved gruppering   3 gode grunner til å delta 1. Lær og justere og fordele objekter effektivt 2. Lag figurmodeller raskt og enkelt 3. Ha kontroll på koblede objekter   [-]
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3 dager 14 900 kr
Kursinnhold In this MoP Foundation & Practitioner Course participants will learn the key aspects of the Management of Portfolios (MoP) methodology. MoP helps organiza... [+]
Kursinnhold In this MoP Foundation & Practitioner Course participants will learn the key aspects of the Management of Portfolios (MoP) methodology. MoP helps organizations ensure if the investments are done in the right change initiatives and implementing them correctly. This is achieved by: Prioritizing the programs and projects in terms of their contribution to the organization’s strategic objectives and overall level of risk. Managing the programs and projects consistently to ensure efficient and effective delivery. Maximizing the benefit by providing the greatest return from the investment made. Audience: Those aimed at those involved in a range of formal and informal portfolio management roles encompassing investment decision making, project and program delivery, and benefits realization. Those involved in the selection and delivery of business change initiatives. Experienced portfolio managers, managing large and complex portfolios of change initiatives. Members of portfolio offices and senior managers (e.g., financial managers, quality managers)  involved in setting strategic goals and giving direction to the organization’s portfolio of changes. Roles: Members of Management Boards Directors of Change Senior Responsible Owners (SROs) Portfolio, program, project, business change and benefits managers Business case writers Project appraisers Learning Objectives:Individuals certified at the MoP Foundation level will have demonstrated their understanding of: Define the scope and objectives of portfolio management and how it differs from program and project management. List the benefits of applying portfolio management. Explain the context it operates in. List the principles successful portfolio management is based on. List the different approaches to implement MoP. List the factors to maintain progress and how to assess the success of portfolio management. State the purpose and key content of the major portfolio documents. Define the scope of key portfolio management roles. Individuals certified at the MoP Practitioner level will have demonstrated their understanding of: Defining the business case to get senior management approval for portfolio management. Planning the implementation of portfolio management. Selecting and adapting MoP principles, practices, and techniques to suit different organizational environments. Evaluating examples of MoP information including documents and role descriptions. Analyzing the solutions adopted in relation to a given scenario. Prerequisites: There are no formal prerequisites. However, candidates are required to have passed the MoP Foundation exam in order to be certified at the Practitioner level. Course Materials:Participants receive a copy of the classroom presentation material and the handbook, which contains reference materials. It is mandatory for participants to have the official Management of Portfolios (MoP) Book. Examination:   Foundation Exam Practitioner Exam   Exam fee is NOK 2.500,- + VAT The Foundation exam is in closed book format. The exam consists of 50 multiple choice questions. A minimum score of 50% is required to pass the exam. The exam lasts 40 minutes. Additional time may be given for certain handicaps, and if the exam is not available in the candidate’s native language. Identification is required.   Exam fee is NOK 3.400,- + VAT  The practitioner exam is in open book format. The exam consists of 8 objective type questions with 10 marks available per question. 40 marks or 50% passing rate is required to pass the exam (out of 80 available). The exam lasts 180 minutes. Additional time may be given for certain handicaps and if the exam is not available in the native language. Identification is required.   Bouvet delivers the MOP® courses in collaboration with ITPreneurs   The MoP Approved Licensed Affiliate logo is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved. [-]
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Oslo 3 dager 27 900 kr
22 May
22 May
21 Aug
Security Engineering on AWS [+]
Security Engineering on AWS [-]
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Nettkurs 2 timer 1 690 kr
Jobber du med store datamengder? Vil du få kontroll over dataene dine? Har du problemer med utskrift fra Excel? Her vil du få kjennskap til en rekke gode metoder for å... [+]
  Jobber du med store datamengder? Vil du få kontroll over dataene dine? Har du problemer med utskrift fra Excel? Her vil du få kjennskap til en rekke gode metoder for å jobbe med lister.  Webinaret kan også spesialtilpasses og holdes bedriftsinternt kun for din bedrift.   Kursinnhold:   Prinsipper for å arbeide med lister  Få med deg råd og regler som gjelder for et godt grunnlag   Effektiv merking og navigasjon   Flere måter å sortere grunnlaget på  Sortering etter verdier Sortering etter cellefarge, skriftfarge og celleikon Sortering etter egendefinert liste   Delsammendrag  Lag enkle rapporter ved å bruke delsammendrag verktøyet Kopiere delsammendrag   Filtrering  Se hvordan du finner relevante data i et stort grunnlag Filtrering etter farge og ikon   Fryse første rad og første kolonne     Skjule / vise rader og kolonner     Utskriftinnstillinger  Tilpass utskrift til en side Gjenta rader eller kolonner ved utskrift av flere sider Tilpass utskriftområdet     [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 5 dager 33 000 kr
VMware Horizon 8: Deploy and Manage is a five-day combination course of VMware Horizon 8: Skills for Virtual Desktop Management & VMware Horizon 8: Infrastructure Adm... [+]
COURSE OVERVIEW . This training collection gives you the hands-on skills to deliver virtual desktops and applications through a single virtual desktop infrastructure platform. You will build on your skills in configuring and managing VMware Horizon® 8 through a combination of lecture and hands-on labs. You learn how to configure and deploy pools of virtual machines and how to provide a customized desktop environment to end-users. Additionally, you will learn how to install and configure a virtual desktop infrastructure platform. You learn how to install and configure VMware Horizon® Connection Server™, VMware Unified Access Gateway™, how to configure a load balancer for use with Horizon, and how to establish Cloud Pod Architecture.  Product Alignment: VMware Horizon 8 V2006 TARGET AUDIENCE Operators, administrators, and architects for VMware Horizon should enroll in this course. These individuals are responsible for the creation, maintenance, and or delivery of remote and virtual desktop services. Additional duties can include the implementation, support, and administration of an organization's end-user computing infrastructure. COURSE OBJECTIVES By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives: Recognize the features and benefits of Horizon Use VMware vSphere® to create VMs to be used as desktops for Horizon Create and optimize Windows VMs to create Horizon desktops Install and configure Horizon Agent on Horizon desktop Configure and manage the VMware Horizon® Client™ systems and connect the client to a VMware Horizon desktop Configure, manage, and entitle desktop pools of full VMs Configure, manage, and entitle pools of instant-clone desktops Create and use Remote Desktop Services (RDS) desktops and application pools Monitor the Horizon environment using Horizon Console Dashboard and Horizon Help Desk Tool Identify Horizon Connection Server installation, architecture, and requirements. Describe the authentication and certification options for a Horizon environment Recognize the integration process and benefits of VMware Workspace ONE® Access™ and Horizon 8 Discuss performance and scalability options available in Horizon 8 Describe different security options for the Horizon environment COURSE CONTENT 1  Course Introduction Introductions and course logistics Course objectives 2  Introduction to VMware Horizon Recognize the features and benefits of Horizon Describe the conceptual and logical architecture of Horizon 3  Introduction to Use Case Define a use case for your virtual desktop and application infrastructure Convert customer requirements to use-case attributes 4  vSphere for Horizon 8 Explain basic virtualization concepts Use VMware vSphere® Client™ to access your vCenter Server system and VMware ESXi™ hosts Create, provision, and remove a virtual machine 5  VMware Horizon Desktops Create a Windows and a Linux virtual machine using vSphere Optimize and prepare Windows and Linux virtual machines to set up Horizon desktop VMs 6  VMware Horizon Agents Outline the configuration choices when installing Horizon Agent on Windows and Linux virtual machines Create a gold master for Windows Horizon desktops 7  VMware Horizon Pools Identify the steps to set up a template for desktop pool deployment List the steps to add desktops to the VMware Horizon® Connection Server™ inventory Compare dedicated-assignment and floating-assignment pools Outline the steps to create an automated pool Define user entitlement Explain the hierarchy of global, pool-level, and user-level policies 8  VMware Horizon Client Options Describe the different clients and their benefits Access Horizon desktop using various Horizon clients and HTML Configure integrated printing, USB redirection, and the shared folders option Configure session collaboration and media optimization for Microsoft Teams 9  Creating and Managing Instant-Clone Desktop Pools List the advantages of instant clones Explain the provisioning technology used for instant clone desktop pools Set up an automated pool of instant clones Push updated images to instant clone desktop pools 10  Creating RDS Desktop and Application Pools Explain the difference between an RDS desktop pool and an automated pool Compare and contrast an RDS session host pool, a farm, and an application pool Create an RDS desktop pool and an application pool Access RDS desktops and application from Horizon Client Use the instant clone technology to automate the build-out of RDSH farms Configure load-balancing for RDSHs on a farm 11  Monitoring VMware Horizon Monitor the status of the Horizon components using the Horizon Administrator console dashboard Monitor desktop sessions using the HelpDesk tool 12  Course Introduction Introductions and course logistics Course objectives 13  Horizon Connection Server Recognize VMware Horizon reference architecture Identify the Horizon Connection Server supported features Identify the recommended system requirements for Horizon Connection Server Configure the Horizon event database Outline the steps for the initial configuration of Horizon Connection Server Discuss the ADAM database as a critical component of Horizon Connection Server installation 14  VMware Horizon Authentication and Certificates Compare the authentication options that Horizon Connection Server supports Describe the Smartcard authentication options that Horizon Connection Server supports Outline the steps to create a Horizon administrator and custom roles Describe the roles available in a Horizon environment Explain the role that certificates play for Horizon Connection Server Install and configure certificates for Horizon Connection Server Install and configure True SSO in a Horizon environment 15  Workspace ONE Access & Virtual Application Management Recognize the features and benefits of Workspace ONE Access Recognize the Workspace ONE Access console features Explain identity management in Workspace ONE Access Explain access management in Workspace ONE Access Describe the Workspace ONE Access directory integration Describe the Workspace ONE Access directory integration Deploy virtual applications with Workspace services 16  VMware Horizon Performance and Scalability Describe the purpose of a replica connection server Explain how multiple Horizon Connection Server instances in a pod maintain synchronization Describe the 3D rendering options available in Horizon 8 List the steps to configure graphics cards for use in a Horizon environment Configure a load balancer for use in a Horizon environment Explain Horizon Cloud Pod Architecture LDAP replication and VIPA Explain Horizon Cloud Pod Architecture scalability options 17  Managing VMware Horizon Security Explain concepts relevant to secure Horizon connections Describe how to restrict Horizon connections. Discuss the benefits of using Unified Access Gateway List the two-factor authentication options that are supported by Unified Access Gateway List Unified Access Gateway firewall rules Describe the situation in which you might deploy Unified Access Gateway instances with one, two, or three network interfaces TEST CERTIFICATION VMware Certified Professional – Desktop and Mobility 2020 (VCP-DTM 2020) [-]
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Nettkurs 2 timer 1 990 kr
Synes du det er uoversiktlig å samarbeide om dokumenter med andre? Vi lærer deg de viktigste funksjonene og metodene for vellykket dokument-samhandling og ferdigstillin..... [+]
Synes du det er uoversiktlig å samarbeide om dokumenter med andre? Vi lærer deg de viktigste funksjonene og metodene for vellykket dokument-samhandling og ferdigstilling av dokumenter. Webinaret varer i 2 timer og består av to økter à 45 min. Etter hver økt er det 10 min spørsmålsrunde. Mellom øktene er det 10 min pause. Webinaret kan også spesialtilpasses og holdes bedriftsinternt kun for din bedrift.   Kursinnhold:   Samarbeidsfunksjoner Spor endringer for å se hvem som har gjort hva Bruk av merknader Sammenligne dokumenter Passordbeskytte dokumenter   Filer i SharePoint, OneDrive for Business og OneDrive Samtidigredigering Versjonering   Før publisering Fjerne skjulte data Fjerne personlig informasjon   3 gode grunner til å velge KnowledgeGroup 1. Best practice kursinnhold 2. Markedets beste instruktører 3. Gratis support [-]
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Oslo Bergen 5 dager 43 500 kr
10 Jun
10 Jun
24 Jun
ENCOR: Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies [+]
ENCOR: Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies [-]
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1 dag 5 900 kr
Ønsker du å lage annonser og bannere med profesjonelt utseende? Da er Adobe Illustrator Grunnkurset for deg! [+]
Vil du jobbe mer effektivt med logoer, figurer, farger og lag? Vil du lære deg mer om verdens beste og mest solide tegneprogram? Da er ”Adobe Illustrator Grunnleggende” kurset for deg! Kurset kan også spesialtilpasses og holdes bedriftsinternt i deres eller våre lokaler.   Kursinnhold   Arbeidsmiljø Vektorgrafikk og punktgrafikk. Hva er forskjellen? Vi ser på fordeler og ulemper med formatene Menyer og paletter. Hva inneholder disse, og hvordan får du fram det du ønsker? Tilpasse arbeidsmiljøet. Flytte på paletter og lagre egne oppsett tilpasset dine behov Ord og uttrykk. Forklaring av vanlige begreper brukt i programmet, på Internett og hos trykkerier Skape og forme figurer og logoer Lage former. Alt fra sirkler og rektangler til helt egendefinerte former Størrelse og form. Tilpasse størrelse og form på figurer Lage logo. Kombinere tekst og figurer og litt tips til logooppbygning\nGruppering. Slå sammen og løse opp figurer i gruppe Fritegning. Jobbe kreativt og produktivt med blyantverktøy Symboler. Lage faste elementer som symboler for å spare tid og jobbe smartere Farger, fyll og strek Fyllfarger. Legge fyllfarger med og uten effekter i figurer Strekfarger. Legge farge, tykkelse og stil på streker og linjer rundt figurer Pensler. Få oversikt over de forskjellige penslene og kontroll på hvordan de kan benyttes. Farger, fyll og strek Fargeprøver. Definere og lagre farger du skal bruke mye og gjøre de lett tilgjengelige Mønstre. Slå sammen former til flotte mønstre som kan heve utseendet på dokumentet Gradering. Få full kontroll på mulighetene med graderinger Annet Lære og løse opp og jobbe med Illustrator filer som er skapt av andre Bildeformat. Litt om de vanligste formatene, størrelse og oppløsning Kreative tekstmuligheter. Vi ser på triks og verktøy som gir deg uante muligheter med tekst Vektorisere bilder. Gjøre om bilder eller logoer til vektorgrafikk Importere tekst. Hvor henter du teksten fra, og hvordan styrer du hvordan teksten skal importeres i Illustrator?   4 gode grunner til å velge KnowledgeGroup 1. Best practice kursinnhold 2. Markedets beste instruktører 3. Små kursgrupper 4. Kvalitets- og startgaranti   [-]
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Webinar + nettkurs 2 dager 9 990 kr
Kurset er rettet mot deg som vil lære å prosjektere Vann- og Avløp i AutoCAD Civil 3D. [+]
Kurset er rettet mot deg som vil lære å prosjektere Vann- og Avløp i AutoCAD Civil 3D. I løpet av kurset gjøres øvelser for alle emner som blir tatt opp. Du vil ved endt kurs kunne bruke programmet til å lage 3D-modeller av terreng og VA-anlegg, hente ut informasjon fra modellen og kunne produsere 2D-arbeidstegninger basert på 3D-modellen. Det følger med norsk kursdokumentasjon som dekker alle aspekter for VA-prosjektering i Civil 3D med Focus CAT VA. Kursinnhold: Bruk av malfiler i henhold til norsk VA-norm og håndbok R700 Brukergrensesnitt for Focus CAT VA Repetisjon av å etablere og arbeide med en terrengmodell Innhenting av eksisterende ledningsnettverk Prosjektere 3D-ledningsnettverk Opptegningsregler i henhold til norm Verktøy for å redigere og modifisere ledningsnettverket Kollisjonskontroll Deleliste og tekniske tabeller/rapporter Overvannsanalyser (Storm and Sanitary analysis) Stikningsdata/maskinstyring 2D-tegninger i plan, profil og tverrprofil Fagmodeller [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 5 dager 35 000 kr
The Implementing Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure course show you how to deploy and manage the Cisco® Nexus® 9000 Series Switches in Cisco Application Centric Inf... [+]
COURSE OVERVIEW ou will learn how to configure and manage Cisco Nexus 9000 Series Switches in ACI mode, how to connect the Cisco ACI fabric to external networks and services, and fundamentals of Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) integration. You will gain hands-on practice implementing key capabilities such as fabric discovery, policies, connectivity, VMM integration, and more. This course is based on ACI Software v5.2 release.   This course helps you prepare to take the exam, Implementing Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure(300-620 DCACI), which leads to CCNP® Data Center and Cisco Certified Specialist – Data Center ACI Implementation certifications. TARGET AUDIENCE Individuals who need to understand how to configure and manage a data center network environment with the Cisco Nexus 9000 Switch operating in ACI Mode.   COURSE OBJECTIVES After completing this course, you should be able to: Describe Cisco ACI Fabric Infrastructure and basic Cisco ACI concepts Describe Cisco ACI policy model logical constructs Describe Cisco ACI basic packet forwarding Describe external network connectivity Describe VMM Integration Describe Layer 4 to Layer 7 integrations Explain Cisco ACI management features COURSE CONTENT Introducing Cisco ACI Fabric Infrastructure and Basic Concepts What Is Cisco ACI? Cisco ACI Topology and Hardware Cisco ACI Object Model Faults, Event Record, and Audit Log Cisco ACI Fabric Discovery Cisco ACI Access Policies Describing Cisco ACI Policy Model Logical Constructs Cisco ACI Logical Constructs Tenant Virtual Routing and Forwarding Bridge Domain Endpoint Group Application Profile Tenant Components Review Adding Bare-Metal Servers to Endpoint Groups Contracts Describing Cisco ACI Basic Packet Forwarding Endpoint Learning Basic Bridge Domain Configuration **** Introducing External Network Connectivity Cisco ACI External Connectivity Options External Layer 2 Network Connectivity External Layer 3 Network Connectivity Introducing VMM Integration VMware vCenter VDS Integration Resolution Immediacy in VMM Alternative VMM Integrations Describing Layer 4 to Layer 7 Integrations Service Appliance Insertion Without ACI L4-L7 Service Graph Service Appliance Insertion via ACI L4-L7 Service Graph Service Graph Configuration Workflow Service Graph PBR Introduction Explaining Cisco ACI Management Out-of-Band Management In-Band Management Syslog Simple Network Management Protocol Configuration Backup Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting Role-Based Access Control Cisco ACI Upgrade Collect Tech Support Labs Validate Fabric Discovery Configure Network Time Protocol (NTP) Create Access Policies and Virtual Port Channel (vPC) Enable Layer 2 Connectivity in the Same Endpoint Group (EPG) Enable Inter-EPG Layer 2 Connectivity Enable Inter-EPG Layer 3 Connectivity Compare Traffic Forwarding Methods in a Bridge Domain Configure External Layer 2 (L2Out) Connection Configure External Layer 3 (L3Out) Connection Integrate Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) With VMware vCenter Using VMware Distributed Virtual Switch (DVS) TEST CERTIFICATION Recommended as preparation for the following exams: 300-620 DCACI - Implementing Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 5 dager 35 000 kr
The Implementing and Operating Cisco Security Core Technologies (SCOR) course helps you prepare for the Cisco® CCNP® Security and CCIE® Security certifications and for se... [+]
COURSE OVERVIEW In this course, you will master the skills and technologies you need to implement core Cisco security solutions to provide advanced threat protection against cybersecurity attacks. You will learn security for networks, cloud and content, endpoint protection, secure network access, visibility and enforcements. You will get extensive hands-on experience deploying Cisco Firepower Next-Generation Firewall and Cisco ASA Firewall; configuring access control policies, mail policies, and 802.1X Authentication; and more.  You will get introductory practice on Cisco Stealthwatch Enterprise and Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud threat detection features. Please note that this course is a combination of Instructor-Led and Self-Paced Study - 5 days in the classroom and approx 3 days of self study. The self-study content will be provided as part of the digital courseware that you will recieve at the beginning of the course and should be part of your preparation for the exam. TARGET AUDIENCE Security individuals who need to be able to implement and operate core security technologies including network security, cloud security, content security, endpoint protection and detection, secure network access, visibility and enforcements. COURSE OBJECTIVES After completing this course you should be able to: Describe information security concepts and strategies within the network Describe common TCP/IP, network application, and endpoint attacks Describe how various network security technologies work together to guard against attacks Implement access control on Cisco ASA appliance and Cisco Firepower Next-Generation Firewall Describe and implement basic email content security features and functions provided by Cisco Email Security Appliance Describe and implement web content security features and functions provided by Cisco Web Security Appliance Describe Cisco Umbrella security capabilities, deployment models, policy management, and Investigate console Introduce VPNs and describe cryptography solutions and algorithms Describe Cisco secure site-to-site connectivity solutions and explain how to deploy Cisco IOS VTI-based point-to-point IPsec VPNs, and point-to-point IPsec VPN on the Cisco ASA and Cisco FirePower NGFW Describe and deploy Cisco secure remote access connectivity solutions and describe how to configure 802.1X and EAP authentication Provide basic understanding of endpoint security and describe AMP for Endpoints architecture and basic features Examine various defenses on Cisco devices that protect the control and management plane Configure and verify Cisco IOS Software Layer 2 and Layer 3 Data Plane Controls Describe Cisco Stealthwatch Enterprise and Stealthwatch Cloud solutions Describe basics of cloud computing and common cloud attacks and how to secure cloud environment   COURSE CONTENT Describing Information Security Concepts (Self-Study) Information Security Overview Managing Risk Vulnerability Assessment Understanding CVSS Describing Common TCP/IP Attacks (Self-Study) Legacy TCP/IP Vulnerabilities IP Vulnerabilities ICMP Vulnerabilities TCP Vulnerabilities UDP Vulnerabilities Attack Surface and Attack Vectors Reconnaissance Attacks Access Attacks Man-In-The-Middle Attacks Denial of Service and Distributed Denial of Service Attacks Reflection and Amplification Attacks Spoofing Attacks DHCP Attacks Describing Common Network Application Attacks (Self-Study) Password Attacks DNS-Based Attacks DNS Tunneling Web-Based Attacks HTTP 302 Cushioning Command Injections SQL Injections Cross-Site Scripting and Request Forgery Email-Based Attacks Describing Common Endpoint Attacks (Self-Study) Buffer Overflow Malware Reconnaissance Attack Gaining Access and Control Gaining Access via Social Engineering Gaining Access via Web-Based Attacks Exploit Kits and Rootkits Privilege Escalation Post-Exploitation Phase Angler Exploit Kit Describing Network Security Technologies Defense-in-Depth Strategy Defending Across the Attack Continuum Network Segmentation and Virtualization Overview Stateful Firewall Overview Security Intelligence Overview Threat Information Standardization Network-Based Malware Protection Overview IPS Overview Next Generation Firewall Overview Email Content Security Overview Web Content Security Overview Threat Analytic Systems Overview DNS Security Overview Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting Overview Identity and Access Management Overview Virtual Private Network Technology Overview Network Security Device Form Factors Overview Deploying Cisco ASA Firewall Cisco ASA Deployment Types Cisco ASA Interface Security Levels Cisco ASA Objects and Object Groups Network Address Translation Cisco ASA Interface ACLs Cisco ASA Global ACLs Cisco ASA Advanced Access Policies Cisco ASA High Availability Overview Deploying Cisco Firepower Next-Generation Firewall Cisco Firepower NGFW Deployments Cisco Firepower NGFW Packet Processing and Policies Cisco Firepower NGFW Objects Cisco Firepower NGFW NAT Cisco Firepower NGFW Prefilter Policies Cisco Firepower NGFW Access Control Policies Cisco Firepower NGFW Security Intelligence Cisco Firepower NGFW Discovery Policies Cisco Firepower NGFW IPS Policies Cisco Firepower NGFW Malware and File Policies Deploying Email Content Security Cisco Email Content Security Overview SMTP Overview Email Pipeline Overview Public and Private Listeners Host Access Table Overview Recipient Access Table Overview Mail Policies Overview Protection Against Spam and Graymail Anti-virus and Anti-malware Protection Outbreak Filters Content Filters Data Loss Prevention Email Encryption Deploying Web Content Security Cisco WSA Overview Deployment Options Network Users Authentication HTTPS Traffic Decryption Access Policies and Identification Profiles Acceptable Use Controls Settings Anti-Malware Protection Deploying Cisco Umbrella (Self-Study) Cisco Umbrella Architecture Deploying Cisco Umbrella Cisco Umbrella Roaming Client Managing Cisco Umbrella Cisco Umbrella Investigate Overview Explaining VPN Technologies and Cryptography VPN Definition VPN Types Secure Communication and Cryptographic Services Keys in Cryptography Public Key Infrastructure Introducing Cisco Secure Site-to-Site VPN Solutions Site-to-Site VPN Topologies IPsec VPN Overview IPsec Static Crypto Maps IPsec Static Virtual Tunnel Interface Dynamic Multipoint VPN Cisco IOS FlexVPN Deploying Cisco IOS VTI-Based Point-to-Point Cisco IOS VTIs Static VTI Point-to-Point IPsec IKEv2 VPN Configuration Deploying Point-to-Point IPsec VPNs on the Cisco ASA and Cisco Firepower NGFW Point-to-Point VPNs on the Cisco ASA and Cisco Firepower NGFW Cisco ASA Point-to-Point VPN Configuration Cisco Firepower NGFW Point-to-Point VPN Configuration Introducing Cisco Secure Remote Access VPN Solutions Remote Access VPN Components Remote Access VPN Technologies SSL Overview Deploying Remote Access SSL VPNs on the Cisco ASA and Cisco Firepower NGFW Remote Access Configuration Concepts Connection Profiles Group Policies Cisco ASA Remote Access VPN Configuration Cisco Firepower NGFW Remote Access VPN Configuration Explaining Cisco Secure Network Access Solutions Cisco Secure Network Access Cisco Secure Network Access Components AAA Role in Cisco Secure Network Access Solution Cisco Identity Services Engine Cisco TrustSec Describing 802.1X Authentication 802.1X and EAP EAP Methods Role of RADIUS in 802.1X Communications RADIUS Change of Authorization Configuring 802.1X Authentication Cisco Catalyst Switch 802.1X Configuration Cisco WLC 802.1X Configuration Cisco ISE 802.1X Configuration Supplicant 802.1x Configuration Cisco Central Web Authentication Describing Endpoint Security Technologies (Self-Study) Host-Based Personal Firewall Host-Based Anti-Virus Host-Based Intrusion Prevention System Application Whitelists and Blacklists Host-Based Malware Protection Sandboxing Overview File Integrity Checking Deploying Cisco AMP for Endpoints (Self-study) Cisco AMP for Endpoints Architecture Cisco AMP for Endpoints Engines Retrospective Security with Cisco AMP Cisco AMP Device and File Trajectory Managing Cisco AMP for Endpoints Introducing Network Infrastructure Protection (Self-Study) Identifying Network Device Planes Control Plane Security Controls Management Plane Security Controls Network Telemetry Layer 2 Data Plane Security Controls Layer 3 Data Plane Security Controls Deploying Control Plane Security Controls (Self-Study) Infrastructure ACLs Control Plane Policing Control Plane Protection Routing Protocol Security Deploying Layer 2 Data Plane Security Controls (Self-Study) Overview of Layer 2 Data Plane Security Controls VLAN-Based Attacks Mitigation STP Attacks Mitigation Port Security Private VLANs DHCP Snooping ARP Inspection Storm Control MACsec Encryption Deploying Layer 3 Data Plane Security Controls (Self-Study) Infrastructure Antispoofing ACLs Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding IP Source Guard Labs Configure Network Settings And NAT On Cisco ASA Configure Cisco ASA Access Control Policies Configure Cisco Firepower NGFW NAT Configure Cisco Firepower NGFW Access Control Policy Configure Cisco Firepower NGFW Discovery and IPS Policy Configure Cisco NGFW Malware and File Policy Configure Listener, HAT, and RAT on Cisco ESA Configure Mail Policies Configure Proxy Services, Authentication, and HTTPS Decryption Enforce Acceptable Use Control and Malware Protection Examine the Umbrella Dashboard Examine Cisco Umbrella Investigate Explore DNS Ransomware Protection by Cisco Umbrella Configure Static VTI Point-to-Point IPsec IKEv2 Tunnel Configure Point-to-Point VPN between the Cisco ASA and Cisco Firepower NGFW Configure Remote Access VPN on the Cisco Firepower NGFW Explore Cisco AMP for Endpoints Perform Endpoint Analysis Using AMP for Endpoints Console Explore File Ransomware Protection by Cisco AMP for Endpoints Console Explore Cisco Stealthwatch Enterprise v6.9.3 Explore CTA in Stealthwatch Enterprise v7.0 Explore the Cisco Cloudlock Dashboard and User Security Explore Cisco Cloudlock Application and Data Security Explore Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud Explore Stealthwatch Cloud Alert Settings, Watchlists, and Sensors TEST CERTIFICATION Recommended as preparation for the following exams: 350-701 - Implementing and Operating Cisco Security Core Technologies (SCOR 350-701)   This is the core exam for the Cisco CCNP Security certification, in order to gain the CCNP Security certification you will also need to pass one of the concentration exams. 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